More than 400,000 people have died from Covid-19

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced Friday that the state is delaying further county reopenings statewide by seven days due to a spike in new Covid-19 cases.

“This is essentially a statewide yellow light,” Brown said during a news conference.

She said that the state was aware there could be a spike in cases as restrictions were lifted. 

“Unfortunately, we are now seeing that happen in several parts of the state in both rural and urban Oregon,” Brown said.

Oregon authorities have put all applications by counties to move into the next phase of reopening on hold for the next week as a result, she said.

Twenty-nine counties are currently in phase two of the reopening process. Three counties are in phase one and have not yet applied for phase two, while three other counties are in phase one and have applied for phase two. Those applications are being put on hold for one week.  

“The virus makes the timelines, we don’t make the timelines,” Brown said. 

The numbers: There were 178 new cases reported statewide Thursday, the largest number in a day since the pandemic began, Oregon Health Authority Director Pat Allen said during the news conference.

The number of newly reported cases increased by 75% in the week ending June 7, according to Allen.

There were 620 new cases of infection last week, an 18% increase from the prior week, Allen said. The percent of positive tests also rose from 1.9% to 3% in the 18,271 tests reported last week, Allen said.

The governor said the increases they are seeing are not concentrated in one area, but are all over the state.



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