Trump accuses Joe Biden of going on an ‘anti-police crusade’ after Louisville unrest

Donald Trump accuses Joe Biden of going on an ‘anti-police crusade’ and calling law enforcement the ‘enemy’ in wake of officers shot in Louisville after Breonna Taylor protests turned violent

President Donald Trump went full ‘law and order’ at his rally Thursday night in Jacksonville, Florida accusing his rival Democratic Joe Biden of going on an ‘anti-police crusade’ and calling law enforcement the ‘enemy.’ 

The president’s comments come on the heels of another night of violence in the United States, as two police officers in Louisville, Kentucky were shot during demonstrations after a Kentucky grand jury brought no charges against Louisville police for Breonna Taylor’s death. 

‘Biden’s anti-police crusade must stop,’ the president demanded. ‘I will always stand with the heroes of law enforcement.’  

President Donald Trump blasted Democrat Joe Biden for going on an 'anti-police crusade' during his rally Thursday night in Jacksonville, Florida

President Donald Trump blasted Democrat Joe Biden for going on an 'anti-police crusade' during his rally Thursday night in Jacksonville, Florida

President Donald Trump blasted Democrat Joe Biden for going on an ‘anti-police crusade’ during his rally Thursday night in Jacksonville, Florida 

Trump described the Democratic ex-vice president as being ‘weak as hell.’ 

‘He surrendered his party to flag burners, rioters and anti-police radicals,’ the president said. 

Trump brought up Wednesday night’s chaos in Kentucky – actually complimenting the state’s Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear for calling up the national guard. 

But then accused Biden of backing the unrest. 

‘Joe, they’re not peaceful!’ Trump yelled. ‘I think he believes it,’ the president smirked. 

Biden has condemned violence and destruction related to this summer’s Black Lives Matter protests getting out of control – but Trump has continued to make the claims anyway. 

Biden tweeted Wednesday, ‘Even amidst the profound grief & anger today’s decision generated, violence is never & can never be the answer.’ 

‘Those who engage in it must be held accountable,’ he said. 

‘Jill & I are keeping the officers shot tonight in Louisville in our prayers. We wish them both a swift & full recovery,’ Biden added.  

But Trump continued to say that he was candidate of law enforcement, while Biden was the candidate of Black Lives Matter – portraying the broader movement as violent and unhinged.   

‘He even described law enforcement as the enemy,’ Trump said of Biden Thursday night, taking Biden’s words warning of the overmilitarization of the police out of context.   

On July 8, the former vice president said, ‘Surplus military equipment for law enforcement: they don’t need that. The last thing you need is an up-armored Humvee coming into a neighborhood – it’s like the military invading.’ 

‘They don’t know anybody; they become the enemy. They’re supposed to be protecting these people,’ Biden said. 



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