Pictured: Newcastle student, 18, who died in drugs-related death

Pictured: Newcastle University student, 18, who was one of two freshers from same halls to die ‘after taking ketamine’ as police make 10 arrests following four drugs-related deaths – as friends say ‘rogue batch of pills’ are being offered for sale

  • Jeni Larmour had just begun studying architecture and urban planning
  • 18-year-old moved from County Armagh to Newcastle University in August
  • Officers are also probing deaths of a woman, 18, man, 21, and another man, 18
  • Drugs are believed to have played a part in all four deaths over the weekend

One of four young people said to have died in drugs-related deaths in North East England over the weekend was today named as an 18-year-old first-year student.

Jeni Larmour, from Newtownhamilton in County Armagh, Northern Ireland, had just begun studying architecture and urban planning at Newcastle University.

An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of supplying a Class B drug and bailed over the death of the teenager, who had only moved to Newcastle in August.

Miss Larmour is thought to have taken ketamine. Police investigating the four deaths in the city have now made ten arrests and carried out searches with drugs dogs. 

Paramedics had rushed to Richardson Road in the city, where the Park View student village halls are located, early on Saturday morning. But Miss Larmour was found unconscious and pronounced dead at the scene, prompting a police investigation.

Her mother Sandra wrote online: ‘My beautiful princess, my best friend’, while a friend said she did not believe she would have taken drugs of her own accord. 

Officers are now probing the deaths of Miss Larmour, another 18-year-old female student from the same halls at Newcastle, a 21-year-old male student at Northumbria University, and an 18-year-old man, who was not a student, in nearby Washington.

Drugs are believed to have played a part in all four deaths. Today, police continued interviewing students in the Pont block and a patrol car was parked outside.

Detectives were today carrying out ‘consent-based’ room searches at student halls with drugs dogs, in collaboration with student wellbeing teams at the university.

Students said drugs were readily available through Snapchat and WhatsApp – and there were rumours of a rogue batch of pills being offered around the campus.

Jeni Larmour, 18, from Newtownhamilton in County Armagh, Northern Ireland, had just begun studying architecture and urban planning at Newcastle University

Jeni Larmour, 18, from Newtownhamilton in County Armagh, Northern Ireland, had just begun studying architecture and urban planning at Newcastle University

Jeni Larmour, 18, from Newtownhamilton in County Armagh, Northern Ireland, had just begun studying architecture and urban planning at Newcastle University

A police specialist search team arrives at the student accommodation on the Richardson Road area of Newcastle this afternoon after an 18-year-old woman was pronounced dead

A police specialist search team arrives at the student accommodation on the Richardson Road area of Newcastle this afternoon after an 18-year-old woman was pronounced dead

A police specialist search team arrives at the student accommodation on the Richardson Road area of Newcastle this afternoon after an 18-year-old woman was pronounced dead

Miss Larmour’s friend Piper Hebditch, 18, a part-time student and football coach from Peterborough, who had known her for two years, was left ‘heartbroken’.

She said: ‘I was shocked and heartbroken, she’s so outgoing and I don’t believe she willingly would have taken any drugs.

How four young people died in ‘drugs-related deaths’ over the weekend in Newcastle 

Saturday, 6.05am: Police received reports of an unresponsive woman at an address on Richardson Road in Newcastle. Jeni Larmour, 18, who was a student at Newcastle University, is believed to have taken a quantity of ketamine and was pronounced dead at the scene. An 18-year-old male was arrested on suspicion of supplying a Class B drug and has since been released on police bail.

Saturday, 3.50pm: Police are called to a report of a cardiac arrest at a property on Coach Road Estate in Washington, where an 18-year-old had allegedly taken a quantity of MDMA and fallen ill. Officers and emergency services attended but the man, who is not a university student, was pronounced dead a short time after. Seven people were arrested in connection with this incident and have been released under investigation.

Sunday, 8.13am: Police were alerted to a report that a 21-year-old student from Northumbria University had taken ill at an address on Melbourne Street, Newcastle. It is suspected he had taken a quantity of MDMA. He was transported to hospital, but died a short time later. A 20-year-old male arrested on suspicion of supplying Class A drugs has since been released on police bail.

Sunday, 1.10pm: Police received a further call to the same building on Richardson Road, where the first woman was found. Another 18-year-old student had died, and it is believed ketamine had been present at the address. An 18-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of supplying a controlled drug and has been bailed.


‘It shocked me that people are putting these dangerous things into circulation it’s horrible. I honestly have no clue (what happened). It was a start of a new chapter for her so I guess we won’t know unless someone knows something.

‘I knew she partied a lot but never heard of her and drugs.’

Miss Hebditch and Miss Larmour met on an Army Cadets Round Britain sailing challenge in August 2018 and became friends straight away.

Miss Hebditch said: ‘When we first arrived it was a bit awkward with the others getting to know each other, but Jeni was super bubbly and amazing she instantly came an said hi and got to know everyone.

‘I loved how open and confident she was, she was such an inspiration to a lot of us but to me especially. She was so enthusiastic even when we were up at 4am in 2C weather in the middle of the Irish Sea. The look of amazement on her face when we saw the seals of dolphins could warm even the coldest of hearts. 

‘She was utterly amazing and will by truly missed by us all. I’ve spoken to her mum, they are heartbroken but are coping, they have so many kind words it helps I’d assume.

‘I’m gutted someone could be taken this soon and in such a cruel and unfair manner. Let her fly high with the angels.’

Royal Navy veteran, Nick Cohen, 42, also met Miss Larmour on the cadets trip in 2018, and has been shocked after hearing the terrible news.

Mr Cohen, a gardener from Suffolk, said: ‘I’ve been made aware that it might have been drug-related and it does surprise me. She just doesn’t seem the type.

‘Maybe it was her first time and they were strong but I wouldn’t want to speculate. Drugs these days are cut with such powerful substances like fentanyl. It’s criminal.

‘The lockdown in the North East was one of the things that crossed my mind. They’re stuck in halls of residence, bored out of their mind, potentially struggling with mental health problems, missing family and they’re a million miles away from home.’

Since the Army Cadets trip in August 2018, Miss Larmour and Mr Cohen had stayed in touch, and he said the teenager had a strong impact on his life.

Suspected drug related deaths took place in Newcastle and Tyne and Wear over the weekend

Suspected drug related deaths took place in Newcastle and Tyne and Wear over the weekend

Suspected drug related deaths took place in Newcastle and Tyne and Wear over the weekend

He said: ‘She was a beautiful girl inside and out. She was lovely – always smiling and could melt any frown and brought the best out in everybody.

‘She was hardworking, intelligent and an absolute pleasure to be around and she was very excited about going to uni.

‘I’ve been in touch with her family and obviously they are struggling. They’re going down to ID her body today and clear out her room at the university.

‘Jeni’s brother has been really supportive. He’s there with her mum and dad is going over today. What a waste. She had a bright future and she made everyone smile, It’s really sad.’

Henry Robson, 18, from Alnwick, Northumberland, lives in the next block to where the two student deaths happened. He said: ‘It’s really sad to start university life this way, for two people to have died.

‘When I arrived there were ambulance lined up outside and word got around about what had happened.

‘Everyone is having to socialise with people on their floor in the halls and everywhere closes at 10pm. It’s a strange start to university life.’

Another student, an 18-year-old psychology student from York, believed the local lockdown may have played a part in the tragedy.

She said: ‘People want the freshers experience but they can’t have it because everything is shutting down at 10pm.

‘Even the local shop closes at 10pm so you can’t get alcohol. I think people might be trying drugs who wouldn’t do otherwise because there’s nothing to do except go back to your flat at the halls.

‘I feel so sorry for these girls and their families, it’s an awful thing to have happened.’

Other friends have been paying tributes to her on social media, describing her as a ‘a beautiful young girl’ and ‘an angel’.

One wrote on Facebook: ‘Jeni Larmour, taken too soon with such a bright future ahead. Sending love to all the family.’

Police at student accommodation on the Richardson Road area of Newcastle this morning, two days after paramedics rushed to the halls on Saturday morning

Police at student accommodation on the Richardson Road area of Newcastle this morning, two days after paramedics rushed to the halls on Saturday morning

Police at student accommodation on the Richardson Road area of Newcastle this morning, two days after paramedics rushed to the halls on Saturday morning

Another added: ‘You’ll be missed greatly Jeni Larmour, it was a pleasure to know you.’ And one message read: ‘Rest in peace gorgeous, taken too soon.’

A further friend said: ‘Heaven’s gained another angel. Sleep tight. Jeni Larmour.’

Meanwhile one student said the deaths had been his mother’s ‘worst fear’ as he headed off to Newcastle University last Friday.

The 18-year-old man said: ‘When the news began reporting the death at the halls my mum was straight on the phone very upset. I didn’t know the girl involved but she could only have been here a matter of days, I only arrived on Friday.

‘I left with warnings from my mum and dad about this exact situation. This was my mum’s worst fear, and there’s been a real feeling of shock around the halls ever since, the atmosphere is very subdued.’

An 18-year-old female student from a neighbouring block said: ‘I’ve seen a video of the guy being arrested outside Block Three after the girl was found unresponsive in the flat she shared.

‘Block Three was immediately locked down by the police and no one was allowed in or out. He was quickly brought out by the police and driven away. 

Police teams on site in Newcastle this afternoon as detectives investigate the four deaths

Police teams on site in Newcastle this afternoon as detectives investigate the four deaths

Police teams on site in Newcastle this afternoon as detectives investigate the four deaths

‘The word around the student village is that a bad batch of pills has been offered around and some people have got hold of them. Lockdown hasn’t helped the situation. 

‘The pubs close at 10pm and people have been going back to their flat in halls to continue the party, which is what I heard happened here.

‘At least one of the others who died are also students. We’re not having what would be a normal freshers’ experience and some people are compensating for that.

‘It’s so sad and I feel really bad for her parents. I haven’t sought out or been offered drugs but I know they’d be easy to come by, I’ve heard people are buying them through Snapchat and WhatsApp.

‘This is everything you are warned about, you don’t know who you’re buying from or what you’re buying.’ 

Northumbria Police chief Inspector Steve Wykes said: ‘This weekend we have seen the tragic loss of four young lives and our thoughts continue to be with the family and friends of those who have sadly died.

A sign saying 'KET' at student halls on the Richardson Road area of Newcastle this morning

A sign saying 'KET' at student halls on the Richardson Road area of Newcastle this morning

A sign saying ‘KET’ at student halls on the Richardson Road area of Newcastle this morning

‘Although our investigations are at an early stage and we continue to establish the circumstances around these tragedies, we want to reiterate our warning to people against taking drugs for recreational use. The consequences could cost you your life.

‘We will continue to work with both universities and will be increasing our patrols in the areas where these tragedies have occurred.’

He added: ‘We would urge anyone with any information in relation to these tragedies to come forward – even the smallest piece of information could help us.

‘If anyone has any information about who has supplied the drugs in question then we would also encourage them to contact us at the earliest opportunity.’  

A Newcastle University spokesman said: ‘We are shocked and saddened to learn of the death of one of our students and our welfare teams are offering support to those affected.

‘This is not Covid-related and as this is an active police investigation, we are unable to provide further comment at this time.’

Yesterday morning a 21-year-old man was taken ill at an address on Melbourne Street in Newcastle, and later died in hospital.  

Another sign saying 'SOS' at the student halls in Newcastle is pictured this morning

Another sign saying 'SOS' at the student halls in Newcastle is pictured this morning

Another sign saying ‘SOS’ at the student halls in Newcastle is pictured this morning

A Northumbria Police spokesman said: ‘At 8.13am (yesterday) police were informed by the ambulance service that a man had taken ill at an address in Melbourne Street in Newcastle.

‘Emergency services attended but sadly the man – aged 21 – was later pronounced dead at hospital. Enquiries into the circumstances around his death are ongoing. 

‘His next of kin have been informed and are being supported by specialist officers at this time. The investigation is at an early stage but this is not believed to be Covid-19 related death.’

Newcastle University vice-chancellor Chris Day issued an email warning to students, saying: ‘I know how different the start of this term has been and that it is exciting to be back at university with your friends after the last six months. But your safety is in your hands.

‘If you drink, then make sure you do so sensibly and that you look after each other. Remember, it is against the law to take and supply drugs and it is also extremely dangerous.

‘Batches of drugs can vary in purity and strength and are potentially lethal, and mixing drugs with alcohol further increases this risk.’ 

Anyone who has information about the drugs should still contact Northumbria Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111



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