Book by Trump exec claims he ‘joked to Jews about ovens’ and ‘banned black people from his lobby’ 

‘I don’t want people to think Trump Tower is being built by black people’: Former Trump executive claims in new book he ‘made her fire a pregnant woman’, ‘joked to Jewish businessmen about ovens’ and ‘banned black people from his lobby’ 

  • Barbara Res, who worked for Donald Trump for 18 years, has accused Trump of a catalogue of racist, sexist and anti-Semitic behavior 
  • The explosive claims are made in Res’ bombshell new book ‘Tower of Lies’ which is due for release on October 20  
  • Res claims he once raged at her for having black construction workers building Trump Tower and told her to ‘get him [a black man] off there right now’ 
  • On another occasion he was reportedly outraged when a young black job applicant came into the lobby of one of his buildings for a job interview
  • ‘I don’t want black kids sitting in the lobby where people come to buy million-dollar apartments!’ she says he shouted at her
  • Res says Trump showed ‘contempt’ for women and ‘publicly belittled’ Ivana 
  • She claims he also refused to allow her secretary to attend important meetings because of her looks
  • Res’ book also reveals a time Trump allegedly made jokes about the gas chambers to Jewish executives in reference to a German colleague

A former longtime Trump executive has claimed the president once made her fire a woman for being pregnant, joked to Jewish businessmen about ‘the ovens’ and banned black people from the lobbies of his buildings. 

Barbara Res has accused Donald Trump of a catalogue of racist, sexist and anti-Semitic behavior spanning the 18 years she worked for him as the construction boss for Trump Tower.

She claims he once raged at her when he saw a black construction worker building the New York City complex saying he didn’t want ‘people to think Trump Tower is being built by black people.’ 

Res also recalls several sexist incidents where he showed ‘contempt’ for women including him refusing to allow her secretary to attend important meetings because of her looks and ‘publicly belittling’ his then-wife Ivana.  

The explosive claims are made in Res’ bombshell new book ‘Tower of Lies’ due for release on October 20, and which the Los Angeles Times obtained a copy of ahead of its release.  

The allegations of racism come as Trump attempts to drum up support from black voters with just two weeks to go until the election. 

A former longtime Trump executive has claimed the president once made her fire a woman for being pregnant, joked to Jewish businessmen about 'the ovens' and banned black people from the lobbies of his buildings. Barbara Res and Trump in an undated image

A former longtime Trump executive has claimed the president once made her fire a woman for being pregnant, joked to Jewish businessmen about 'the ovens' and banned black people from the lobbies of his buildings. Barbara Res and Trump in an undated image

A former longtime Trump executive has claimed the president once made her fire a woman for being pregnant, joked to Jewish businessmen about ‘the ovens’ and banned black people from the lobbies of his buildings. Barbara Res and Trump in an undated image 

In the book, Res recalls at least two separate incidents where Trump is outraged at black people simply being in or around the buildings he owns.

On one occasion, Res said Trump shouted at her to get rid of a black man working on the construction site of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.   

‘Get him off there right now,’ he reportedly said, ‘And don’t ever let that happen again. 

‘I don’t want people to think that Trump Tower is being built by black people.’ 

In a separate incident, Trump was reportedly outraged when a young black job applicant came into the lobby of one of his buildings for a job interview.   

‘Barbara, I don’t want black kids sitting in the lobby where people come to buy million-dollar apartments!’ she claims he shouted at her.  

‘Bigotry and bias control Donald’s view of the world, even the so-called positive stereotypes, which are just as damaging, like saying the Japanese (whom he seems to despise) are smarter than Americans,’ Res claims in the book.  

The details of Trump’s alleged racist behavior come as racial equality is a hot topic among voters in the upcoming election.

Protests have been building nationwide demanding an end to systemic racism and reform to law enforcement following multiple cop killings of black men and women across America. 

Trump has repeatedly hit out at Black Lives Matter protesters who are calling for change branding them ‘left-wing mobs’ and has encouraged federal agents to deploy heavy-handed tactics against them.  

Barbara Res has accused Donald Trump of a catalogue of racist, sexist and anti-Semitic behavior in her bombshell new book 'Tower of Lies'

Barbara Res has accused Donald Trump of a catalogue of racist, sexist and anti-Semitic behavior in her bombshell new book 'Tower of Lies'

Barbara Res has accused Donald Trump of a catalogue of racist, sexist and anti-Semitic behavior in her bombshell new book ‘Tower of Lies’

On Saturday, Trump’s first public event since his COVID-19 diagnosis was held with Candace Owens’ Blexit group, a campaign urging black Americans to shift their support from Democrats to Republicans, where he claimed he has achieved great things for black communities across America.

As well as derision of black people, Res’ book also points to anti-Semitic behavior from the president.

In it, Res recounts a time Trump allegedly made jokes about the gas chambers to Jewish executives in reference to a German colleague. 

The longtime exec says Trump hired a German residential manager because his heritage made him ‘especially clean and orderly.’

The future president then joked in front of Jewish executives that ‘this guy still reminisces about the ovens, so you guys better watch out for him,’ she wrote. 

The explosive memoir of her time working for Trump also details several incidents where she said he was disparaging of women.  

Res claims Trump would often boast of his sexual escapades and talk graphically about women’s appearances. 

She says he wouldn’t allow Res’ secretary to attend important meetings because she didn’t look like a model.  

On one occasion, on a business trip to Los Angeles for a potential real estate development, Res says Trump turned a conversation about different neighborhoods into a discussion about the bodies of women in those areas.

Trump said women in Marina del Rey had ‘tighter asses’ than women in Beverly Hills or Bel Air, Res claims.

Trump in 1980 holding a model of Trump Tower. Res claims he once raged at her for having black construction workers building Trump Tower and told her to 'get him [a black man] off there right now'

Trump in 1980 holding a model of Trump Tower. Res claims he once raged at her for having black construction workers building Trump Tower and told her to 'get him [a black man] off there right now'

Trump in 1980 holding a model of Trump Tower. Res claims he once raged at her for having black construction workers building Trump Tower and told her to ‘get him [a black man] off there right now’

Res was the construction boss for Trump Tower. She says he was outraged when a young black job applicant came into the lobby of one of his buildings for a job interview. 'I don't want black kids sitting in the lobby where people come to buy million-dollar apartments!' he said

Res was the construction boss for Trump Tower. She says he was outraged when a young black job applicant came into the lobby of one of his buildings for a job interview. 'I don't want black kids sitting in the lobby where people come to buy million-dollar apartments!' he said

Res was the construction boss for Trump Tower. She says he was outraged when a young black job applicant came into the lobby of one of his buildings for a job interview. ‘I don’t want black kids sitting in the lobby where people come to buy million-dollar apartments!’ he said

One of the most shocking allegations purporting to his treatment of women is that he forced Res to fire a woman because she was pregnant. 

Res says Trump was never sexist toward her but that she regularly saw his ‘contempt’ for other women including Ivana Trump. 

‘His regard for himself had increased exponentially, as had his contempt for women,’ Res claims. 

‘His sexism never extended to me, but it did to many others – including his wife Ivana, whom he would publicly belittle – and I came to see that I was the exception rather than the rule.’ 

Other anecdotes from her 18-year tenure working for the future president include the time Trump reportedly threw a lavish ‘topping out’ party in 1982 to celebrate the completion of Trump Tower but refused to allow construction workers to attend it. 

Res says Trump hit back at the idea of inviting construction workers – despite these parties typically being thrown for them.

‘Construction workers? I don’t want the construction workers,’ Trump said, before grudgingly allowing ‘just the foreman,’ the book claims.   

Trump instead wanted people of prominence there and persuaded the New York City mayor and state governor to attend the event, says Res. 

Res claims this shows Trump ‘can’t stand’ the American working people who make up a significant part of his voters.

‘[He] was well aware of the public relations benefit of being liked by ‘the common man,’ and he exploited it, a behavior he continues to this day,’ she writes.  

This comes as Trump has tried to position himself as the man of the working people. 

Res also claims Trump set his sights on the White House decades ago.

‘These politicians don’t know anything,’ he said one time, she says.

‘Maybe I should run for president. Wouldn’t that be something?’  

Res warns the American people not to vote Trump in for a second term saying she believes his behavior is now even worse than back when she worked for him. 

She claims the underhanded business tactics he used 40 years ago are now very much alive in the White House today.  

‘The seeds of who he is today were planted back when I worked with him,’ Res writes. 

‘He was able to control others, through lies and exaggeration, with promises of money or jobs, through threats of lawsuits or exposure. 

Res urged Americans not to vote Trump in a second term. Trump at his Florida event today

Res urged Americans not to vote Trump in a second term. Trump at his Florida event today

Res urged Americans not to vote Trump in a second term. Trump at his Florida event today

‘He surrounded himself with yes-men, blamed others for his own failures, never took responsibility, and always stole credit. 

‘These tactics are still at work, just deployed at the highest levels of the US government, with all the corruption and chaos that necessarily ensue.’ 

Res goes on to describe how staff would often pretend to carry out his ‘harebrained ideas or outrageous demands’ to placate him but not carry them out. 

She also says she would advise subcontractors to give Trump higher prices so he could ‘feel like he had won something’ by negotiating them down.

Res compares his business dealings to cheating in a game of Monopoly.   

‘Imagine if you cheated,’ she writes. 

‘You took money from the bank, skipped spaces, put houses on your properties when no one was looking, and took everyone else’s houses. Would you win?’ 

Res claims: ‘It’s not hard to look at the trajectory of his entire life and spot an unmistakable pattern: The bigger he got as a name, the smaller he got as a person.’  

Trump’s campaign has dismissed the allegations made in the new book. 

‘This is transparently a disgruntled former employee packaging a bunch of lies in a book to make money,’ said Tim Murtaugh, communications director for Trump’s campaign, reported the Times. 

Res worked for Trump for 18 years from 1978, eventually becoming the executive vice president and senior vice president at the Trump Organization.

She oversaw the renovation of The Plaza Hotel for Trump and the construction of Trump Tower.

Res first broke her silence about Trump’s behavior back in 2016 when he was running for president.

At the time, Trump held Res up as an example of ‘how great he’s going to be for women’ – as he faced multiple accusations of sexual assault from multiple women and was overheard on a 2005 Access Hollywood hot mic saying he ‘grabbed [women] by the p****’. 

Res said in 2016 she believed Trump was ‘absolutely’ capable of sexual assault and called him a ‘blatant sexist.’    

Res’ new tell-all book about the inner workings of the Trump empire comes hot on the heels of a series of other bombshell books from the president’s former close associates this year including his former aide Michael Cohen, former national security adviser John Bolton, estranged niece Mary Trump, and journalist Bob Woodward.

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