Johnny Depp LOSES libel trial against Amber Heard and The Sun

Judge brands Johnny Depp ‘a monster’ who DID beat ex-wife Amber Heard 12 times as he loses £5m ‘wife-beater’ libel trial – but his lawyers call ruling ‘bewildering’ and say they will appeal

  • Johnny Depp, 57, has lost his long-running libel battle with his ex-wife Amber Heard and The Sun newspaper 
  • The star’s reputation lies in tatters after London’s High Court found he did beat Heard during their marriage 
  • Lawyers for Aquaman star Heard said today that they were ‘not surprised’ by the judgement in her favour
  • Calling ruling ‘perverse’ and ‘bewildering’, Depp’s lawyer said it would be ‘ridiculous’ for the star not to appeal
  • Depp sued The Sun over a 2018 article with the headline: ‘Gone Potty: How can JK Rowling be ‘genuinely happy’ casting wife beater Johnny Deppin the new Fantastic Beasts film?’ 
  • He said the allegations had cost him his role as Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean films 
  • The trial was told of Depp’s incredible drinking and cocaine binges, his lavish spending and jet set lifestyle
  • In his ruling, the judge dismissed Depp’s claim saying the publisher proved the article to be ‘substantially true’


A judge today branded Johnny Depp ‘a monster’ who had battered Amber Heard 12 times – as the Hollywood star lost his sensational £5million ‘wife-beater’ libel battle.

The Pirates of the Caribbean star called the judgment ‘perverse’ and ‘bewildering’ as he vowed the appeal the ruling after his high-stakes battle against his ex-wife Heard and The Sun newspaper.

The Hollywood icon’s reputation lies in tatters after the damning ruling in which the High Court judge accepted that he had hit the Aquaman star a dozen times over a turbulent three-year period.  

Following a sensational 16-day trial London‘s High Court Mr Justice Nicol said he accepted that the 57-year-old Pirates of the Caribbean actor became a ‘monster’ when he binged on drink and drugs. 

Jubilant Heard’s lawyers said today they were ‘not surprised’ by her stunning victory in which the judge found she had been beaten by the actor while he was out of control on cocaine, pills and booze. 

But Depp’s lawyers blasted the judge, saying, calling the ruling ‘as perverse as it is bewildering’. 

In a statement, the raging actor’s lawyers Schillings said: ‘Most troubling is the Judge’s reliance on the testimony of Amber Heard, and corresponding disregard of the mountain of counter-evidence from police officers, medical practitioners, her own former assistant, other unchallenged witnesses and an array of documentary evidence which completely undermined the allegations, point by point. All of this was overlooked. 

‘The judgment is so flawed that it would be ridiculous for Mr Depp not to appeal this decision.’ 

The result leaves Depp facing financial ruin, although neither party comes out of the tawdry spectacle completely untarnished as the court was told of allegations of drug-taking and infidelity on both sides.

Depp sued the Sun’s publisher, News Group Newspapers (NGN), and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over an article published in the Sun in April 2018 that originally carried the headline ‘Gone Potty: How can JK Rowling be ‘genuinely happy’ casting wife beater Johnny Depp in the new Fantastic Beasts film?’

Heard, 34, who was the newspaper’s chief witness, tearfully told the court of 14 occasions during their toxic relationship when he assaulted her, providing graphic details of his drink and drugs-fuelled attacks.

Mr Justice Nicol threw out the fallen actor’s claim, saying the publisher had proved what was in the article to be ‘substantially true’.

The judge concluded that Depp had beaten Heard 12 out of the 14 times she had claimed, beginning in 2013 when he slapped the actress across the face when she made a comment about his ‘Winona Forever’ tattoo. 

He dismissed two allegations made by Heard in 2014 and 2015 – but said he couldn’t conclude she had been untruthful about it.

In dismissing Depp’s claims, the judge said: ‘The claimant has not succeeded in his action for libel.

‘Although he has proved the necessary elements of his cause of action in libel, the defendants have shown that what they published in the meaning which I have held the words to bear was substantially true.

‘I have reached these conclusions having examined in detail the 14 incidents on which the defendants rely as well as the overarching considerations which the claimant submitted I should take into account.’

Amber Heard was victorious in her bitter libel trail with ex-husband Johnny Depp who the High Court ruled hit her 12 times during their relationship

Amber Heard was victorious in her bitter libel trail with ex-husband Johnny Depp who the High Court ruled hit her 12 times during their relationship

Johnny Depp, 57, today lost his bitter High Court fight with Heard and The Sun newspaper over claims that he is a wife-beater. He called the decision 'bewildering'

Johnny Depp, 57, today lost his bitter High Court fight with Heard and The Sun newspaper over claims that he is a wife-beater. He called the decision 'bewildering'

Johnny Depp (right), 57, today lost his bitter High Court fight with Amber Heard (left) and The Sun newspaper. The court found Depp was ‘wife beater’ following a sensational 16-day trial which lifted the lid on the fallen Hollywood icon’s chaotic lifestyle

Heard looked happy and relaxed this morning as she was pictured in Los Angeles taking her dog for a walk before the verdict

Heard looked happy and relaxed this morning as she was pictured in Los Angeles taking her dog for a walk before the verdict

Heard was also seen on Saturday out shopping for groceries near her LA home as she awaited the outcome of her high stakes trial in London

Heard was also seen on Saturday out shopping for groceries near her LA home as she awaited the outcome of her high stakes trial in London

Heard looked happy and relaxed this morning (left) as she was pictured in Los Angeles taking her dog for a walk before the verdict. The actress was also seen on Saturday in LA out shopping for groceries with her thoughts on the case in London


1. Early 2013

 Heard says Depp was completely sober until early 2013, and around that time he allegedly hit her for the first time when they were in Los Angeles.

 He slapped across the face when she made a comment about his ‘Winona Forever’ tattoo, which he changed to ‘Wino Forever’ when they split up.

She claims Depp later cried and apologised, telling her that he sometimes turns into ‘the monster’ when he snaps.  

The judge said: ‘Seen in isolation, the evidence that Mr Depp assaulted Ms Heard on this occasion might not be sufficient. However, taken with the evidence as a whole, I find that it did occur.’

2. March 8, 2013

 Heard claims Depp was angry she had hung up a painting by her ex-partner Tasya Van Ree by her bed in her LA home, then tried to set the painting on fire and hit her ‘so hard that blood from her lip ended up on the wall’.

The judge said: ‘Overall, I conclude that Mr Depp did assault Ms Heard as she and the Defendants have alleged in Incident 2.’

3. June 2013

Heard and Depp were in Hicksville, US with a group of people including Heard’s sister Whitney and Depp’s assistant Nathan Holmes.

 Heard says Depp, who was ‘taking drugs’, became ‘enraged’ and ‘jealous’ when one of her friends touched her, and he then threw glasses at her, ripped her dress and damaged the cabin they were staying in.

The judge said: ‘The argument and the damage to property are symptomatic of Mr Depp’s manner when ‘the monster’ side of his personality was dominant. v) I also accept the evidence of Ms Heard that another aspect of ‘the monster’ was that Mr Depp physically assaulted her as she described.’

4. May 24, 2014

The pair took a private plane from Boston to LA: Heard says that during the flight Depp, who had been drinking heavily, threw objects at her, pushed a chair at her, slapped her and kicked her in the back before passing out in the toilet.

The judge said: ‘These verbal insults became, in the course of the flight, physical abuse.’  

5. August 17, 2014

The couple went to the Bahamas, Depp says to ‘cure his dependence on painkillers’, although Heard claims he was trying to give up other drugs too.

 Heard says Depp had ‘several manic episodes’ and his private doctor had to be flown over to help. She alleges that he slapped, kicked and grabbed by the hair during an attack.

The judge said: ‘I find it more likely than not that Mr Depp did push Ms Heard on at least one occasion. I am not able to conclude whether there was more than this one assault.’ 

6. December 17, 2014

Heard says Depp was ‘violent towards’ her in LA, and later texted calling himself a ‘f****** savage’ and a ‘lunatic’.  Depp denies any allegation of violence and says NGN has ‘failed to provide any particulars of the alleged violence’.

But the judge said: ‘In conclusion I am not persuaded that Incident 6 constituted a physical assault of Ms Heard by Mr Depp.’ 

7. January 25, 2015

While the couple were in Tokyo, Japan, Heard claims Depp shoved and slapped her and grabbed her by the hair, before standing over her and shouting while she was on the floor.

The judge said: ‘I conclude that Mr Depp did assault Ms Heard as she and the Defendants have alleged in Incident 7.’      

8. Around March 3-5, 2015

Depp is said to have repeatedly assaulted Heard after an argument over his alleged use of MDMA during a three-day trip to Australia. She says he stayed up all night, taking pills and drinking, and then attacked her again the next morning.

Heard says, the following night, Depp pushed her into a table tennis table, tore off her nightgown and attacked her, before smashing a telephone into a wall and severing the top of his middle finger.

She also claims he had written messages to her around the house in a mixture of paint and blood from his finger, which Depp admits doing while ‘in shock’, as well as having ‘urinated all over the house in an attempt to write messages’, which he denied.

The judge said: ‘I accept Ms Heard’s evidence that she was angered or concerned by Mr Depp’s excessive drinking and consumption of controlled drugs. Her father had been an alcoholic and had physically abused her mother as a result. I accept her evidence that she feared Mr Depp was set on the same path. By the time of Incident 8, I MR JUSTICE NICOL Approved Judgment Depp v NGN and Wootton have found that she herself had been the victim of Mr Depp’s violence. That would have been a further cause of her concern.’  

9. March 2015

 Heard says Depp became ‘enraged’ when they were in LA with her sister and began destroying things in the house before hitting her ‘hard and repeatedly’. She also claims he tried to push her sister down the stairs before hitting Heard again.

The judge said: ‘In short, I accept that Mr Depp did assault Ms Heard as she and the Defendants have alleged in Incident 9.’

10. August 2015

While they were on the Eastern and Oriental Express in south east Asia, Heard alleges Depp ‘picked a fight’ with her, hit her and pushed her against a wall by the throat, ‘causing her to fear for her life’ – which is denied by Depp.

The judge said: ‘I accept that Ms Heard was assaulted by Mr Depp as she and the Defendants have alleged in Incident 10. I accept that she feared for her life on this occasion.’ 

11. November 26, 2015

In LA, Depp is alleged to have ripped Heard’s shirt and ‘threw her around the room’, also throwing a wine glass and a ‘heavy glass decanter’ at her, as well as pushing her over a chair which caused her to bang her head against a wall. Depp says they were in LA for Thanksgiving, but denies any allegation of abuse.

The judge said he couldn’t make a judgement on this allegation because it had never been put to Depp while he was giving evidence. 

12. December 15, 2015

Heard claims Depp threw a decanter at her in their penthouse in LA, then slapped her and dragged her through the apartment by her hair, allegedly pulling ‘large chunks of hair’ from Heard’s scalp.

She says he then followed her upstairs and pushed her to the floor while shouting ‘you think you’re a f****** tough guy’ before headbutting her.

 Heard says that when she told Depp she wanted to leave him he grabbed her and screamed: ‘I f****** will kill you – I’ll f****** kill you, you hear me?’

The judge said: ‘I accept that Mr Depp assaulted Ms Heard as she and the Defendants have alleged in Incident 12.’

13. April 21, 2016

Heard says Depp arrived at her birthday party at their LA home late, ‘drunk and high on drugs’ and they had an argument after the guests had left.

She claims he threw a bottle of champagne at her and shoved her to the floor several times before leaving a note reading: ‘Happy F****** Birthday.’

Depp says he arrived at the party around two hours late following a meeting with his new business manager and accountants, and that he was not on drugs but ‘shocked from what he had learnt at the meeting about his business affairs’.

He claims Heard had been ‘drinking heavily’ and attacked him while he was reading in bed, punching him in the face four times before he grabbed her arms to stop her.

The judge said: ‘He assaulted Ms Heard as he had done on previous occasions when he was stressed.’ 

Depp says the next day Heard or one of her friends ‘defecated in Mr Depp’s and Ms Heard’s bed’, and that Heard later told the building manager Kevin Murphy that it was ‘just a harmless prank’ – at which he point he ‘then resolved to divorce Ms Heard’.

14. May 21, 2016

Depp arrived at their LA apartment, allegedly ‘drunk and high’ while Heard was there with friends. 

Heard said Depp became ‘very angry’, throwing her phone at her and hitting her in the eye before smashing ‘everything he could’ with a magnum of champagne.

The judge found: ‘I reach the view that Mr Depp did assault Ms Heard as she alleges in Incident 14 despite the testimony of the witnesses who I have previously listed.’ 


Heard’s legal team are now looking ahead to a second, $50million libel suit in the US in May where Depp is suing Heard over a column she wrote on being the victim of domestic violence in the Washington Post. 

‘For those of us present for the London High Court trial, this decision and Judgment are not a surprise,’ they said in a statement.

‘Very soon, we will be presenting even more voluminous evidence in the U.S. We are committed to obtaining Justice for Amber Heard in the U.S. Court and defending Ms Heard’s Right to Free Speech.’

A spokesperson for the newspaper said: ‘The Sun has stood up and campaigned for the victims of domestic abuse for over 20 years.

‘Domestic abuse victims must never be silenced and we thank the judge for his careful consideration and thank Amber Heard for her courage in giving evidence to the court.’

The defeat leaves Depp, who told the court he had lost $650million through financial mismanagement at the height of his Pirates of the Caribbean fame, facing legal fees of £5million – with his costs estimated to be £3m and The Sun’s costs believed to be a fraction less at £2m. 

The Sun will now submit their costs for the case to the court and, as the loser, Depp will pick up the bill.

Meanwhile PR experts today warned the star faces an uphill battle to restore his battered reputation.

Mark Borkowski said for the star to resume his career would be the equivalent of ‘climbing Mt Everest without oxygen, barefoot and in his underpants’.

He said: ‘His reputation is in tatters. Having lost this libel case he will always be known as a wife beater. Whenever he is interviewed by a journalist, he will be asked about this and if he is a wife beater.

‘It does not get any worse for him. Hollywood is very corporate and risk adverse with its money. Those making film franchises will not want to take the risk. This is a personal disaster for him. For him to come back will be the equivalent of climbing Mt Everest without oxygen, in his underpants and barefoot. That’s how hard it will be.’

Borkowski, who clients include Noel Edmunds and Led Zepplin star Jimmy Plant, said Depp’s one hope was his huge worldwide fan base who will support him despite the verdict in the High Court.

‘Don’t write him off just yet. He is still very popular, so I would never say never that he will come back. He has a huge fan base who will still support him.’

The case has divided Depp and Heard fans, with the hashtag JusticeForJohnnyDepp trending on Twitter with supporters of the Hollywood icon claiming he had suffered a miscarriage of justice, while describing him as a survivor of ‘domestic violence.’

One passionate fan posted: ‘Proud of Johnny Depp standing strong against all the abusers, the corruption and the lies.’

Another fumed: ‘Despite the risks, Johnny Depp told the truth on the stand….Amber Heard lied unashamedly.’

One die-hard Depp fan fumed: ‘I’m so furious. My body doesn’t know how to react. The evidence was CRYSTAL CLEAR. The truth means nothing.’

While Depp’s fans dominated social media with their outbursts, Heard’s supporters were also making themselves heard.

One posted: ‘I, for one am happy for Amber Herd, after all she’s been through.’

Another said: ‘Justice is served, I just feel sad that Amber has to relive the trauma.’

During the dramatic three-week trial, fans were given a rare glimpse into the troubled life of one of Hollywood’s most flamboyant A-list couples as it heard a series of astonishing claims:  

  • Depp admitting to taking large amounts of cocaine, which he insisted ‘brought him to a normal level,’ and drinking more than ‘normal’ people could; 
  • Heard was accused of defecating in their marital bed;
  • Heard was accused of having an affair with Tesla billionaire Elon Musk, which she denied, and that Depp threatened to cut his penis off;
  • Depp lost a staggering $650 million (£502,000) he made at the height of his Pirates of the Caribbean fame and was left owing $100m (£77,000) in taxes;
  • Depp admitted to spending $30,000 (£23,000) on red wine each month;
  • Depp ‘attacked’ Heard over three days in Australia while on a drugs and booze bender;

Depp denied all the allegations, claiming all the Aquaman actress’s claims were a ‘hoax’ – and accused her of attacking him.

Depp’s description of his ex-wife as a ‘gold-digger’, was also thrown out by the judge, saying: ‘I do not accept this characterisation of Ms Heard.’ 

Both Depp and Heard gave evidence in what was dubbed ‘the libel trial of the century’ as the two traded accusations over who perpetrated the domestic violence during their stormy relationship.

They met on the set of ‘The Rum Diary,’ in 2009, married in February 2015 with Depp filing for divorce in May 2016.

The trial captivated the world’s attention amid stunning details about Depp’s drink and drugs binges, his huge spending and fragile finances and the couple’s jet-set life and toxic relationship relationship.

The High Court verdict is being seen as just a ‘first round’ victory for Heard with other legal battles looming against her ex-husband. Depp is also suing Heard for US$50 million (£39million) in a trial set to take place in the US next May after she wrote about being a domestic abuse survivor in a Washington Post article.

Heard is counter-suing him for an astonishing $100 million (£78million) saying that the fallen actor and his legal team have mounted a global smear campaign against her.

After meeting on the set of ‘The Rum Diary,’ in 2009, the couple married in February 2015, but their relationship rapidly deteriorated in the turbulent 15 months that followed – with their marital problems laid bare during the three-week court hearing.

Amid the claim and counter claim on both sides these were the key incidents between the warring pair: 


This came to be known as ‘poo-gate,’ and took place in Los Angeles in April 2016 during Heard’s 30th birthday party.

Depp told the court that he arrived two hours late, after receiving some bad news about his financial losses and that a row broke out between him and Heard.

She told that court that her ex-husband threw a magnum champagne bottle at her and shoved her to the floor several times before leaving a note reading ‘Happy F***ing Birthday’.

The next day, Depp alleged that he had been informed that Heard had defecated in their marital bed and told the building manager that it was ‘just a harmless prank.

He admitted in court that at first, he laughed about the incident, referring to his ex-wife as ‘Amber Turd,’ but it was around this point that he decided to divorce her and moved out of their penthouse.

Heard blamed their small dog Boo for the faeces and told the court that she would never do something so ‘absolutely disgusting.’

She claimed the dog had a problem with messing itself ‘since the weed’- claiming Boo ate a bag of Depp’s cannabis as a puppy.

The judge said today that Amber did not poo in the bed, saying it was more likely to have been one of the couple’s dogs. 


A month later in May 2016 Depp told the court that he returned to the penthouse to collect his belongings with his private security guards Jerry Judge and Sean Betts.

Heard said Depp became ‘very angry’, throwing her phone at her and hitting her in the eye before smashing ‘everything he could’ with a magnum of champagne after they started rowing over the defecation incident.

Depp claimed his two security guards entered the room when they heard Heard shouting, and saw her ‘repeatedly screaming, ‘stop hitting me, Johnny” while he was 20 feet away in the kitchen.

He also says that two police officers who attended the apartment after the incident ‘saw no injuries or bruising or swelling’.

Both officers also gave evidence via video link and claimed that they did not see Heard with any injuries. 


Depp was accused of repeatedly assaulting Heard after an argument over his use of MDMA during a three-day trip to Australia, while he was filming Pirates of the Caribbean. 

She told the court that he stayed up all night, taking pills and drinking, and then attacked her again the next morning.

The following night, he pushed her into a table tennis table, tore off her nightgown and attacked her, before smashing a telephone into a wall and severing the top of his middle finger.

The court was shown photographs of a mansion they were staying in, which Heard claimed Depp daubed with graffiti using his blood and smashed up parts of it up.

She claims he wrote messages to her around the house in a mixture of paint and blood from his finger – which Mr Depp admitted doing while ‘in shock’ – as well as having ‘urinated all over the house in an attempt to write messages.’

Depp claimed that it was Heard who was violent, throwing a bottle at him which severed the top of his finer and stubbing a cigarette out on his cheek, resulting in him being taken to hospital. 


The High Court was also played excerpts of Heard’s appearance on The Late, Late Show with James Corden in December 2015.

Twenty-four hours before the show she claimed that Depp slapped her, dragged her by the hair through their apartment – pulling clumps of her hair out – and then repeatedly punched her in the head, leaving her with ‘tons of injuries’ including bruised ribs and arms, bruises all over her body, two black eyes, a broken nose and a broken lip.

When asked by Depp’s lawyer Eleanor Laws QC why none of the injuries to her face were visible when she appeared on live television, Heard replied that she had covered them up with makeup. 


Depp and Heard took a private plane from Boston to LA. She claimed that during that time he was drinking heavily, threw objects at her, pushed a chair at her, slapped her and kicked her in the back before passing out in the toilet.

Depp says Heard ‘began to harangue him’ as he was sketching in a notebook, he then tried to ‘playfully tap her on the bottom with his foot’, at which Miss Heard took ‘great offence’ and continued to verbally berate him.

The court was also played an audio recording taken during the incident. During the 18-second clip a woman’s voice can be heard saying ‘keep an eye on him,’ while what sounds like a man makes long, low moans.

While giving evidence, Depp did not confirm that it was him but admitted that he could not remember anybody else making that noise on the plane.

He described the noise as sounding ‘like an animal in pain,’ to which Sasha Wass QC, the Sun’s lawyer responded: ‘I think you are that animal.’


The court was also shown photographs of Heard’s trashed LA home taken in March 2013. She claimed that the actor became angry and jealous when she had hung a painting, by her ex-partner Tasya Van Ree, by her bed.

Depp was also accused of trying to set it on fire and hitting Heard so hard that blood from her lip ended up on the wall.

Depp maintained that he simply asked Heard to move the painting from the bedroom ‘as a courtesy’ and that she had an ‘extreme reaction’. 

He also says a text he sent later, describing the evening as a ‘disco bloodbath’, was designed to placate Heard and not an apology for alleged violence.


Heard was accused of forcing two of Depp’s staff to lie about their two dogs being taken to Australia in April 2015, despite them repeatedly telling her that it was not legal for them to be taken.

Kevin Murphy, who worked for the Pirates of the Caribbean star for almost eight years, alleged that Heard had ‘demanded’ he make a false statement about the animals being ‘smuggled’ into the country.

He also alleged in a statement that she had asked him to contact her former assistant Kate James and ask her to lie under oath to an Australian court.

In October 2015 Heard faced criminal proceedings in Australia for taking the couple’s two Yorkshire terriers, Pistol and Boo, into the country illegally.

She and Depp recorded a now-famous video in 2016 apologising for doing so.

Murphy claim that he was put ‘under pressure’ by Heard for making a false statement, which he later retracted once she and Depp split.

During the trial Heard showed bruises she claimed were inflicted by Depp as he allegedly smashed her iPhone in her face at her LA home in May 2016 - a month after Depp claimed Heard 'defecated' in their marital bed after her 30th birthday

During the trial Heard showed bruises she claimed were inflicted by Depp as he allegedly smashed her iPhone in her face at her LA home in May 2016 - a month after Depp claimed Heard 'defecated' in their marital bed after her 30th birthday

During the trial Heard showed bruises she claimed were inflicted by Depp as he allegedly smashed her iPhone in her face at her LA home in May 2016 – a month after Depp claimed Heard ‘defecated’ in their marital bed after her 30th birthday 

Photos after the December incident show bruising to Heard's face after Depp allegedly headbutted her. The trial is hearing evidence about 14 such incidents

Photos after the December incident show bruising to Heard's face after Depp allegedly headbutted her. The trial is hearing evidence about 14 such incidents

Photos after the December incident show bruising to Heard's face after Depp allegedly headbutted her. The trial is hearing evidence about 14 such incidents

Photos after the December incident show bruising to Heard's face after Depp allegedly headbutted her. The trial is hearing evidence about 14 such incidents

Heard’s team showed the court photos of a separate incident showing bruising to her face after Depp allegedly headbutted her. The trial heard evidence about 14 altercations from their time together. The court believed Heard that he did hit her

Depp severed the top of his finger (pictured) when he smashed a vodka bottle during a row with Heard over his drug-taking while he was in Australia in March 2015 filming Pirates of the Caribbean

Depp severed the top of his finger (pictured) when he smashed a vodka bottle during a row with Heard over his drug-taking while he was in Australia in March 2015 filming Pirates of the Caribbean

Depp severed the top of his finger (pictured) when he smashed a vodka bottle during a row with Heard over his drug-taking while he was in Australia in March 2015 filming Pirates of the Caribbean

After slicing off the top of his finger, Depp went to the bathroom at the mansion in Australia they were renting - and wrote I love you in his blood on the mirror

After slicing off the top of his finger, Depp went to the bathroom at the mansion in Australia they were renting - and wrote I love you in his blood on the mirror

Depp also admitted to daubing other graffiti on the mirror during his drug-fuelled rage with Heard during their three-day stay in Australia

Depp also admitted to daubing other graffiti on the mirror during his drug-fuelled rage with Heard during their three-day stay in Australia

After slicing off the top of his finger, Depp went to the bathroom at the mansion in Melbourne they were renting – and wrote I love you in his blood on the mirror. He also daubed other graffiti on the mirror during his drug-fuelled rage 

Mr Justice Nicol said he accepted 12 of Heard's 14 allegations that Depp had beaten her for three years beginning in 2013

Mr Justice Nicol said he accepted 12 of Heard's 14 allegations that Depp had beaten her for three years beginning in 2013

Mr Justice Nicol said he accepted 12 of Heard’s 14 allegations that Depp had beaten her for three years beginning in 2013

Following today’s ruling, attention now turns to two looming legal battles between Depp and Heard which could shaped by this judgement. 

Depp is pursuing Heard for damages in the US for defamation with the case expected to take place next May.

The actor was not mentioned by name in a 2018 Washington Post article Heard wrote about being a domestic abuse survivor but he claims that it implies that he was violent towards her.

He is to appear before Heard’s lawyers next week over three days to give his testimony and will break off from filming in the UK for the third Fantastic Beasts film to travel to the US.

He was ordered to appear by a US judge after Heard’s team accused him of trying to avoid presenting his testimony to them.

Following the High Court ruling, Depp’s legal team will now be seriously re-examining the US case, as it will hear the same evidence that was presented in the London trial and from the same witnesses.

Heard will be delighted by the ruling for personal reasons and because it considerably reinforces her own legal case against Depp, which she started three months ago.

In a separate case, the actress is suing her ex-husband saying that he has mounted a global smear campaign against her.

In her claim, filed to a US court in August, Heard accuses Depp of using fake social media accounts and trolls to tarnish her name and ruin her career.

She also accuses him of being violent towards her, citing many of the incidents that appeared in The Sun libel trial and which were upheld by a High Court judge.

No date has yet been set for the trial.

Team Heard: Squad of ‘strong, positive women’ who supported Amber in court every day of the trial 

Amber Heard was surrounded with a powerful group of women who supported her every day through her blockbuster libel trial with Johnny Depp.

The 34-year-old actress partied with the glamorous women, dubbed ‘Team Heard’ who are rallying around her for the case, making eye-catching entrances each morning for the start of proceedings and organising a string of social outings.

‘Team Heard’ was made up of her sister Whitney, girlfriend Bianca Butti, British legal advisor Jennifer Robinson, who is friends with the Clooneys, American attorney Elaine Bredehoft and the actress’ assistant Sara, whose last name is not known.

Meanwhile, Depp was locked away in a plush hotel suite dining alone because rules prevented him from discussing the case with anybody while he was giving evidence. 

A source told MailOnline: ‘The trial was quite a contrasting experience for both of them. While Johnny has been alone and looking quite miserable, Amber appears to be having a great time. She looks really glamorous and happy. It’s as if she’s on a girl’s holiday.

‘The women she was with really got behind her. They’re strong, positive women who were delighted with the way things went. 

 Here, FEMAIL reveals who’s who in the squad of ‘strong, positive women’ who accompanied Heard to court every day…   

Amber and her squad: Amber Heard left court yesterday with her girlfriend Bianca Butti, left, her sister Whitney Heard, next to her partner, her lawyer in the green dress and her personal assistant Sara, seen far right

Amber and her squad: Amber Heard left court yesterday with her girlfriend Bianca Butti, left, her sister Whitney Heard, next to her partner, her lawyer in the green dress and her personal assistant Sara, seen far right

Amber and her squad: Amber Heard left court yesterday with her girlfriend Bianca Butti, left, her sister Whitney Heard, next to her partner, her lawyer in the green dress and her personal assistant Sara, seen far right

The sister: Whitney Heard

Amber and Whitney Heard (pictured left with her sister in 2016 in LA) grew up together in Austin, Texas, and are known to have a close relationship

Amber and Whitney Heard (pictured left with her sister in 2016 in LA) grew up together in Austin, Texas, and are known to have a close relationship

Amber and Whitney Heard (pictured left with her sister in 2016 in LA) grew up together in Austin, Texas, and are known to have a close relationship

The film star pictured with her sister Whitney who wrapped her arms around Amber while she cooked in the kitchen in May

The film star pictured with her sister Whitney who wrapped her arms around Amber while she cooked in the kitchen in May

The film star pictured with her sister Whitney who wrapped her arms around Amber while she cooked in the kitchen in May

Amber (pictured left) with her younger sister and their mother Paige. The actress revealed in May that her mother had died

Amber (pictured left) with her younger sister and their mother Paige. The actress revealed in May that her mother had died

Amber (pictured left) with her younger sister and their mother Paige. The actress revealed in May that her mother had died

Amber sits next to her infant nephew Hunter in May. The youngster is sister Whitney's son with her partner Gavin Henriquez

Amber sits next to her infant nephew Hunter in May. The youngster is sister Whitney's son with her partner Gavin Henriquez

Amber sits next to her infant nephew Hunter in May. The youngster is sister Whitney’s son with her partner Gavin Henriquez

Amber and Whitney Heard grew up together in Austin, Texas, and are known to have a close relationship. 

Whitney is also an actress and is set to give evidence during her sister’s trial, claiming that she witnessed Depp’s violence towards her sibling.

She appeared in a minor role in the 2007 caveman comedy Homo Erectus, which featured actors Adam Rifkin and Final Destination star Ali Larter.

The mother-of-one currently lives in Los Angeles with her family, her partner Gavin Henriquez, and their son Hunter, who was born in December 2019.

Amber and Whitney’s father David Clinton Heard, owned a small construction company while their mother, Patricia Paige (nee Parsons) worked as an Internet researcher.

In May, Amber shared her ‘heartbreak’ as she revealed that her mother Paige had died. ‘I am heartbroken and devastated beyond belief at the loss of my mom, Paige Heard,’ she said in an Instagram post.

‘The kindness, support and generosity my sister Whit and I have received from friends and family has been utterly soul-saving,’ she added. 

The girlfriend: Bianca Butti

Bianca Butti and Amber Heard depart after attending the libel case between Johnny Depp and The Sun Newspaper on Thursday

Bianca Butti and Amber Heard depart after attending the libel case between Johnny Depp and The Sun Newspaper on Thursday

Bianca Butti and Amber Heard depart after attending the libel case between Johnny Depp and The Sun Newspaper on Thursday

Bianca Butti (pictured in 2018), 38, is a cinematographer living in Los Angeles. Heard and Butti have been dating since January

Bianca Butti (pictured in 2018), 38, is a cinematographer living in Los Angeles. Heard and Butti have been dating since January

Bianca Butti (pictured in 2018), 38, is a cinematographer living in Los Angeles. Heard and Butti have been dating since January

But the couple (pictured earlier this year) already seem quite attached - with sources calling Amber 'happier than ever.'

But the couple (pictured earlier this year) already seem quite attached - with sources calling Amber 'happier than ever.'

But the couple (pictured earlier this year) already seem quite attached – with sources calling Amber ‘happier than ever.’

Bianca Butti, 38, is a cinematographer living in Los Angeles. Heard and Butti have been dating since January – and the couple already seem quite attached, with sources calling Amber ‘happier than ever.’

‘Amber is fine and happier than ever,’ an insider told Us Weekly back in February. ‘Bianca has been very supportive of her, and Amber feels like she can trust her and be comfortable around her, especially since they were friends first.’

That source added that Heard is ‘enjoying spending time’ with Butti, and has even gone as far as to say she ‘really loves her.’ 

Last year, Miss Butti revealed she had been diagnosed with breast cancer for a second time, and bravely documented her struggles on an Instagram page, @buttibeatsit.

In a note on the page, Butti explained how she was first diagnosed with the disease in 2015 when she was just 34 years old, and that it was confirmed to have returned in March 2019.

‘I was beyond devastated,’ she wrote on Instagram. ‘A new tumour appeared in my right breast, almost 3 years since I was declared cancer free.’

For the first diagnosis she underwent a traditional western treatment of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. Now, after extensive research and personal experience, she has decided to seek more alternative treatments.

Butti’s career as a cinematographer includes several episodes of Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta that aired in 2013, the upcoming Bella Thorne movie Leave Not One Alive, the thriller Uncanny and a few other independent films and shorts.

The lawyer: Jennifer Robinson

Jennifer Robinson (pictured right, in a brown dress) is a leading human rights lawyer from Doughty Street chambers who also represents Julian Assange

Jennifer Robinson (pictured right, in a brown dress) is a leading human rights lawyer from Doughty Street chambers who also represents Julian Assange

Jennifer Robinson (pictured right, in a brown dress) is a leading human rights lawyer from Doughty Street chambers who also represents Julian Assange

The Australian (pictured in 2019) has appeared at the International Court of Justice and given expert evidence at the UN and in Parliament

The Australian (pictured in 2019) has appeared at the International Court of Justice and given expert evidence at the UN and in Parliament

The Australian (pictured in 2019) has appeared at the International Court of Justice and given expert evidence at the UN and in Parliament

Ms Robinson is a close friend of Amal Clooney and attended her wedding to George in 2014, where she was asked to carry out bridesmaid duties. She arrived via Venice in a boat with fellow guest Bill Murray (pictured)

Ms Robinson is a close friend of Amal Clooney and attended her wedding to George in 2014, where she was asked to carry out bridesmaid duties. She arrived via Venice in a boat with fellow guest Bill Murray (pictured)

Ms Robinson is a close friend of Amal Clooney and attended her wedding to George in 2014, where she was asked to carry out bridesmaid duties. She arrived via Venice in a boat with fellow guest Bill Murray (pictured)

Jennifer Robinson, who held Amber Heard’s hand as she walked into the High Court on the first day, is a leading human rights lawyer from Doughty Street chambers who also represents Julian Assange.

The Australian has appeared at the International Court of Justice and given expert evidence at the UN and in Parliament. 

Her areas of expertise are free speech and civil liberties, and she regularly advises newspapers on media law. 

Ms Robinson is a close friend of Amal Clooney and attended her wedding to George in 2014, where she was asked to carry out bridesmaid duties. She arrived via Venice in a boat with fellow guest Bill Murray.

In 2017, she was seen canoodling with Jeremy Corbyn’s former spin doctor Seumas Milne – with her father later telling MailOnline that his daughter was just enjoying a night out and a ‘few drinks’ with a friend.

Her father Terry, a horse trainer from New South Wales, insisted his daughter is a ‘good girl’ who has been in a ‘few relationships’ but dismissed suggestions that she was having an affair with the married father-of-two.

In 2011 she gave an interview about her private life and described herself as ‘passionate’ and ‘infinitely curious’, and said: ‘My friends would probably add, “the eternal optimist” or “a bit bonkers”.’

She admitted that while being serious as a proud Australian she enjoys ‘taking the p**s’ and said she swears too much.

Ms Robinson also confessed that she ‘partied’ a lot when she was younger. She said: ‘London has too much fun on offer to be stuck at your desk all day and night’. 

And responding to a question about the contents of her London fridge she said: ‘Nothing but a few bottles of champagne (and maybe a mouldy piece of cheese)’ because she so rarely eats at home.

She was also asked: ‘What comes into your mind when you shut your eyes and think of the word ‘law’?’ and replied: ‘Jude’ – a reference to the British actor. 



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