Trump tests democracy by claiming conspiracy as TV cameras cut away

TV networks cut away from Trump as he tests the boundaries of American democracy by questioning the entire election with extraordinary speech that claims conspiracy against him by ‘big tech, big money, the media, pollsters and Democrats’

  • Donald Trump appeared for the first time in more than 36 hours, speaking in the White House briefing room
  • He launched 17-minute tirade spelling out his conspiracy theory that ‘big tech, big money and big media’ were rigging his election from start to finish to get a Democrat in the White House
  • Claims counting mail-in votes is ‘fraud,’ accuses pollsters of deliberately getting the results wrong to keep his supporters at home and launches coded attack on Republicans
  • But instead of rallying to him, GOP figures slammed him with Larry Hogan, the Maryland governor saying ‘there is no defense’ for what Trump said and one rep calling it ‘insane’
  • TV networks NBC, CBS and ABC switched him off as he ranted, reading from a script which he had written on in sharpie 
  • He presented no evidence of fraud and hinted darkly at the blizzard of litigation his campaign has launched despite courts in Georgia and Michigan turning him down already 
  • His lead  in must-win Pennsylvania is slipping rapidly and crossed under 75,000 as he spoke while lead in Georgia has halved in 24 hours; Biden is holding wafer-thin leads in Arizona and Nevada 
  • Biden tweeted rebuke after Trump spoke; he had made statement from Wilmington, DE, with Kamala Harris at his side pleading for calm and patience and saying he was confident he would win
  • Trump supporters, some of them armed, gathered again Thursday night at counting center in Arizona where he wants voting to go on – in contrast to wanting it stopped everywhere else


President Donald Trump on Thursday called the entire presidential election into question, claiming it was rigged against him from start to finish by a vast conspiracy, in an extraordinary White House statement which at least seven television networks cut off.

In  his 17-minute tirade he claimed he was the victim of ‘big media, big money and big tech’ coming together to commit ‘historic election interference’ to give Joe Biden the presidency.

He claimed that if all ‘legal votes’ were counted he would win the election as he charged Democrats with trying to steal the contest ‘corruptly’ through mail-in ballots in a suddenly-announced White House address delivered as his tiny voting leads in Pennsylvania and Georgia slipped further. 

At the podium in the briefing room he read from from a script and listed his grievances at Biden’s campaign, ‘suppression polls’ and ‘fraud.’ 

He left without taking a question as CNN’s White House reporter Jim Acosta shouted: ‘Are you a sore loser?’ – then his press secretary Kayleigh McEnany had to scuttle back to the podium because he had forgotten to take his notes with him.

Trump’s condemnation of the entire democratic system and his growing list of enemies was switched off rapidly by TV network after TV network.

MSNBC anchor Brian Williams said as they turned away less than a minute in: ‘Here we go again.’ 

CNN was among the few channels to air the president’s full speech, after which Anderson Cooper said Trump was ‘like an obese turtle flailing in the sun.’

‘That is the President of the United States. That is the most powerful person in the world and we see him like an obese turtle on his back flailing in the hot sun realizing his time is over,’ Cooper said on air. 

‘But he just hasn’t accepted it and he wants to take everybody down with him, including this country.’ 

Republicans also turned on him within minutes with Larry Hogan, the Maryland governor, saying: ‘There is no defense. No person or election is more important than our democracy.’ GOP rep Adam Klinzinger called it ‘insane.’

Trust me I won: Donald Trump takes to the White House briefing room podium to claim he won

Trust me I won: Donald Trump takes to the White House briefing room podium to claim he won

Trust me I won: Donald Trump takes to the White House briefing room podium to claim he won 

End of the show: As Trump spoke from the WHite House podium TV network after TV network turned off his conspiracy-theory laden tirade

End of the show: As Trump spoke from the WHite House podium TV network after TV network turned off his conspiracy-theory laden tirade

End of the show: As Trump spoke from the WHite House podium TV network after TV network turned off his conspiracy-theory laden tirade 

At the briefing room podium – where the only aide with him was White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnanany – Trump appeared downcast as he listed his enemies and claimed a victory which nobody has handed to him.

‘If you count the legal votes, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us,’ he said during what he called a press conference.


ARIZONA – 11 electoral college votes: Votes still being counted, deadline for result unclear

50.6% BIDEN

48.54% TRUMP

Fox and the AP gave Arizona to Biden before dawn on Wednesday. On Wednesday afternoon, officials said that there were still 600,000 votes left to be counted which suggested that it could be put back in play. 

The AP is standing by its call, saying the outstanding votes are in Biden strongholds that will not flip back to Trump. 

PENNSYLVANIA – 20 electoral college votes: Result expected Friday

49.6% TRUMP 

49.2% BIDEN

GEORGIA – 16 electoral colleges votes: Result expected sometime on Thursday

49.4% TRUMP

49.4%  BIDEN

NEVADA – 6 electoral college votes: Result expected Friday

49.4% BIDEN 

48.5% TRUMP  

NORTH CAROLINA – 15 electoral college votes: Result expected some time Thursday

50.09% TRUMP

48.69% BIDEN 


Joe Biden tweeted a rebuke shortly after he finished saying: ‘No one is going to take our democracy away from us. 

‘Not now, not ever. America has come too far, fought too many battles, and endured too much to let that happen.’

Trump, whose campaign has launched lawsuits in several battleground states, spoke more about the polls than he did about his own campaign, calling them ‘phony’ and ‘suppression polls,’ claiming that errors by pollsters were a deliberate attempt to keep his supporters at home.

Then he turned on his own party saying that because of him was no ‘blue wave,’  referring to Democrats’ failure to win the Senate and add to their majority in the House.

That was a coded attack on Republicans’ most senior figures who have refused to come out in support of his claims of fraud. His son Don Jr. railed against Republicans earlier in similar terms – but Mitch McConnell has said that every vote must be counted.

‘We won by historic numbers. And the pollsters got it knowingly wrong, they got it knowingly wrong. We had polls that were so ridiculous and everybody knew it at the time. There was no blue wave that they predicted,’ Trump said. 

Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania is slipping and in Georgia too Biden is creeping up on him, while Biden remains ahead in Nevada and Arizona. Biden needs only Pennsylvania to win, taking him to 273 electoral college votes, or Nevada and Arizona, taking him to 270. In contrast Trump would need to secure North Carolina, Arizona and Pennsylvania to secure 271. 

Trump had not been seen for more than 36 hours after appearing in the White House East Room at 2.30am on Wednesday morning in front of cheering fans in MAGA hats to claim then that he had ‘won.’

But he spoke after a measured Biden asked Americans to be patient and calm as they waited for the final ballots in the presidential race to be counted – amid mounting anxiety over the long wait for results, and concern about public order.

‘Democracy is sometimes messy. It sometimes requires a little patience as well,’ the former vice president said from the stage of Wilmington’s Queen theater late Thursday afternoon.

‘So I ask everyone to stay calm, all people to stay calm. The process is working. The count is being completed and we’ll know very soon.’

In the same brief statement, the Democratic nominee assured supporters that he and his running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris, would come out on top.

In contrast Trump spent the his press conference railing. ‘We grew our party by 4 million voters, the greatest turnout in Republican party history. Democrats are the party of the big donors, the big media, the big tech, it seems and Republicans have become the party of the American worker and that’s what’s happened,’ Trump said.

He accused the media of giving Biden strong poll numbers as a way of keeping his voters at home.

That's all folks: Trump left the stage without taking questions. The only aide who went with him was Kayleigh McEnany, his White House press secretary. There was no sign of Vice President Mike Pence

That's all folks: Trump left the stage without taking questions. The only aide who went with him was Kayleigh McEnany, his White House press secretary. There was no sign of Vice President Mike Pence

That’s all folks: Trump left the stage without taking questions. The only aide who went with him was Kayleigh McEnany, his White House press secretary. There was no sign of Vice President Mike Pence 

Forgotten and almost lost: Trump left his prepared script, in giant text and scrawled on with sharpie at the podium and it had to be retrieved by press secretary Kayleigh McEnany

Forgotten and almost lost: Trump left his prepared script, in giant text and scrawled on with sharpie at the podium and it had to be retrieved by press secretary Kayleigh McEnany

Forgotten and almost lost: Trump left his prepared script, in giant text and scrawled on with sharpie at the podium and it had to be retrieved by press secretary Kayleigh McEnany

MAGA is here: As Donald Trump spoke, his supporters in Arizona were demanding the count go on while his lawyers in Pennsylvania were demanding it stops

MAGA is here: As Donald Trump spoke, his supporters in Arizona were demanding the count go on while his lawyers in Pennsylvania were demanding it stops

MAGA is here: As Donald Trump spoke, his supporters in Arizona were demanding the count go on while his lawyers in Pennsylvania were demanding it stops

Damning verdict: Larry Hogan, the Republican Maryland governor became its most senior voice to speak out. Adam Kinzinger is a Republican congressman from Illinois who was one of the first of his party to slam Trump

Damning verdict: Larry Hogan, the Republican Maryland governor became its most senior voice to speak out. Adam Kinzinger is a Republican congressman from Illinois who was one of the first of his party to slam Trump

Damning verdict: Larry Hogan, the Republican Maryland governor became its most senior voice to speak out. Adam Kinzinger is a Republican congressman from Illinois who was one of the first of his party to slam Trump

‘As everyone now recognizes media polling was election interference in the truest sense of that word.

‘By powerful special interests, these really phony polls, I have to call them phony polls, state polls, were designed to keep our voters at home, create the illusion of momentum for Mr. Biden and diminish Republicans abilities to raise funds.

‘They were what’s called suppression polls, everyone knows that now. And it’s never been used to the extent that it’s been used on this last election,’ he said.

He went on to accuse Democrats of tinkering with the election in states with outstanding results.

‘There are now only a few states yet to be decided in the presidential race. The voting apparatus of those states are run in all cases by Democrats,’ he said.

In fact Arizona and Georgia – two critical states that are still counting ballots – have Republican governors; Nevada’s secretary of state is a Democrat and Pennsylvania’s rules on counting were set by its Republican legislature.

He pointed to his campaign’s lawsuits, which have alleged voter fraud but offered no proof of the allegations. Two were thrown out by judges Thursday, one claiming fraud for lack of any evidence.

‘There’s tremendous litigation going on and this is a case where they’re trying to steal an election. They’re trying to rig an election and we can’t let that happen,’ he said. 

The blizzard of litigation he promised had been beset throughout the day by problems.

In Georgia, superior court judge James Bass said there was ‘no evidence’ to the Trump suit’s claims that a 53 ballots arrived late and got mixed with other ballots. In Michigan, Judge Cynthia Stephens ruled against the Trump campaign’s push to stop the count in order to gain additional access for its observers. ‘I have no basis to find that there is a substantial likelihood of success on the merits,’ she said.  

In Nevada, he sent Ric Grenell, his former acting director of national intelligence to announce legal claims that out of state residents had been voting.

But the press conference went badly wrong when Grenell refused to say what his name was and was laughed at by reporters then chased into a van refusing to answer questions on what evidence he had.

In Pennsylvania, the campaign claimed they were ‘banned’ from watching poll counters in Philadelphia and are now suing in federal court. 

And Jared Kushner was reported to be looking for a ‘James Baker’ figure to lead the litigation – hardly a vote of confidence in Rudy Giuliani who had been its public face for the last 48 hours.

Don Jr. headed to Georgia after tweeting a demand for ‘total war,’ and retweeting an appeal from a Trump supporter for a mass protest in Detroit against the count. Many of his tweets were flagged by Twitter.

Before he spoke Trump has responded to Biden’s leads in Arizona and Nevada and his gains in Pennsylvania and Georgia on Twitter, often all in capitals. Several Tweets have been flagged by Twitter as misinformation. 

Biden did not mention Trump’s name Thursday.

But he did make a comment that was clearly aimed at Trump and his campaign team’s legal efforts to stall vote-counting and rhetorical efforts to call into question the legitimacy of the election.

‘In America, the vote is sacred. It’s how people of this nation express their will. And it is the will of the voters, no one, not anything else, that chooses the president of the United States of America,’ Biden said. ‘So each ballot must be counted.’

Earlier Thursday, Biden was at the Queen to participate in a COVID-19 and also an economic briefing. He also made an appearance at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware Wednesday, where he again told Americans they needed to wait – but that he would win.

The appearance in Delaware was clearly intended to cast Biden as presidential and paint a contrast to Trump.

The plea for calm also spoke to increasing concerns about public order.

Address to America: Joe Biden appeared with running mate Kamala Harris at his side to plead for calm and patience over the vote count

Address to America: Joe Biden appeared with running mate Kamala Harris at his side to plead for calm and patience over the vote count

Address to America: Joe Biden appeared with running mate Kamala Harris at his side to plead for calm and patience over the vote count

Public statement: 'We continue to feel, the senator and I, we continue to feel very good about where things stand,' Biden said. 'We have no doubt that when the count is finished Sen. Harris and I will be declared the winners.'

Public statement: 'We continue to feel, the senator and I, we continue to feel very good about where things stand,' Biden said. 'We have no doubt that when the count is finished Sen. Harris and I will be declared the winners.'

Public statement: ‘We continue to feel, the senator and I, we continue to feel very good about where things stand,’ Biden said. ‘We have no doubt that when the count is finished Sen. Harris and I will be declared the winners.’

In Michigan, Arizona and Nevada, Trump supporters, some of them armed have descended on counting locations.

And in New York there were arrests Wednesday after a pro-Biden ‘count every vote’ protest descended into violence. 

The president had launched a furious tweet demanding that the count be stopped early Thursday morning then said his campaign would sue in any state where Joe Biden had already been declared a winner.

The election outcome now hinges on five states: Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

Nevada, Arizona and Georgia had expected to finish their counts Thursday but then changed expectations. 

The extraordinary focus on the counting in individual states is unprecedented.  

The legal devices being used by Republicans to challenge election results

Michigan – stop votes being counted and review ballots

Called for Biden with 99 per cent of ballots counted 

Donald Trump yesterday filed a lawsuit in the battleground state of Michigan seeking to halt vote-counting and review counted ballots.

Campaign manager Bill Stepien said Republicans had not been given ‘meaningful access to numerous counting locations to observe the opening of ballots and the counting process’.

He claims this violates state law.

Georgia – secure and account for late mail-in ballots

Too early to call. Trump ahead by 0.5 points with 98 per cent of ballots counted 

President Trump and the Georgia Republican Party have filed a lawsuit against election officials in Chatham County, asking a judge to order all late ballots be secured and accounted for. 

It was filed after a Republican observer claims to have witnessed mail-in ballots which arrived after the 7pm deadline added to a pile of lawful votes to be counted.

Sean Pumphry, a registered GOP poll-watcher, said he saw 53 unprocessed ballots added to processed ones. 

Wisconsin – recount the ballots

Called for Biden with 99 per cent of ballots counted 

The Trump campaign last night announced it would demand a recount of ballots in Wisconsin after an ultra-tight race. 

Biden only edged a victory in the state, leading Trump by just 0.53 per cent of the vote.

Wisconsin state law allows campaigns to pay for a recount if the margin of defeat is less than 1 per cent. 

Pennsylvania – multiple legal challenges

Won’t know until Friday. Biden ahead by three points with 89 per cent of ballots counted

Supreme Court  

The Trump campaign yesterday said it will wade into a case currently before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, over whether late mail-in ballots can be counted.

Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar ruled ballots that arrived up to three days late could be counted, which is currently being challenged by state Republicans.

Trump’s lawyers now plan to ‘intervene’ in this case.  

Stop counting until transparency guarantees 

Like in Georgia, he also said Trump would be suing to stop ‘Democrat election officials from hiding the ballot counting and processing’ from GOP poll-watchers.

He claimed that Republican observers in Philadelphia were ordered to stand 25 metres away from counting staff, making it impossible to watch.

And like in Michigan, the Trump campaign is suing to halt vote counting until ‘meaningful transparency’ is guaranteed.

Voter ID challenge

Trump has accused Pennsylvania’s Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar of unilaterally extending the deadline by which mail-in voters whose voter ID was missing to provide proof.

Under state law, first-time mail-in and absentee voters must provide identification.


The wafer-thin margins in each state mean that every ballot now counts to the result. In a normal year, the states’ results would have been called quickly by television networks and the Associated Press and the count gone on quietly in the background.

But this time, with unprecedented numbers of mail-in ballots fueling a record turnout, the calls were not made and instead it is official counts which regularly take days or even weeks to be completed, certified and declared which have become the focus of public attention. 

In each state:

  • Nevada: 63,000 ballots remain to be counted but late-arriving mail-in ballots are still arriving and will do until Tuesday November 10. And the result may not be known until Thursday November 12, officials said, when all provisional ballots will be resolved after going through a validation process.’ Biden is ahead by 11,500 votes.
  • Pennsylvania: Counting stopped then restarted in Philadelphia as Trump’s campaign sued claiming they are not being allowed to watch the count, winning their case first. And in Pittsburgh, 35,000 votes cannot be legally counted until Friday. But the Secretary of State hinted that a result could come Thursday.
  • Arizona: The Secretary of State says counting of the 450,000 outstanding votes there will not be completed until Friday, stretching out the agonizing wait for an overall election result after a night of chaos which saw Biden’s lead shrink considerably and put the state possibly back in play for Trump. Biden is ahead in Arizona but only by about 67,000 votes after his majority shrank overnight. Of the 450,000 remaining votes there, 300,000 are in Maricopa County where Biden holds a two point lead, and where he is expected to win. 
  • Georgia: State is down to its final 16,000 ballots but has still to say when that will be completed. Biden and Trump are neck and neck with 49.4% of the vote each. Friday is the deadline for ballots to be counted. 
  • North Carolina: There is no indication of when the result will be finalized. 

The Associated Press has awarded Biden 264 electoral votes – including in Arizona, a state not all news organizations have called and that the Trump campaign is arguing they can win when all votes are counted.

Nevada’s six electoral votes would put Biden exactly at 270 in the AP’s count – handing him the presidency. 

Nevada released another tranche of votes Thursday that expanded Biden’s lead to 12,000. 

Georgia also released additional votes counts that resulted in Trump’s lead going down to about 13,500 votes. The state has about 50,000 absentee ballots left to be counted – along with provisional ballots, military ballots, and votes from Americans living overseas.

Trump, with 214 electoral votes, faces a much higher hurdle to 270. He would need to win all four remaining battleground states: Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada. 

The Trump campaign expressed confidence the president will get a second term in the White House.

‘By end of tomorrow – Friday – it will be clear that President Trump and Vice President Pence will serve another term in the White House,’ campaign senior adviser Jason Miller told reporters in a press call on Thursday morning. 

The Biden campaign expressed similar confidence.

‘Our data shows that Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States,’ Dillon said. 

As the count dragged on, Trump expressed confidence he will win the election but said his campaign will sue in the battleground states Joe Biden won, a sign his team is not confident the vote tallies will come out in his favor.

‘All of the recent Biden claimed States will be legally challenged by us for Voter Fraud and State Election Fraud. Plenty of proof – just check out the Media. WE WILL WIN! America First!,’ Trump wrote on Twitter on Thursday morning. 

Additionally, Trump has demanded the nation stop counting votes in the presidential election.

He also launched a barrage of litigation.

In Nevada, which could hand Biden the presidency should he win its six electoral votes, he claimed non-residents were being allowed to vote.

The Trump campaign had a legal victory in Pennsylvania on Thursday when a judge ruled ballot observers can watch officials count ballots within six feet. Representatives of both campaigns were in the room to watch the counts but at a further distance because of the coronavirus. A county judge agreed with the Trump campaign, but Democrats appealed to the state Supreme Court. 

The Biden campaign accused the Trump team of using the court system to delay the inevitable. 

‘What we’re seeing on these legal suits are that they are meritless and nothing more than an attempt to distract and delay what is now inevitable – Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States,’ campaign manager Jennifer O’Malley Dillon told reporters Thursday morning. 

‘STOP THE COUNT!,’ the president tweeted Thursday as state officials continued to make their way through the legally cast votes. Trump has spent the past few days holed up in the White House, speaking to advisers about the race.

If state officials stop counting now and the election were called on the current tallies as the president seems to be demanding – Biden would win. The president needs to make up vote gaps in Arizona and Nevada in order to win the election – in other words he needs officials there to keep counting the ballots. 


The president was likely referring to Pennsylvania, where officials are counting any mail-in ballot received by Friday as long as it is post marked by Election Day. Trump currently leads in the state but Biden is slowing making up ground as the mail-in votes are counted. More Democrats than Republicans used the mail-in voting option.

However he did not state the law as it exists. The state was in the process of counting ballots that did not come in after Election Day. And the change to allow ballots that come in for three days after was upheld by the state supreme court in a decision the U.S. Supreme Court let stand. The Trump camp could try to challenge the post-election day ballots again later in the process. 

Twitter put a warning on several of the president’s tweets. 

And the Trump campaign released a statement from the president to clarify his tweets: ‘IF YOU COUNT THE LEGAL VOTES, I EASILY WIN THE ELECTION! IF YOU COUNT THE ILLEGAL AND LATE VOTES, THEY CAN STEAL THE ELECTION FROM US!’ 

The situation in Pittsburgh is complicated by about 30,000 outstanding ballots, where a vendor sent the wrong ballots to voters and had to reissue new ballots with the correct races. 

Poll workers now have to examine these ballots to make sure that people don’t vote twice, or, if they sent in the wrong ballot, they didn’t vote in races they aren’t eligible for. 

They cannot legally be counted until Friday when Allegheny County, where Pittsburgh sits, swears in a special board to examine these ballots, as required by law.

 Biden has been closing the gap with Trump in Pennsylvania as mail-in ballots are counted. 

And in Chatham County, Georgia, where Savannah is located, a judge ruled against the Trump campaign’s legal challenge to some absentee ballots. The judge declared officials took the proper precautions to ensure it was legal ballots that were counted.  Trump’s lead in Georgia fell to fewer than 20,000 votes as more vote totals were released.      

As President Trump offers unsubstantiated charges of election fraud, pro-Trump demonstrators have showed up at vote counting centers in Nevada, Arizona, and Detroit demanding that all votes be counted.  

The results of the election remain unclear but Biden is inches towards victory as mail-in ballots are tallied.

Trump has falsely claimed these votes are illegitimate because they are being counted after the election. The votes were legally cast before Election Day but the process to count mail-in ballots takes longer as they have to be checked against voter rolls to confirm it’s a legal ballot from a registered voter – just as when someone who votes in person has to confirm their identity with a poll worker before receiving a ballot. 

In Arizona overnight, armed pro-Trump protesters descended on a counting center in Maricopa County, after Biden’s commanding 200,000-vote lead was slashed to just 68,000 as ballots continued being tallied.  

They faced off with police and security outside the counting center, chanting that every vote should be counted with the result in the balance. At least one person made it inside, forcing the center to close with staff locked in. 

Read Trump’s 17-minute White House statement attacking US democracy and the ‘conspiracies’ against him

Thank you very much. Good evening. 

I’d like to update the American people with our efforts to protect the election. 

If you count the legal vote, I easily win. If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us. If you count the votes that came in late, we’re looking at them very strongly. 

A lot of votes came in late. 

I’ve already won many critical states, including Florida, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio.  

We’ve won — election interference. 

As everybody saw, we won by historic numbers. And they got it knowingly wrong. It’s so ridiculous and everybody knew it at the time. 

There is no blue wave that they predicted. They thought there was going to be a big blue wave. That was false. Instead, there was a big red wave and it’s been properly acknowledged by the media. 

I think they were very impressed, but that was after the fact. That doesn’t do us any good. 

We kept the senate, despite having twice as many seats to protect as Democrats. And really, and much more competitive states, we did a fantastic job with the senate. I think we’re very proud of what’s happened there. 

They spent more on senate races in South Carolina and Kentucky alone, two races and hundreds — races and hundreds of millions of dollars against us. 

Opponents and major donors were wall street bankers and special interests. 

Our major donors were police officers, farmers, and everyday citizens. 

For the first time ever, we lost zero races in the House. 

I was talking to Kevin McCarthy today. He said he couldn’t believe it. We won new seats, with many more on the way.

This is also the year of the Republican woman. More Republican women were elected to congress than ever before. That’s a great achievement. I won the largest share of non-white voters of any republican, including historic numbers of Latino, African-American, Asian American, and Native American voters, the largest ever in our history. 

We grew our party by 4 million voters, the greatest turnout in Republican party history. 

Democrats are the party of the big donors, the big media, the big tech it seems, and Republicans have become the party of the American worker, and that’s what happened. And we’re also the party of inclusion. A

s everybody recognizes, media polling was election interference in the truest sense of that word, by powerful special interests. These really phony polls — I have to call them phony polls, fake polls, designed to create the illusion of momentum for Mr. Biden and diminish Republicans ability to raise funds. 

They were what’s called suppression polls. Everyone knows that now. 

To highlight just a few examples, the day before the election, Quinnipiac, which was wrong on every occasion that I know of, had Joe Biden up by five points in Florida. And they were off by 8.4 points and I won Florida easily, easily. I ended up winning Florida by a lot. Other than that, they were very accurate. 

They had him up four points in Ohio, and they were up by 12.2 points. And they also won Ohio, the great state of Ohio, there easily. They had Joe Biden up 17 points in Wisconsin, and it was basically even. They were off by about 17 point. And they knew that. They were not stupid people. They knew that, suppression. 

There are states yet to be decided in the presidential race. The voting apparatus of this state are run, in all cases, by Democrats. We were winning in all the key locations by a lot, actually, and then our numbers started miraculously getting whittled away, in secret, and they wouldn’t allow, legally permissible observers. 

We went to court in a couple of instances and we were able to get the observers put in. They wanted them 60, 70 feet away, 100 feet away, to observe. 

There is lots of litigation. There is tremendous amount of litigation because of how unfair this process was. And I predicted that. 

I talked about mail-in voting for a long time. It’s really destroyed our system. It’s a corrupt system. And it’s made as corrupt, even if we are not corrupt by nature. It’s too easy. They wait and wait and you see that on election night.

We were ahead in North Carolina by a lot, tremendous number of votes. And we’re still ahead by a lot, but not as many because they’re finding ballots all of a sudden.

It’s amazing how these mail-in ballots are all one-sided. I know it’s supposed to be to the advantage of the Democrats. But in all cases, they are one-sided. 

We were up by 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania. I won Pennsylvania by a lot. And that gets whittled down to, now we’re up by 90,000 votes.

 They will keep coming and coming and coming and they don’t want us to have observers, although we won a court case. And they’re appealing. Actually, they’re appealing. We won a case we want people to watch, and they’re appealing. That’s interesting. I wonder why they’re appealing. 

Likewise in Georgia, I won by a lot, a lot, with a lead getting close to 300,000 votes on election night in Georgia — and by the way, got whittled down, and now it’s getting to be to a point where I’ll be winning by a lot by perhaps even being down a little bit. 

In Georgia, a pipe burst, totally unrelated to the location, and they stopped counting and a lot of things happened. The election apparatus in Georgia is run by Democrats. 

We’ve had margins of 300,000. Michigan, we won the state. In Wisconsin, we did likewise, fantastically well. And that got whittled down. In every case, they got whittled down. We’re on track to win Arizona. We only need to carry 55% of the remaining vote, 55% margins, and that’s a margin that we’ve significantly exceeded, so we’ll see what happens with that. 

Our goal is to defend the integrity of the election. We will not allow the corruption to steal such an important election, or any election for that matter, and we can’t allow silence of anybody to silence our voters and manufacture results. 

I’ve been doing a lot of public things for a long time. I’ve never had anything that’s been as inspirational by people calling, talking, sending things to us. 

I’ve never seen such love and such affection and such spirit as I’ve seen for this. People know what happening and they’ve seen what’s happening. 

There are many instances, which will be reported very shortly. There is tremendous litigation going on. And this is a case where they are trying to steal an election. They are trying to rig an election. We can’t let that happen. 

They cannot be responsible for engineering the outcome of the presidential race. 

In Pennsylvania, Democrats have gone to the state supreme court to try to ban our election observers very strongly. We won the case, but they’re going forward. They don’t want anybody watching them as they count the ballots. And I can’t imagine why. There is no legitimate reason why they would not want to have people watching this process. 

Because if it’s straight, they should be proud of it. Instead, they are trying obviously to commit fraud. There’s no question about that. 

In Philadelphia, observers are kept far away, very far away. So far, that people are using binocular’s. 

There’s been tremendous problems caused, paper on all of the windows so you can’t see in, and the people that are banned are very unhappy and have become somewhat violent.   

The 11th circuit ruled that in Georgia, the votes have been in by election day, that they should be in by election day, and they weren’t. Votes are coming in after election day. And they had a ruling already that you have to have the votes in by election day. To the best of my knowledge, votes should be in by election day. 

Democrats never believed they could win this election honestly. I really believed that. Tremendous corruption and fraud going on. That’s why they mailed out tens of millions of unsolicited ballots without any verification measures whatsoever. 

And I told everybody that these things would happen. Because I’ve seen it happen. 

I’ve watched a lot of different elections before they decided to go with this big massive election with tens of millions of ballots going out to everybody, in many cases totally unsolicited.

 This was unprecedented in American history. This was by design despite years of claiming to care about election security. 

They refuse to require signatures, identities, or to make sure they are eligible or ineligible to vote. People are walking in, they have no idea. They are writing down things, doing a lot of bad things.We have a lot of information coming that you’ll see, will shake even you people up. 

The officials overseeing the counting in Pennsylvania, all part of a corrupt Democrat machine that you’ve written about for a long time. You’ve been writing about a corrupt democrat machine. 

I went to school there. It hasn’t changed. It’s gotten worse. 

In Pennsylvania, partisan democrats have allowed the ballots to be received three days after the election, and we think much more than that. And they are counting those without any identification whatsoever. So you don’t have postmarks, you don’t have identification. 

There have been a number of disturbing irregularities across the nation. 

Our campaign has been denied access to observe any counting in Detroit. Detroit is another place. And I wouldn’t say the best reputation for election integrity. 

Poll workers in Michigan were duplicating ballots. When our observers attempted to challenge the activity, they jumped in front of the volunteers to block their view so they couldn’t see what they were doing. And it became a little bit dangerous. 

One major hub for counting ballots in they covered up the windows with large pieces of cardboard. So they wanted to protect and block the counting area the final batch did not arrive until 4:00 in the morning. So they brought it in. And the batches came in and nobody knew where they came from. We’ve been denied access. 

Counting was halted for hours and hours on election night with results with held from major democrat-run locations only to appear later and they all had the name Biden on them or just about all, which is a little strange.

I challenge Joe and Democrats to clarify that they only want legal votes. I think they should use legal votes. 

We want every legal vote counted. We want openness and transparency. No secret count rooms. No mystery ballots, no illegal votes after election day. 

You have election day and the laws are very strong on that. You have an election day. We want an honest election and an honest count. We want people working back there because it’s a very important job. 

That’s the way this country will win. 

We think there’s going to be a lot of litigation because we have so much evidence and so much proof, but we think there will be a lot of litigation because we can’t have an election stolen like this.

I tell you, I’ve been talking about this for many months with all of you. 

I’ve said strongly that mail-in ballots are going to be a disaster, small very easy elections were disastrous. 

This is a large scale version and it’s getting worse and worse every day. 

We’re hearing stories that are absolute horror stories. And we can’t let that happen to the united states. 

It’s not a question of who wins, Republican, Democrats, Joe, myself. 

We can’t let that happen to our country. 

We can’t be disgraced by having something like this happen. So it will be hopefully cleared up, maybe soon. I hope soon. But it will probably go through a process, a legal process. 

As you know I’ve claimed certain states. He’s claiming states. So we can both claim the states. 

But ultimately, I have a feeling that the judges will have to rule. 

There have been a lot of shenanigans and we can’t stand for that in the country. 

A supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump holds a tiki torch and a pitchfork during a protest in Phoenix, Arizona where votes are still being counted

A supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump holds a tiki torch and a pitchfork during a protest in Phoenix, Arizona where votes are still being counted

A supporter of U.S. President Donald Trump holds a tiki torch and a pitchfork during a protest in Phoenix, Arizona where votes are still being counted

Trump campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski speaks outside the Philadelphia Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, amid lawsuits by the campaign in the state

Trump campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski speaks outside the Philadelphia Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, amid lawsuits by the campaign in the state

Trump campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski speaks outside the Philadelphia Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, amid lawsuits by the campaign in the state

Trump supporters, including a small group of Second Amendment demonstrators, gather outside of the Maricopa County Recorder's Office in Arizona

Trump supporters, including a small group of Second Amendment demonstrators, gather outside of the Maricopa County Recorder's Office in Arizona

Trump supporters, including a small group of Second Amendment demonstrators, gather outside of the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office in Arizona

A man wearing a flag with a "Q" addresses supporters of US President Donald Trump hold as they protest outside the Maricopa County Election Department

A man wearing a flag with a "Q" addresses supporters of US President Donald Trump hold as they protest outside the Maricopa County Election Department

A man wearing a flag with a “Q” addresses supporters of US President Donald Trump hold as they protest outside the Maricopa County Election Department

Fact check: Trump fabricated election corruption in his 17-minute White House tirade and falsely said election officials in Pennsylvania and Detroit tried to BAN election observers

President Donald Trump unleashed a torrent of fabricated accusations Thursday in an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the U.S. election.

Trump also said Democrate oversaw the election results in Georgia, when in fact they're overseen by a Republican

Trump also said Democrate oversaw the election results in Georgia, when in fact they're overseen by a Republican

Trump also said Democrate oversaw the election results in Georgia, when in fact they’re overseen by a Republican 

Standing behind the presidential seal, Trump used a White House setting symbolizing the power of his office to assail an election he portrayed as rife with fraud and corruption. 

One allegation after another had no basis in fact, such as his accusation that election officials in Pennsylvania and Detroit tried to ban election observers from polling stations.

A look at his remarks, coming as Democrat Joe Biden made progress toward the electoral votes needed to claim the presidency.

TRUMP: ‘We’re hearing stories that are horror stories. … We think there is going to be a lot of litigation because we have so much evidence and so much proof.’

THE FACTS: Trump has produced no evidence of systemic problems in voting or counting. In fact, the ballot-counting process across the country has been running smoothly for the most part, even with the U.S. in the throes of the coronavirus pandemic.

One of his main complaints, that counting spilled over past Election Day, is meritless. No presidential election has had all the votes counted the same day, and there is no law or even expectation that that should be the case. The surge in mailed ballots and the high turnout have made the process slower than usual in some, but not all, cases.


TRUMP: ‘In Pennsylvania partisan Democrats have allowed ballots in the state to be received three days after the election and we think much more than that and they are counting those without any postmarks or any identification whatsoever.’

THE FACTS: ‘Partisan Democrats’ didn’t ordain this. It was the state Supreme Court that ruled ballots filled out before the end of Election Day could be received up to three days later and still be counted. The U.S. Supreme Court examined the case and did not stand in the way of the three-day timeframe. It may review the matter again later.

A number of other states have also made accommodations for the crush of mailed ballots.

TRUMP: ‘Pennsylvania Democrats have gone to the state Supreme Court to try and ban our election observers. … They don´t want anybody in there. They don’t want anybody watching them while they are counting the ballots.’

THE FACTS: That’s false. He is wholly misrepresenting a court case in the state. No one tried to ban poll watchers representing each side in the election. Democrats did not try to stop Republican representatives from being able to observe the process.

The main issue in the case was how close observers representing the parties could get to election workers who are processing mail-in ballots in Philadelphia. The Trump campaign sued to allow the observers to get closer than the guidelines had allowed. A court ruled in favor of that request.


TRUMP: ‘Our campaign has been denied access to observe any counting in Detroit.’

THE FACTS: That’s false.

Absentee ballots were counted at a downtown convention center, where some 134 counting boards were set up. Each party was allowed one poll watcher per board, said City Clerk Janice Winfrey.

She said she was not aware of any Republican poll watchers being removed but noted some had been ‘very aggressive, trying to intimidate the poll workers and processors.’

Mark Brewer, former chairman of the Michigan Democratic Party, said he was inside the convention center and access was cut off to some people from both sides at one point because of capacity restrictions related to the pandemic.


TRUMP: ‘The election apparatus in Georgia is run by Democrats.’

THE FACTS: No, the state’s elections are overseen by a Republican, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

TRUMP: ‘The 11th Circuit ruled that in Georgia the votes have to be in by Election Day, that they should be in by Election Day. And they weren’t. Votes are coming in after Election Day.’

THE FACTS: That’s not an accurate description of the ruling in question or what happened in the election in Georgia.

Although the court ruled that votes must be in by 7 p.m. Election Day for them to count, an exception was made for ballots from the members of U.S. Military serving overseas. Those can be received until 5 p.m. Friday and still count. Election officials in Georgia are still counting votes, but they are votes that have been lawfully received.


TRUMP: ‘If you count the legal votes, I easily win. if you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal the election from us.’

THE FACTS: This is baseless.

Neither Trump’s campaign aides nor election officials have identified substantial numbers of ‘illegal’ votes, much less the mammoth numbers it would take to ruin an easy win by Trump. He frequently speaks as if mail-in voting itself is illegitimate. But it unfolded in accordance with state voting rules, in some cases adapted by officials to help voters get through the pandemic safely.

TRUMP, complaining that underhanded activity sapped his leads in important races: ‘We were winning all the key locations, by a lot actually.’

THE FACTS: The change in fortunes he speaks about is explained by the nature of vote counting in the states, not by any sudden surge of malfeasance that others have not seen.

Often, big cities are slower to report their numbers, and those votes tend skew Democratic. Likewise, many states tend to count mail-in ballots at the end of the process. That portion of the vote has tended to favor Biden, particularly because Trump urged his supporters in advance to avoid mail-in voting and to vote in person either early or on Election Day.

Trump finished election night with leads in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia, among the states most in play, then saw his advantage begin to fray Wednesday and past that. Biden won Wisconsin and Michigan; Georgia and Pennsylvania can’t yet be called.

Why the deciding votes are taking SO long to count: Sluggish tallying of mail-ins, fixing ballots one-by-one, ink shortages and printer errors have drawn out the process for days as America and the world wait

As Americans sit on tenterhooks waiting for five key states to finally crown a victor in the presidential election, one question is on everyone’s minds: What is taking so long? 

Election officials in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and North Carolina have pleaded for patience as they continue chipping away at mountains of hundreds of thousands of uncounted ballots.  

The paramount reason tallying has been sluggish is because of a record number of mail-in ballots, which take significantly more time to process than in-person ballots because they have to be verified and scanned via a system with multiple steps where things can, and have, gone awry.  

Voting centers around the US have reported issues with ink shortages, ballots printed on the wrong paper and faulty machinery – exacerbating an already arduous process. 

The states that still haven’t been called as of Thursday are facing yet another challenge: Unprecedented pressure to make sure the results are right when the margin is razor-thin. 

President Donald Trump on Thursday promised to mount legal battles in all battleground states won by his rival Joe Biden as he continued issuing fevered demands to stop counting in states that haven’t been called yet. 

Trump and Republicans have been waging a war against mail-in ballots for months, charging that they would lead to widespread voter fraud. 

Now that mail-in ballots have led to delays, Republicans are arguing that the counting process is stacked against them as well – even in states where their own party makes the rules.  

Meanwhile Biden and the Democrats have urged Americans to be patient and insisted that every vote be counted, especially since they expect the bulk of mail-in ballots to go in their favor.  

With the eyes of the nation blaring down at them, election officials in the states still up for grabs are doing just that, making sure results are bulletproof in preparation for legal action by the Trump campaign. 

Two days after the election, hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots remain uncounted across Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and North Carolina - prompting many to question why it's taking so long to reach a result. Pictured: Fulton County election workers examine ballots while vote counting at State Farm Arena on Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia

Two days after the election, hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots remain uncounted across Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and North Carolina - prompting many to question why it's taking so long to reach a result. Pictured: Fulton County election workers examine ballots while vote counting at State Farm Arena on Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia

Two days after the election, hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots remain uncounted across Pennsylvania, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and North Carolina – prompting many to question why it’s taking so long to reach a result. Pictured: Fulton County election workers examine ballots while vote counting at State Farm Arena on Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia

The states still counting as of Thursday afternoon:

  • Pennsylvania (20
  •  Arizona (11) 
  •  Nevada (6)
  •   Georgia (16)
  •  North Carolina (15)

Not knowing the winner of the presidential election two days after the polls closed is understandably unsettling for Americans, who are used to seeing a result the night of. 

But in fact the counting process has always taken several days or weeks, continuing well after media outlets project the winner based on partial counts. 

Each state has its own certification deadline to hand down an official count, ranging from two days after the election in Delaware to more than a month after in California.

Why mail-in ballots take so long to count

Experts have been predicting for months that counting votes would take much longer than in previous years because of an unprecedented number of voters sending ballots by mail due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Absentee ballots are considerably more time-consuming to process than in-person ballots. 

When you vote in person, the ballot typically goes straight into the machine, where it is processed and counted almost immediately. 

There are a couple more steps with mail-in ballots. The first step is processing, which in most states sees an election worker verify the signature on the exterior of the envelope against voter rolls. 

A worker then takes time to carefully open the envelope and flatten out the ballot before it can be scanned into a system – a simple yet lengthy process in large numbers – at which point it is counted.  

Technical snags and snafus in several jurisdictions across the US slowed the process further this week.

Absentee ballots are considerably more time-consuming to process than in-person ballots. Pictured: Mail-in ballots are processed, flattened and scanned by poll workers in the Philadelphia Convention Center in Pennsylvania on November 3

Absentee ballots are considerably more time-consuming to process than in-person ballots. Pictured: Mail-in ballots are processed, flattened and scanned by poll workers in the Philadelphia Convention Center in Pennsylvania on November 3

Absentee ballots are considerably more time-consuming to process than in-person ballots. Pictured: Mail-in ballots are processed, flattened and scanned by poll workers in the Philadelphia Convention Center in Pennsylvania on November 3

In Georgia, for example, a burst pipe caused delays in counting up to 60,000 absentee ballots in Fulton County, which includes part of Atlanta and leans Democrat. 

In another Georgia county, there was a corrupt memory card on one scanner which meant 400 had to be recounted. Officials in some counties are also using paper ballots for the first time in 20 years because they voted earlier this year that machine voting was not secretive enough.  

And in Wisconsin, absentee ballot results in and around Green Bay, a Democratic stronghold, were delayed after vote-counting machines ran out of ink and a batch of more than 60,000 ballots had to be reprinted.

While some states were able to get ahead by counting mail-in votes as they came in over the past two months, officials in three Midwestern battlegrounds – Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania – were not allowed to begin counting mail-in votes until on or just before Election Day.  

Republican-led state legislatures in those three states had opposed changing laws to allow earlier preparations as other states did. 

States can predict how many mail-in ballots they will receive based on how many requests were made, however that does not account for people who changed their minds and voted in person instead or who failed to mail their ballots by November 3.

Where the count process stands


As of Thursday afternoon Pennsylvania has by far the most ballots left to count, with an estimated 956,000. 

The state, which has 20 electoral votes, is also continuing to accept ballots through 5pm Friday, as long as they were postmarked by Election Day. 

Republicans had challenged that late deadline prior to Election Day, but it remained in place after the US Supreme Court declined to take up the case. 

However, the justices have said they may reconsider the case afterward—meaning that any ballots received after Election Day could be tossed out, complicating matters further. 

Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar on Thursday said that election workers could finish tallying ‘the overwhelming majority’ of the uncounted ballots to have a clear winner by the end of the day.  

Boockvar has asked counties to separate any ballots arriving between 8pm on November 3 and 5pm on November 6 in preparation for a legal challenge from the Trump campaign. 

However, Boockvar told CNN that she believes post-Election Day ballot numbers will only have a marginal impact on the outcome. 

‘It’s not a huge number,’ she said. ‘So, I think, no matter what happens, I don’t think it’s going to be a tremendous impact on this race.’ 

The majority of the outstanding ballots in Pennsylvania are from Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, which tend to lean Democrat.    

Counting stopped then restarted in Philadelphia as Trump’s campaign sued claiming they are not being allowed to watch the count, winning their case first, then lost on appeal on Thursday. And in Pittsburgh, 35,000 votes cannot be legally counted until Friday. 

As of Thursday afternoon Pennsylvania has by far the most ballots left to count, with an estimated 956,000. Pictured: Monroe County municipal workers count ballots on Thursday in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

As of Thursday afternoon Pennsylvania has by far the most ballots left to count, with an estimated 956,000. Pictured: Monroe County municipal workers count ballots on Thursday in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

As of Thursday afternoon Pennsylvania has by far the most ballots left to count, with an estimated 956,000. Pictured: Monroe County municipal workers count ballots on Thursday in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania


Arizona was expected to hand down a result on Thursday morning, before Secretary of State Katie Hobbs announced further delays. 

Hobbs said there are about 450,000 ballots waiting to be counted across the state, with the majority – 300,000 – coming from Maricopa County, where pro-Trump protesters stormed an election office on Wednesday night.  

Maricopa County added 62,000 votes to its tally on Thursday morning, putting Biden ahead by 68,400 votes, or less than three points. 

Like Maricopa County, the other counties with outstanding votes – Pima, Cococino and Santa Cruz – are considered Democratic areas.  

The AP and other outlets declared Biden the winner in Arizona on Tuesday night but the vote count is still being closely monitored. 

Meanwhile the Trump campaign has said it is confident about winning the state.  

Speaking on Thursday morning, Hobbs did not offer an estimate for how long it will be before an outcome is reached, but experts anticipate it could arrive by Friday.   

Arizona did not accept any mail-in ballots that arrived after Election Day. 

There are about 450,000 ballots waiting to be counted across the state of Arizona, with the majority - 300,000 - coming from Maricopa County, where pro-Trump protesters stormed an election office on Wednesday night (pictured)

There are about 450,000 ballots waiting to be counted across the state of Arizona, with the majority - 300,000 - coming from Maricopa County, where pro-Trump protesters stormed an election office on Wednesday night (pictured)

There are about 450,000 ballots waiting to be counted across the state of Arizona, with the majority – 300,000 – coming from Maricopa County, where pro-Trump protesters stormed an election office on Wednesday night (pictured)


Georgia currently has nearly 48,000 mail-in ballots waiting to be counted, according to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. 

The majority of the uncounted ballots – 17,000 – are in Chatham County, which includes Savannah.  

Georgia’s Voting System Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling said on Thursday that the state is still working to determine how many provisional ballots have yet to be counted. He said he hoped they would have a number by the end of the day.  

‘Fast is great, and we appreciate fast,’ Sterling said. ‘We more appreciate accuracy.’

Asked why everything is taking so long, Sterling said there was nothing suspicious or strange about the process, but that elections were never normally so close so it doesn’t always have to come down to an official count.

Trump and the Georgia Republican Party have filed a lawsuit against election officials in Chatham County on Wednesday, asking a judge to order all late ballots be secured and accounted for.

It was filed after a Republican observer claims to have witnessed mail-in ballots which arrived after the 7pm deadline added to a pile of lawful votes to be counted.

Sean Pumphry, a registered GOP poll-watcher, said he saw 53 unprocessed ballots added to processed ones.

But Chatham County Judge James Bass dismissed Trump’s lawsuit on Thursday morning after county officials provided evidence to prove all ballots were legitimate and late ballots were not being accepted. 


Nevada officials have estimated that around 100,000  have yet to be counted, although that number is shaky because the state mailed ballots to all active registered voters. 

The state, which has seen nearly half of its 1.2 million total votes come in by mail, will accept ballots through November 10.  

Updated results released on Thursday afternoon showed Biden’s lead has grown to nearly 12,000 votes, with 76 percent of expected votes counted. 

The majority of the outstanding votes are in Clark County, which is home to Las Vegas and more than 70 percent of the state’s voters. 

Clark County officials have said they hope to conclude counting by the end of the weekend.  

Washoe County, the state’s second largest county, had about 9,000 mail-in ballots waiting to be counted as of midday Thursday. 

The Trump campaign mounted a legal battle in Nevada on Thursday, claiming that ‘tens of thousands’ of people who voted in the state are no longer residents there.  

North Carolina 

Like Pennsylvania and Nevada, North Carolina extended its deadline to accept ballots postmarked on Election Day until November 12. 

Election officials in the state, which saw a record 4.5 million absentee ballots cast ahead of Election Day, have said new results will likely not be released until next week, when the final ballots arrive. 

There are currently about 116,000 outstanding requested absentee ballots, officials said, however it’s unclear how many of those will actually be returned.  

‘With very few exceptions, North Carolina’s numbers are not going to move until November 12 or 13,’ State Board of Elections Executive Director Karen Brinson Bell said Wednesday.

Trump holds a one point lead in the state, with 94 percent of the expected vote in, according to the AP.   

Georgia’s election still too close to call as Biden moves neck-and-neck with Trump with 16,000 votes left to be counted

Joe Biden and Donald Trump are just about neck and neck in Georgia after the president’s lead dipped below 2,000 votes in the latest ballot count on Thursday night.  

Trump remains ahead but only by a slim margin of 1,775, putting both candidates in equal standing in terms of percentage points with each holding 49.4 per cent of the vote. 

There are now approximately 14,000 ballots that still need to be processed in the state in addition to the 8,900 overseas and military ballots that are due to arrive by 5pm on Friday. 

Of the outstanding votes, about 5,000 will come from Clayton County, a largely democratic county, which are expected to be counted by midnight, the county’s board of elections directors, Shauna Dozier told CNN.   

Trump’s standing in Georgia has swiftly weakened in the last 24 hours, having been up 9,000 votes on Thursday morning and 18,000 on Wednesday night.  

Biden could win the election with Georgia, which amounts to 16 electoral college points, if he holds on to his lead in Arizona

The result in Arizona is not expected until Friday because there are still 285,000 votes left to count. About 200,000 of those will come from Maricopa County, where officials are expected to update the count by 11am.

Officials in both Arizona and Nevad – where only 51,000 need to be counted – say they need at least another day to get through them and get through them accurately, despite the fact that they’ve rattled through many, many more votes in the last few days alone. 

Why it is taking so long to reach a conclusion is a question that millions of frustrated Americans are asking and it’s being heard around the world. There is no simple answer for it. 

In one Georgia county, there was a corrupt memory card on one scanner which meant 400 had to be recounted. Officials in some counties are also using paper ballots for the first time in 20 years because they voted earlier this year that machine voting was not secretive enough. They are then scanning all of the paper votes which is an ‘arduous’ process, it was said on Thursday. 

In some states, it’s because the race is simply tighter than it was in the last election so is difficult for news and TV networks – who ordinarily call elections – to make a decisive projection. Another reason is that there are more mail-in ballots this year than in elections gone by because of COVID-19. They are taking longer to pour in and different states had different rules on when those could start being counted. 

In any event, Trump is already contesting the results in several states. He says there has been voter fraud in Nevada, with people sending in ballots under dead residents’ names, and from non-residents. 

In Georgia, he says they weren’t able to verify that the count was being done properly.  

In Wisconsin, he is also demanding a recount, and in Michigan and Pennsylvania, he wants the counting to be halted.  

Trump appeared in public for the first time in more than 36 hours on Thursday, speaking in the White House briefing room, where he made unfounded accusations that the presidential election was being stolen from him.

In almost every state that Biden has won, Trump’s lead has been strong at first then shrank as more ballots- specifically mail-in ballots – have been tallied up. 

He thinks it is suspicious. 

Speaking on Thursday, Georgia’s Voting System Implementation Manager, Gabriel Sterling, said there was nothing suspicious or strange about the process, but that elections were never normally so close so it doesn’t always have to come down to an official count. 

‘We can’t know how long the process will take. We hope to have clarity but “done” is a very relative term at this point.

‘As we’ve been stating for weeks and months, it’s going to take time.  The effort here is to make sure everybody’s legal vote is counted properly.

‘The issue we have in Georgia is it’s a close vote. There’s other states that have more votes to count than we do but it’s a wide margin so nobody cares,’ Sterling said. 

He said he did anticipate giving a result by the end of the day. 

In Georgia, Superior Court judge James Bass said there was ‘no evidence’ to the Trump suit’s claims that a 53 ballots arrived late and got mixed with other ballots. In Michigan, Judge Cynthia Stephens ruled against the Trump campaign’s push to stop the count in order to gain additional access for its observers. ‘I have no basis to find that there is a substantial likelihood of success on the merits,’ she said.

‘All of the recent Biden claimed States will be legally challenged by us for Voter Fraud and State Election Fraud,’ Trump tweeted Thursday amid the nationwide blitz of court challenges. ‘Plenty of proof – just check out the Media. WE WILL WIN! America First!’

Trump’s team scored a win in a Pennsylvania court, but not on an issue that appears likely to sway a race with thousands of ballots being processed.

‘The Trump campaign called it a ‘major victory,’ but state officials appealed, saying it ‘jeopardizes both the safety of the City Defendants’ canvass, plus the privacy of voters.’

Even if the Trump legal efforts don’t ultimately prevail, they are already succeeding in slowing down the voting process, and Trump’s allies are using them to claim Trump has seized an ‘overwhelming victory’ among ‘verifiable’ ballots. 


Biden leads in Nevada by 11,400 votes as Trump’s team files lawsuit alleging ineligible votes were cast

Joe Biden is now leading in Nevada by more than 11,000 votes as of Thursday night as President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a federal lawsuit in the state, alleging that ineligible votes were cast in the Las Vegas area.

About 75 per cent of the Nevada votes are in and Biden is leading by 11,438 votes, which is only about 1 per cent, as of Thursday night, according to CNN.

But there are outstanding about 50,000 ballots left to be counted in the coming days. Under state law, they can still be accepted so long as they were postmarked by the November 3.

Trump narrowly lost Nevada in 2016 as the state has trended toward the Democrats in the past decade. The last Republican presidential contender to win the state was George W. Bush in 2004.

Nevada has delayed giving its election result, saying they need until at least tomorrow to count the remaining votes, as the country and the world wait in agony to find out who the next president will be. 

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign’s complaint filed in US District Court resurrected an effort abandoned just hours earlier in Nevada state court — a court order to stop the Clark County Registrar of Voters from using an optical scanning machine to process ballots and validate voter signatures.   

Joe Biden is now leading in Nevada by more than 11,000 votes as of Thursday night as President Donald Trump's campaign filed a federal lawsuit in the state, alleging that ineligible votes were cast in the Las Vegas area. Trump supporters are seen demonstrating in Las Vegas on Thursday

Joe Biden is now leading in Nevada by more than 11,000 votes as of Thursday night as President Donald Trump's campaign filed a federal lawsuit in the state, alleging that ineligible votes were cast in the Las Vegas area. Trump supporters are seen demonstrating in Las Vegas on Thursday

Joe Biden is now leading in Nevada by more than 11,000 votes as of Thursday night as President Donald Trump’s campaign filed a federal lawsuit in the state, alleging that ineligible votes were cast in the Las Vegas area. Trump supporters are seen demonstrating in Las Vegas on Thursday 

The federal filing cites experiences of a woman who said Thursday she was turned away from voting in person because a mailed ballot had been cast with her signature and a political strategist TV commentator who said he was denied an opportunity to observe ballot counting late on election night. 

Trump Nevada campaign co-chairman Adam Laxalt said the new filing ‘highlights ongoing voter fraud and voter disenfranchisement in Clark County’.

State Attorney General Aaron Ford called it ‘a Hail Mary’ and ‘another opportunity to undermine the confidence in this election’ while ballots are still being counted.

Ford noted a federal judge dismissed in September an effort to block the state law that let mailed ballots go out to each of Nevada’s more than 1.7 million active registered voters.

‘When they can’t stop you from voting, they try to stop your vote from counting,’ he said.

If Biden claims Nevada today, he will win another 6 electoral college points, giving him 270 when factoring in the 11 that come from Arizona.

Arizona was called for him on Wednesday morning by Fox and the AP but with 450,000 votes still outstanding, it remains in play for Trump. If Biden loses Arizona, he has 259 electoral college votes. He’d need another 11 from either Georgia – which holds 16 – North Carolina – which holds 15 – or Pennsylvania – which holds 20 – to win.

It’s unclear when North Carolina will announce, but it is expected to go to Trump as it did in 2016. The race in Nevada has been tight. For most of the morning, Biden led by only around 7,000 votes there.  

Trump’s team is crying fraud. They say they have ‘evidence’ that ‘tens of thousands of votes’ had been cast there fraudulently. 

‘We are confident that when all legal votes are tallied — and only legal votes are tallied — President Trump will win the state of Nevada,’ Former Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell told Fox News on Thursday morning. 

‘The reality is transparency is not political. Ballots are not automatically legal votes until they’re checked. We are not being able to check.

‘There’s a 30 day residency requirement in the state of Nevada. If you haven’t been in the state for 30 days it is illegal to vote. We are filing this federal lawsuit to protect legal voters. 

‘It is unacceptable in this country to have illegal votes counted. That is what’s happening in the state of Nevada,’ Grenell claimed at a press conference. 

Nevada law states that to be eligible to vote, a person has to have been a resident of the state for at least 30 days before the election. 

That does not necessarily mean that they have to have been physically in the state for the 30 days preceding the election.  

Trump’s people also claim that many of the votes in Nevada came from people who no longer live there, or were cast under the names of deceased people. 


Arizona results expected to be announced Friday as Secretary of State says 285,000 ballots STILL need to be counted

Katie Hobbs, Arizona's Secretary of State, said Arizona's won't be final until tomorrow night

Katie Hobbs, Arizona's Secretary of State, said Arizona's won't be final until tomorrow night

Katie Hobbs, Arizona’s Secretary of State, said Arizona’s won’t be final until tomorrow night

Joe Biden’s lead in Arizona has dropped to less than 47,000 votes after Donald Trump narrowed the gap following a dump of mail-in ballots on Thursday night.  

Biden remains ahead in the battleground state but only by 46,257 or 50.1 per cent, compared to Trump’s 48.5 per cent, after the president secured the majority vote in the most populous county, Maricopa. 

The latest figures means Biden now leads by 1.5 percentage points, down from 2.4 points Thursday morning. 

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs said there are now 285,000 ballots that still need to be counted statewide, with 200,000 of those in Maricopa County. Officials are expected to update the count by 11am Friday.  

It comes after the AP and and Fox News had both called Arizona early on Wednesday morning, claiming there was no possible way for Trump to claw it back from him – a move which was later called into question.   

Arizona holds 11 crucial electoral college votes which, when giving them to Biden now, poises him for the White House with 264 of the 270 that he needs. He would only need to win Nevada, Georgia, or North Carolina to claim victory if his Arizona lead holds. 

Nevada holds 6 electoral college votes and will be announced at noon EST. Georgia holds 16 and will be announced later. Trump is ahead in Georgia by only 18,000 votes and there are still some 60,000 votes left to count. The count is expected to be completed there today.

If Biden loses Arizona to Trump, Trump goes from 214 electoral college votes to 225. He would then only need 42 additional electoral college votes from  Georgia (16), North Carolina (15) and Pennsylvania (20) – all states in which he is leading – to claim victory, assuming he wins Alaska’s three electoral college votes which he is all but guaranteed to. 

The delay prolongs an already excruciating wait to find out who will be the next President for frustrated Americans and people all over the world who are now asking why it is taking so long to reach a conclusion. 

There has been no simple answer so far. In some states it’s because the margin is incredibly tight. In others, it’s because mail-in ballots haven’t yet arrived and can be counted for days yet. Official counts are never normally returned on election day or even in the immediate aftermath. The election is always called instead by a TV or news network based on analysis of possible outcomes. 

But none are calling it this year, because the race in the remaining swing states has been so tight.   

As the excruciating wait dragged on on Thursday morning, Katie Hobbs, Arizona’s Secretary of State, said the process would simply take as long as it takes. 

‘There are just under 300,000 votes left to count in Maricopa County which is two thirds of the voting population.  Statewide, just under 450,000 votes left to count so we’re getting there, we have said from the beginning this take’s time. We’re going to focus on making sure every valid vote counts. 

‘I haven’t gotten an estimate from Maricopa County about how long it’s going to take them to get through the ballots. It’s not looking like today – probably closer to tomorrow that we’ll be looking at getting through those ballots,’ she told Good Morning America.

At 5pm EST, she said the same number still had to be counted and that Maricopa County were only getting through 140,000 a day – that means it could take another two days.  



Pennsylvania still has 250,000 votes left to count with results expected Friday

Pennsylvania still has hundreds of thousands of votes left to count despite the secretary of state saying results could be returned on Thursday as Joe Biden closes the gap and President Donald Trump loses a legal bid to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia.  

Pennsylvania is among a handful of battleground states Trump and Biden are narrowly contesting as they seek the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency.

Trump, who held a 675,000-vote lead early Wednesday, prematurely declared victory in the state, which holds 20 electoral college votes.

‘We’re winning Pennsylvania by a tremendous amount. We’re up 690,000 votes in Pennsylvania. These aren’t even close. It’s not like, “Oh, it’s close,” Trump said during an appearance at the White House.

But by Thursday evening Trump’s lead had slipped to about 26,319 votes, as mail in ballots from across the state continued to be counted. The late counted ballots were overwhelming in Biden’s favor. 

Pennsylvania still has hundreds of thousands of votes left to count despite the secretary of state saying results could be returned on Thursday as Joe Biden closes the gap and President Donald Trump loses a legal bid to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia

Pennsylvania still has hundreds of thousands of votes left to count despite the secretary of state saying results could be returned on Thursday as Joe Biden closes the gap and President Donald Trump loses a legal bid to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia

Pennsylvania still has hundreds of thousands of votes left to count despite the secretary of state saying results could be returned on Thursday as Joe Biden closes the gap and President Donald Trump loses a legal bid to stop ballot counting in Philadelphia 

There’s a possibility the race won’t be decided for days and according to MSNBC, there are about 250,000 ballots left to count. If there is less than a half percentage point difference between Biden and Trump’s vote total, state law dictates that a recount must be held.

Democrats had long considered Pennsylvania a part of their ‘blue wall’ — a trifecta that also includes Wisconsin and Michigan — that for years had served as a bulwark in presidential elections. In 2016, Trump won each by less than a percentage point.

Biden, who was born in Scranton, claims favorite-son status in the state and has long played up the idea that he was Pennsylvania’s ‘third senator’ during his decades representing neighboring Delaware. He’s also campaigned extensively in the state from his home in Delaware.

If Biden wins Pennsylvania, he wins the election. Currently, he has 264 votes – including Arizona despite that coming slightly back into play. Even without Arizona, if he won Pennsylvania, he would take the White House.  

Trump cannot win on Pennsylvania alone; with 214 electoral college votes, he’d still need to pick up either Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona or Nevada – the four other states where a result is yet to be officially confirmed. 

Earlier on Thursday, Kathy Boockvar told CNN’s Jake Tapper that results Pennsylvania could be in by Thursday. 

‘I think there’s about 550,000 some odd — you know, plus or minus — ballots that are still in the process of being counted today. Some of those may have already been counted but are not yet uploaded. But yeah, they’re coming in. We’re getting 10,000 here, 20,000 here, counties are furiously at work.’

Results are now expected to be in for Pennsylvania by Friday. 

Earlier on Thursday, Kathy Boockvar (left) told CNN's Jake Tapper that results Pennsylvania could be in by Thursday. 'I think there’s about 550,000 some odd — you know, plus or minus — ballots that are still in the process of being counted today. Some of those may have already been counted but are not yet uploaded.' Results are now expected on Friday

Earlier on Thursday, Kathy Boockvar (left) told CNN's Jake Tapper that results Pennsylvania could be in by Thursday. 'I think there’s about 550,000 some odd — you know, plus or minus — ballots that are still in the process of being counted today. Some of those may have already been counted but are not yet uploaded.' Results are now expected on Friday

Earlier on Thursday, Kathy Boockvar (left) told CNN’s Jake Tapper that results Pennsylvania could be in by Thursday. ‘I think there’s about 550,000 some odd — you know, plus or minus — ballots that are still in the process of being counted today. Some of those may have already been counted but are not yet uploaded.’ Results are now expected on Friday

Meanwhile, Trump had sued Pennsylvania to undermine whatever election result is returned.

Voting was temporarily halted in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh on Thursday as a result of the legal row. A judge intervened and dismissed the federal motion.

In Nevada, there are only around 51,000 votes left to call before Friday and they say they need that much time. Arizona also says they need until Friday to deliver a result on their remaining 450,000 votes.  

The Trump campaign had a brief legal victory in Pennsylvania on Thursday when a judge ruled ballot observers can watch officials count ballots within six feet. Representatives of both campaigns were in the room to watch the counts but at a further distance because of the coronavirus. A county judge agreed with the Trump campaign, but the state Supreme Court rejected it.

The situation in Pittsburgh is complicated by about 30,000 outstanding ballots, where a vendor sent the wrong ballots to voters and had to reissue new ballots with the correct races.

Poll workers now have to examine these ballots to make sure that people don’t vote twice, or, if they sent in the wrong ballot, they didn’t vote in races they aren’t eligible for.

They cannot legally be counted until Friday when Allegheny County, where Pittsburgh sits, swears in a special board to examine these ballots, as required by law

Trump’s team of lawyers have filed lawsuits on multiple fronts – to try to stem the flow of presumably pro-Biden mail ballots into the system, and to try to force greater access for observers so they presumably can challenge more individual ballots.

They scored an initial win Thursday morning, which former Florida Secretary of State Pam Bondi, a Trump backer, brandished at a press conference.

The ruling, by the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, reverses a decision by the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia. It lets Trumps observers ‘be permitted to observe all aspects of the canvassing process, within 6 feet, while adhering to all COVID-19 protocols, including wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.’

Trump touted the ‘Big legal win in Pennsylvania!’ on Twitter. But then the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania almost instantly struck it down when Democrats appealed. 

The reason of the appeal was not concern over the watching itself, experts said, but because Democrats say Republicans accepted the rules on watching before they went into effect.

Conceding that the rules could be changed after they had been agreed would open the way to more rules being changed, they argue.

That is not the end of the road for the Trump campaign. 

The big battle, with a greater potential to affect the count, could come in an effort to challenge an earlier Supreme Court decision allowing the state to count mail-in ballots that come in three days after Election Day.

Conservative justices had indicated that it could get another hearing should these ballots that get counted later prove decisive.




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