Some Republican senators slammed Texas lawsuit after more than 100 House GOP members sign on

Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., is seen in the basement of the Capitol on Wednesday, December 2.
Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., is seen in the basement of the Capitol on Wednesday, December 2. Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc/Getty Images

Several Republican senators on Friday weighed in on a lawsuit that seeks to overturn the results of the election.

More than 100 House GOP members signed on to an amicus brief backing Texas. The signatories include several lawmakers from the four states from which Trump and Texas are trying to throw out millions of votes: four from Georgia, four from Michigan, seven from Pennsylvania and one from Wisconsin.

Moderate GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski said she was disappointed by the Texas lawsuit to overturn the election.

“I am really surprised and disappointed that 43 days before everything is to be certified that there would be an effort by members, effort by states that are not even impacted in the sense of the challenges,” she said. 

She added she would be surprised if she got a petition sent to her office.

“I don’t think they would send one to my office. I would certainly hope not. Because that meant they haven’t seen my statements which I have clearly said President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris are going to be beginning a new administration in January,” she said.

Asked about his House GOP colleagues joining the amicus brief, including Rep. Steve Scalise, Sen. John Cornyn asked, “Did they read it?” before laughing.

“I’m for people seeking recourse,” he said, adding that he looks forward to seeing the Supreme Court decision when it happens.

When asked if he’s aligning himself legally with the lawsuit, close Trump ally Sen. Mike Braun responded, “I just haven’t made my mind up yet.”

“You know I’ve all along said that I want the process to play out and I’m just watching it, observing, not sure what’s going to happen, I’m anxious to see if the Supreme Court is going to hear it, I think they should,” he said.

When asked about the Texas lawsuit, retiring GOP Sen. Lamar Alexander said, “I’m never surprised by the House of Representatives” and laughed. 

And Sen. Joni Ernst dodged questions on if she’s supportive. “I think it’s important all vote be counted,” she said.

Meanwhile, Sen. Steve Daines told CNN he was supportive of the lawsuit.

“Montana has joined it and I’m glad to see why,” Daines said, adding he supports it. “I have great confidence in the United State Supreme Court … and we’ll wait to see what the Court rules.”


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