CDC advisers vote to prioritize older adults and frontline workers to receive Covid-19 vaccines in next phase

The two sides are still going back-and-forth over a handful of outstanding issues, including how private schools should be treated in the more than $80 billion in aid outlined for schools and education providers.

Republicans had been pushing for $5 billion in aid for private schools, but Democrats had tried to cut that to be about $2.5 billion, according to a source with direct knowledge of the talks. 

Sen. Roy Blunt, a member of the GOP leadership, confirmed that how to “treat private schools” is one of the final issues to iron out.

Enhanced jobless benefits at $300 per week would begin on Dec. 27 and go on for about 11 more weeks, according to a source with knowledge of the discussions. That is less than what many Democrats wanted but more than what many Republicans were willing to support.

Also, direct payments would indeed be capped at $600 per person for an individual earning less than $75,000. The proposal would provide an additional $600 per person in the family, meaning a family of five could get $3,000 assuming they’re under the requisite income threshold.

What’s happening now: The relevant committees of jurisdiction are finalizing the bill text and are getting official cost estimates with the Congressional Budget Office. That’s a process that takes time to play out.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi still wants a vote tonight, as does Sen. Chuck Schumer, but Republicans believe another stop-gap will be needed to avoid a midnight shutdown and they should vote Monday instead.


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