Joe Biden will ‘head to the Cornwall for his first overseas trip’

Joe Biden will ‘head to the Cornwall for his first overseas trip’ and plans to reverse Trump policies including controversial Muslim travel ban and Paris Climate Accord membership on day ONE

  • Carbis Bay in Britain’s most southerly county has a population of just over 3,000 
  • It is set to host the first in-person meeting of the G7 in almost two years in June
  • Understood to be Biden’s first trip abroad as president following inauguration
  • Summit will no-doubt follow a busy first few months for the soon-to-be premier
  • Mr Biden is set to reverse several major Trump policies on his first day in office 

Joe Biden’s first overseas trip as president will be to a tiny Cornish seaside village for the G7 summit, it is understood. 

The first in-person meeting of the G7 in almost two years will be held in June in Carbis Bay, which has a population of just over 3,000.

Mr Biden is set to attend the meeting making it his first presidential trip abroad following his inauguration next week.

The summit will no-doubt follow a busy first few months for the soon-to-be premier.

Mr Biden is on course to reverse several major Trump policies on his first day in office – including striking down the travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries and having the United States rejoin the Paris Climate Accord, according to a memo from incoming chief of staff Ron Klain. 

According to his chief of staff, Biden has plans to sign up to about a dozen executive orders

The tiny Cornish seaside village of Carbis Bay is to host world leaders in the first in-person meeting of the G7 in almost two years in June

It is one of the smallest locations ever to host the G7, and in summer is often overlooked by tourists driving through on their way to nearby St Ives

What are the plans for this year’s G7 summit and where will it be held? 

Tiny seaside village Carbis Bay in Cornwall is to host world leaders in the first in-person meeting of the G7 in almost two years in June. 

The resort village has a population of just over 3,000, and is served by a Tesco supermarket and a ‘popular’ fish and chip shop.

It is one of the smallest locations ever to host the G7, and in summer is often overlooked by tourists driving through on their way to nearby St Ives.

The choice could prove a logistical nightmare, with the nearest international airport in Exeter, over 100 miles away. 

Cornwall regularly sees its population increase by up to 100,000 people in June, with the A30 main road grinding to a halt in places.

The group will treated to the charms of the Carbis Bay Hotel, a four-star £300-a-night spa resort overlooking the Celtic Sea, where they will hold meetings and their ‘family photo’ at the start of the event between 11-13 June.

Virginia Woolf spent three weeks at the hotel in 1914 and, years later, wrote To the Lighthouse, inspired by Godrevy Lighthouse at St Ives Bay.

The hotel boasts a fine-dining spot, Restaurant 1894, which opened last summer and has an extensive wine cellar that Emmanuel Macron will approve of.

Some of the delegates will have to travel to and from their lodgings at the hilltop Tregenna Castle Resort just over a mile away.

If any of the leaders need to de-stress at the end of the day then both hotels have pools, but Carbis Bay is closer to the beachside spa that offers a barrel sauna, firelit lounge and large treatment menu.

Mr Johnson has also invited Australia, India and South Korea to attend. 

The Prime Minister says he wants to use Britain’s presidency of the G7 to forge a consensus that the global economy must recover from the pandemic in a pro-free trade and sustainable way.

‘Coronavirus is doubtless the most destructive force we have seen for generations and the greatest test of the modern world order we have experienced,” he said in a statement.

‘It is only right that we approach the challenge of building back better by uniting with a spirit of openness to create a better future.’


It was revealed today that this year’s G7 meeting, Boris Johnson‘s first major summit in the UK, will be held in Carbis Bay in Cornwall.

The Prime Minister hopes to unite leaders on a message of ‘building back better from coronavirus‘.

The resort village has a population of just over 3,000, and is served by a Tesco supermarket and a ‘popular’ fish and chip shop.

It is one of the smallest locations ever to host the G7, and in summer is often overlooked by tourists driving through on their way to nearby St Ives.

The choice could prove a logistical nightmare, with the nearest international airport over 100 miles away in Exeter. 

Cornwall regularly sees its population increase by up to 100,000 people in June, with the A30 main road grinding to a halt in places.

Mr Johnson will pull out all the stops for the meeting.

While it is set to be Mr Biden’s first international visit, it is set to be one of the last by outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Others in attendance are French President Emmanuel Macron, Japan’s newly elected Prime minister Yoshihide Suga, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, Italy’s Giuseppe Conte, and leaders from the European Union.

The group will treated to the charms of the Carbis Bay Hotel, a four-star £300-a-night spa resort overlooking the Celtic Sea, where they will hold meetings and their ‘family photo’ at the start of the event between 11-13 June.

Virginia Woolf spent three weeks at the hotel in 1914 and, years later, wrote To the Lighthouse, inspired by Godrevy Lighthouse at St Ives Bay.

Some of the delegates will have to travel to and from their lodgings at the hilltop Tregenna Castle Resort just over a mile away.  

The G7 meeting will no-doubt follow months of swift change put in place by Mr Biden.

One of the executive orders he will sign is a reversal of the travel ban, which first affected people from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen when it was implemented in January 2017. 

The order has been altered slightly since then, but has largely withstood legal challenges, despite calls of it being discriminatory.

Another executive order Mr Biden is planning on signing on his first day is an order that will have the United States rejoin the Paris Climate Accord.

The agreement signed in 2016 is a global pledge to reduce greenhouse gas emission and enact other environmentally-conscious policies.

Donald Trump had the United States withdraw from the agreement in November 2019, becoming the most significant nation to no longer be party to the pact, drawing the ire of the rest of the globe. 

Who's in, who's out: Japan's Shinzo Abe resigned for health reasons last year, while Donald Tusk's EU Council Presidency also came to an end. Donald Trump won't be attending after he lost the US Presidential election to Joe Biden

Who's in, who's out: Japan's Shinzo Abe resigned for health reasons last year, while Donald Tusk's EU Council Presidency also came to an end. Donald Trump won't be attending after he lost the US Presidential election to Joe Biden

Who’s in, who’s out: Japan’s Shinzo Abe resigned for health reasons last year, while Donald Tusk’s EU Council Presidency also came to an end. Donald Trump won’t be attending after he lost the US Presidential election to Joe Biden

Some of the delegates will have to travel to and from their lodgings at the hilltop Tregenna Castle Resort just over a mile away

Some of the delegates will have to travel to and from their lodgings at the hilltop Tregenna Castle Resort just over a mile away

Some of the delegates will have to travel to and from their lodgings at the hilltop Tregenna Castle Resort just over a mile away

The Prime Minister says he wants to use Britain's presidency of the G7 to forge a consensus that the global economy must recover from the pandemic in a pro-free trade and sustainable way. Pictured: Mr Johnson with Emmanuel Macron at the G7 in Biarritz in 2019

The Prime Minister says he wants to use Britain's presidency of the G7 to forge a consensus that the global economy must recover from the pandemic in a pro-free trade and sustainable way. Pictured: Mr Johnson with Emmanuel Macron at the G7 in Biarritz in 2019

The Prime Minister says he wants to use Britain’s presidency of the G7 to forge a consensus that the global economy must recover from the pandemic in a pro-free trade and sustainable way. Pictured: Mr Johnson with Emmanuel Macron at the G7 in Biarritz in 2019 

The travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries is one of the policies Joe Biden intends to reverse on his first day

The travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries is one of the policies Joe Biden intends to reverse on his first day

The travel ban on predominantly Muslim countries is one of the policies Joe Biden intends to reverse on his first day

‘During the campaign, President-elect Biden pledged to take immediate action to start addressing these crises and build back better,’ Klain wrote in a memo obtained by CNN.

‘As president, he will keep those promises and sign dozens of executive orders, presidential memoranda, and directives to Cabinet agencies in fulfillment of the promises he made.’

Other executive orders Biden wants to sign right away include a halt of evictions during the pandemic, a pause on student loan payments during the pandemic, and a mandate requiring the wearing of face masks on federal properties.

Biden also has listed a thorough immigration policy and a $1.9trillion coronavirus relief bill among his top priorities.

Biden previously said he would roll back the Migrant Protection Protocols on his first day, which turn away many Central American refugees at the Mexican border.

Whether or not he does so could become critical in the coming days, with reports of Honduran migrants working their way through Guatemala and slowly towards the US border emerging.

His plans will reverse many of the policy decisions made by his predecessor over four years

His plans will reverse many of the policy decisions made by his predecessor over four years

His plans will reverse many of the policy decisions made by his predecessor over four years

Trump's legacy could be damaged by the reversal of many of his policies by Biden

Trump's legacy could be damaged by the reversal of many of his policies by Biden

Trump’s legacy could be damaged by the reversal of many of his policies by Biden

Biden also plans to visit the United Kingdom early in his presidency. Pictured: Biden in the United Kingdom on official business as vice president in February 2013

Biden also plans to visit the United Kingdom early in his presidency. Pictured: Biden in the United Kingdom on official business as vice president in February 2013

Biden also plans to visit the United Kingdom early in his presidency. Pictured: Biden in the United Kingdom on official business as vice president in February 2013

It was earlier reported that the United Kingdom was set to be the destination of Mr Biden’s first presidential overseas trip.

Ted Kaufman, the head of Mr Biden‘s White House transition team, said he is willing to ‘bet a beer’ the first foreign country the next US President will visit will be England.

Mr Kaufman also said in November that his boss ‘doesn’t understand the whole grudge concept’ as he said it was a ‘very smart move’ for Mr Johnson to speak to Mr Biden so swiftly after the election result was called.

The former US senator said Mr Biden ‘really cares about’ the UK and will ‘want to establish close ties’.

Sources on Mr Biden’s campaign team had questioned whether Mr Johnson was an ‘ally’ because of his warm relationship with Mr Trump. 

Ted Kaufman, a former US senator, is the head of Joe Biden's White House transition team

Ted Kaufman, a former US senator, is the head of Joe Biden's White House transition team

Ted Kaufman, a former US senator, is the head of Joe Biden’s White House transition team

There was also speculation the pair would not get along because of Mr Johnson’s past criticism of Barack Obama, who Mr Biden served as vice president. 

But Mr Kaufman insisted that morning that Mr Biden ‘will be a president who does not hold grudges’.  

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘He just doesn’t understand the whole grudge concept. I am telling you, it bothers me sometimes because I think sometimes you should have a grudge against certain people. 

‘But he just doesn’t understand that at all. Boris Johnson called him up early to congratulate him when other world leaders were concerned that Trump wasn’t out for sure and all the rest of that. 

‘I think that was a very smart move on Boris Johnson’s part. But he will be a president who does not hold grudges so that won’t be a problem. 

‘I think England is a country, the UK is a country, that he really cares about and feels that it is really important and he is going to want to establish close ties with England.

‘You can absolutely go to the bank. That is what he is going to do.’        

A friend of Mr Biden’s told The Sunday Telegraph :’Joe’s view will be that they’ll have the destiny of the world on their shoulders so he’ll want to overcome any political differences.’

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is also hoping to visit Biden in Washington DC after his inauguration.

A United Nations climate change conference is scheduled to take place in Glasgow, Scotland in the fall of 2021, meaning Biden could end up visiting the United Kingdom more than once this year.  

Mr Trump and Mr Johnson tapped into similar sentiments within their countries, but the relationships between the two nations during their tenures has not been rock solid.

Because of Brexit, the two nations are working on a new trade deal, which isn’t expected to be in place before 2022.

Additionally, Trump’s state visit to the country in June 2019 was heavily protested and featured the infamous flying of the Trump baby balloon.

Trump’s first foreign visit as the president took him to several countries in May 2017 starting in Saudi Arabia, where he signed a $110 billion arms deal. 

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