McConnell will vote to acquit Trump in second impeachment trial

The decision all but ensures that Trump will avoid becoming the first president in American history to be convicted in an impeachment trial.

Last month, McConnell directly blamed Trump for the deadly riot, saying “the mob was fed lies” and “provoked by the President and other powerful people.”

The typically tight-lipped Senate Republican leader rarely broke from Trump in his four years as president. But he led the Senate’s certification of the presidential election that the rioters pledged to overturn, and strongly condemned the violence at the Capitol he has served in as a senator for 36 years.

Republican senators have already signaled that they would vote to acquit Trump of the charge of “incitement of insurrection,” and prevent a subsequent vote on whether to bar Trump from holding public office.

In a 50-50 Senate, the House impeachment managers — all of whom are Democrats — need to persuade 17 Republican senators to join every member of their party to convict Trump. But only five or six have indicated they would be open to doing so.

This story has been updated with additional developments Saturday.


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