Analysis: Why Democrats should fight for a $15 minimum wage
With Democrats controlling just 50 seats in the Senate, this makes for an uphill battle for them.
Still, polling and election results show Democrats should be hesitant to give up too quickly. A $15 minimum wage is quite popular and does well among voters who haven’t been voting Democratic the last few cycles.
Take a look at a recent Quinnipiac University poll.
In the same poll, President Joe Biden’s approval rating clocked in at 50% among registered voters.
In other words, support for a higher minimum wage was bigger than the baseline Democratic support.
A $15 minimum wage by 2026 passed with 61% of the vote.
When you dig further into both the polling and Florida returns, you see why the minimum wage does better than Biden: The issue seems to do much better than the Democratic baseline among groups who either aren’t Democrats or have been shifting to the right in the past few elections.
The increase in the minimum wage is something that is far more popular among Republicans and independents than Biden. His approval ratings with Republicans and independents stood at 11% and 44% in the Quinnipiac poll, while approval for a $15 minimum wage came in at 32% and 63% respectively.
Among Democrats, Biden’s approval rating (89%) is basically the same as support for a $15 minimum wage (88%).
If Democrats are looking for something that appeals to the mythical White working class voter, the minimum wage may be it.
Note that in these two dissimilar places in Florida (both in terms of demographics and geography), the minimum wage outperformed Biden by more than its overperformance statewide.
It seems at least somewhat possible that some senators don’t recognize how popular a minimum wage increase is because it’s not one that falls neatly along the traditional demographic and ideological lines.
Now, we obviously don’t know if embracing a $15 minimum wage will actually help Democrats nationally. It’s tough to see how it hurts, though.
If a $15 minimum wage can do so much better than Biden the national polling and in a state Democrats would love to win in the future like Florida, then it would make sense for them to be more forcibly behind it on a national level.