Channel 4 is blasted for ‘spineless surrender to the PC police’ for sacking Ant Middleton

Channel 4 is blasted for ‘spineless surrender to the PC police’ for sacking SAS Who Dares Wins star Ant Middleton over his views on BLM and Covid

  • Ant Middleton declared Black Lives Matter protesters ‘absolute scum’ last June
  • He also said he would ignore Covid advice, but later apologised for the comment
  • Channel 4 axed the ex-commando, saying ‘our views and values are not aligned’
  • Piers Morgan said the decision was ‘absurd,’ saying Middleton was a ‘war hero’  

Channel 4 has been blasted for a ‘spineless surrender to the PC police,’ over the sacking of SAS: Who Dares Wins star Ant Middleton after he shared controversial views on the Black Lives Matter protesters and Covid-19.

The ex Special Boat Service commando branded BLM protesters ‘absolute scum,’ along with EDL protesters, after groups were seen clashing in London last June.

He later apologised for the comments, saying he was ‘anti-racist and anti-violence’.

At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, he said he would ignore Covid-19 advice and told people to ‘carry on as normal’.

Today Channel 4 has said it will no longer work with the 40-year-old, as ‘our views and values are not aligned’.

Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan later tweeted: ‘Absurd that Channel 4 fired Ant Middleton for his opinions. He’s an SBS special forces war hero, what did they think they were hiring – a shrinking violet choirboy? 

‘Such a spineless surrender to the PC Police. Ant’s a top bloke – when he’s not strangling me.’ 

Ant Middleton has been axed from Channel 4's SAS: Who Dares Wins, after the channel said 'our views and values are not aligned'. The former Royal Marine branded Black Lives Matter protesters 'absolute scum' last year and garnered criticism for comments at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic

Ant Middleton has been axed from Channel 4's SAS: Who Dares Wins, after the channel said 'our views and values are not aligned'. The former Royal Marine branded Black Lives Matter protesters 'absolute scum' last year and garnered criticism for comments at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic

Ant Middleton has been axed from Channel 4’s SAS: Who Dares Wins, after the channel said ‘our views and values are not aligned’. The former Royal Marine branded Black Lives Matter protesters ‘absolute scum’ last year and garnered criticism for comments at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic

Middleton’s military career saw him serve in the Special Boat Service, the Royal Marines and 9 Parachute Squadron Royal. 

He was jailed for 14 months after assaulting two police officers in his home town of Chelmsford, Essex, in 2013.

A spokesperson for Channel 4 earlier today told MailOnline: ‘Ant Middleton will not be taking part in future series of SAS: Who Dares Wins. 

‘Following a number of discussions Channel 4 and Minnow Films have had with him in relation to his personal conduct it has become clear that our views and values are not aligned and we will not be working with him again.’ 

Piers Morgan said it was 'absurd,' that Channel 4 'fired,' Middleton. But addressing fans today, Middleton said he had ''decided it¿s time to move on,' from the show

Piers Morgan said it was 'absurd,' that Channel 4 'fired,' Middleton. But addressing fans today, Middleton said he had ''decided it¿s time to move on,' from the show

Piers Morgan said it was ‘absurd,’ that Channel 4 ‘fired,’ Middleton. But addressing fans today, Middleton said he had ”decided it’s time to move on,’ from the show 

Celebrities including fellow presenter Ben Shepherd, ex-footballer John Terry and singer Olly Murrs  have lent their support to Middleton, saying it ‘won’t be the same,’ without him.

Fans are irate and responded to Middleton’s own announcement today, in which he said he had ‘decided it’s time to move on’.

Speaking to followers today, he said: ‘After 5 incredible years I’ve decided it’s time to move on from SAS: Who Dares Wins UK. Big respect to my fellow DS – it’s been a journey I’ll never forget. 

‘Thanks to everyone that took part and made the show what it is. Really excited about the future and what’s coming this year.’

Celebrity friends offered their condolences as Middleton shared the news earlier today

Celebrity friends offered their condolences as Middleton shared the news earlier today

Celebrity friends offered their condolences as Middleton shared the news earlier today 

One follower replied: ‘CH4 have made a massive mistake and I will be boycotting the programme in protest. You made that show and without you it will fail. 

‘Hopefully the other 2 quit after seeing the appalling way CH4 have treated you. Keep voicing your opinion & do not let these people silence you’ 

Another said: ‘PC gone mad, great programme, will miss you in it. I hope to see you back on our screens soon.’ 

Fans threatened to boycott SAS: Who Dares Wins as they claim the 'woke brigade,' cost Middleton his job

Fans threatened to boycott SAS: Who Dares Wins as they claim the 'woke brigade,' cost Middleton his job

Fans threatened to boycott SAS: Who Dares Wins as they claim the ‘woke brigade,’ cost Middleton his job

Middleton was reportedly forced to quit his role as the Royal Navy’s Chief Cadet after just nine months, after his controversial ‘scum’ tweet about Black Lives Matter protesters last summer.

The TV tough guy, who took on the role in November, was said to have left his bosses furious after posting the since-deleted tweet, amid protests over racial injustice after the death of George Floyd in the US.

On June 14, Ant tweeted: ‘The extreme left against the extreme right. When did two wrongs make a right. It was only a matter of time. BLM and EDL are not welcome on our streets, absolute scum. What a great example you are to your future generation. Bravo.’ 



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