Father discovers two NEEDLES ‘deliberately stuck into a playground rope swing’

Horrified father discovers two NEEDLES ‘deliberately stuck into a playground rope swing’ which he says almost injured his daughter

  • Callan Davies’ daughter Georgia was playing at Witton Country Park, Blackburn
  • He believes the needles in rope swing were planted to intentionally hurt children
  • His cautionary post has racked up more than 2,500 likes, shares and comments

A horrified father found two needles ‘deliberately’ stuck into a playground rope swing, which he says almost injured his daughter.

Callan Davies took his children to Witton Country Park in Blackburn, Lancashire, on the bikes for some fresh air and stopped off at the playground during their visit late last month.

The father-of-three rushed over to eight-year-old Georgia Davies when she shouted out that something sharp was digging into her.

To the 32-year-old security officer’s horror, he discovered what he claims were two needles deliberately stuck in the rope swing – which he believes were planted to intentionally hurt children.

After checking her over and discovering it hadn’t pierced her skin, Callan reported the vile traps to park rangers passing by.

A horrified father has blasted 'sadistic' yobs who he claims stuck needles into a playground rope swing in a deliberate attempt to wound children - after his daughter stabbed herself on one

A horrified father has blasted 'sadistic' yobs who he claims stuck needles into a playground rope swing in a deliberate attempt to wound children - after his daughter stabbed herself on one

A horrified father has blasted ‘sadistic’ yobs who he claims stuck needles into a playground rope swing in a deliberate attempt to wound children – after his daughter stabbed herself on one

Pictured left-right: Katie Hayhurst, 22, Callan Davies, 32, Ruby Davies, nine, Bailey Davies, 10 and eight-year-old Georgia, who all went to Witton Country Park in Blackburn, Lancashire

Pictured left-right: Katie Hayhurst, 22, Callan Davies, 32, Ruby Davies, nine, Bailey Davies, 10 and eight-year-old Georgia, who all went to Witton Country Park in Blackburn, Lancashire

Pictured left-right: Katie Hayhurst, 22, Callan Davies, 32, Ruby Davies, nine, Bailey Davies, 10 and eight-year-old Georgia, who all went to Witton Country Park in Blackburn, Lancashire

He’s now speaking out about their worrying find in a bid to warn parents to be vigilant when visiting playgrounds with their kids.

Callan, from Blackburn, Lancashire, said: ‘It’s sadistic to shove needles in a kids’ rope swing.

‘It sounds like stupid yobs wanting to hurt kids who don’t think of the consequences.

‘There were two needles stuck in there, I put my hand straight across the bottom of it to check there was nothing [else] sharp sticking out of it.

‘I was really shocked and really angry about it, needles like this can cause damage to someone.

‘They were placed where a kid would stand or sit at the bottom of the rope swing, it [was planned] to dig in more and more.

‘Thankfully Georgia steadily sat down and she said she felt something sharp prick her skin and just jumped off.

‘It pressed on her but didn’t pierce her skin, which is what I was most worried about.’

Outdoor-loving Callan took Bailey Davies, 10, nine-year-old Ruby Davies, nine, and eight-year-old Georgia to the park with 22-year-old girlfriend Katie Hayhurst at lunchtime.

Callan said: ‘We just fancied a walk out, we were bored of being stuck in due to the weather, the kids wanted to play and were excited to get out on their bikes.

‘It was a nice sunny day, there’s a little assault course of bikes that they went on and then we went over to the park. They had a couple of goes on all the different things.

‘My youngest Georgia went over to that rope swing, she was sitting down slowly and then she said something scratched her.

Callan Davies, pictured with girlfriend Katie Hayhurst, claims the needles in the rope swing were planted to intentionally hurt children

Callan Davies, pictured with girlfriend Katie Hayhurst, claims the needles in the rope swing were planted to intentionally hurt children

Callan Davies, pictured with girlfriend Katie Hayhurst, claims the needles in the rope swing were planted to intentionally hurt children

Callan's cautionary post has racked up more than 2,500 likes, shares and comments on social media

Callan's cautionary post has racked up more than 2,500 likes, shares and comments on social media

Callan’s cautionary post has racked up more than 2,500 likes, shares and comments on social media

‘As soon as Georgia sat up I checked her over and then checked the swing and there were two needles sticking out of it.

‘Luckily she didn’t sit down hard because it would have pierced her skin.’

The needles were allegedly stashed in the middle of the lower part of the rope swing, where children would stand or sit.

Callan said: ‘Some people were saying it was just wear and tear from the metal bits inside the swing but I don’t think it’s that coming apart, these were stuck through.

‘I went over to check it as I’ve seen lots of social media posts over the last couple of years where people were putting razor blades and glass on slides and monkey bars in playgrounds.’

Callan shared his discovery online to ensure parents and kids alike were aware of the potential dangers lurking on playground equipment.

The cautionary post racked up more than 2,500 likes, shares and comments.

Callan said: ‘I wanted to share it and warn other parents and kids, I knew how fast it would get round on social media.

‘I think [whoever’s done this] is disgusting. If I saw someone do it I’d go absolutely mental, it’s such a mean thing to do to kids.’

Cllr Damian Talbot, Executive Member for Public Health and Wellbeing at, Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, which oversees the park, said: ‘We investigated this as soon as we were made aware of it, checking the equipment and the needles were not there. 

‘We are checking the play area regularly and we want to reassure people that nothing else suspicious has been found in the playground.’ 



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