Extinction Rebellion protesters blockade nuclear base by locking themselves onto giant plant pots

Extinction Rebellion protesters blockade Faslane nuclear base by locking themselves onto giant plant pots

  • Environmental activists have blocked the north gate of HMNB Clyde in Scotland
  • The naval base houses Britain’s nuclear submarines armed with Trident missiles
  • Protesters locked onto planters have stopped all but emergency access to base
  • XR say the action is part of the Peace Lotus campaign, an anti-war resistance day

Extinction Rebellion activists have chained themselves to giant plant pots as they stage a protest in front of the naval base that houses Britain’s nuclear weapons.

Members of Extinction Rebellion Scotland, alongside peace activists from Trident Ploughshares, are staging the blockade at the north gate of Her Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde.

The all-female group placed three planters, which contain plants and flowers and are painted with the words ‘Safe’, ‘Green’, and ‘Future’, on the road this morning.

Her Majesty’s Naval Base Clyde is best known as being the home of Britain’s Trident nuclear submarines and the Navy’s Scottish headquarters. 

The activists said they are demanding a future safe from the ‘threat of nuclear weapons and environmental destruction’. 

Extinction Rebellion protesters (above) have blockaded the North gate at HMNB Clyde in Scotland

Extinction Rebellion protesters (above) have blockaded the North gate at HMNB Clyde in Scotland

Extinction Rebellion protesters (above) have blockaded the North gate at HMNB Clyde in Scotland

An Extinction Rebellion protester is locked on to each planter so they cannot be moved, preventing access to the base, though emergency vehicles can still access the site via the south gate.

More than 15 campaigners are taking part but they are outnumbered by police officers who have erected screens as they attempt to remove the protesters.

As the police action began, demonstrators started singing.

Sarah Krischer, 28, an archaeologist and Extinction Rebellion (XR) Scotland activist, commented: ‘Nuclear weapons are an existential threat to the entire world.

‘Stockpiling weapons with the ability to wipe out all life in order to appear tough does nothing to keep either the UK or any other country safe.

‘The ongoing environmental degradation caused by uranium mining and nuclear testing continues to be felt, particularly among Pacific island nations that are also the most threatened by climate change.

‘We must come together to build a safe, more just future for all.’

The all-female group placed three planters (pictured), containing plants and flowers with the words 'Safe', 'Green', and 'Future' on the road

The all-female group placed three planters (pictured), containing plants and flowers with the words 'Safe', 'Green', and 'Future' on the road

The all-female group placed three planters (pictured), containing plants and flowers with the words ‘Safe’, ‘Green’, and ‘Future’ on the road

Her Majesty's Naval Base in Clyde, also known as Faslane, is home to Britain's Trident nuclear submarines

Her Majesty's Naval Base in Clyde, also known as Faslane, is home to Britain's Trident nuclear submarines

Her Majesty’s Naval Base in Clyde, also known as Faslane, is home to Britain’s Trident nuclear submarines

Extinction Rebellion said the action is part of the Peace Lotus campaign, a global day of anti-war resistance celebrating the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War.

A Royal Navy Spokesperson said: ‘Ministry of Defence Police assisted by Police Scotland are dealing with protest activity at HMNB Clyde’s North Gate.

‘Well established, fully co-ordinated procedures are in place to ensure the effective operation of HMNB Clyde is not compromised because of protest action.’

Last week, six Extinction Rebellion activists were cleared of causing £25,000 worth of criminal damage to the London headquarters of Shell.

The protest, which saw activists pour fake oil, glue themselves to windows and doors, break glass, climb onto a roof and spray graffiti, happened at the Shell building in Belvedere Road on April 15, 2019.



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