‘Change course or I’ll FIRE’: Astonishing threat Russian ship made to HMS Defender

‘Change course or I’ll FIRE’: Astonishing threat Russian ship made to HMS Defender as video shows one of Putin’s attack jets flying over Royal Navy warship ‘after dropping bombs in its path’ as it sailed past Crimea

  • Russia said a patrol ship fired warning shots and an Su-24 dropped bombs in the path of HMS Defender
  • They accused it of crossing into their territorial waters off the coast of Crimea, which Britain denies 
  • The Ministry of Defence said no warning shots were fired and maintain the vessel was in international waters 
  • British military attaché has been summoned to the defence ministry in Moscow to explain the navy’s actions


This is the moment a Russian jet buzzed low over HMS Defender as it sailed past Crimea on Wednesday, before warning shots and bombs were allegedly fired in the Royal Navy destroyer’s path after it was accused of crossing into territorial waters.

The British Type 45 destroyer was told, ‘If you don’t change course I’ll fire,’ after it entered the 12-mile limit of Crimea’s territorial waters near Cape Fiolent in the Black Sea.

Moscow boasted that an Su-24 dropped four bombs in the vessel’s path after it refused to back down and warning shots were fired from their patrol ship, but Britain has flatly denied the claims, saying the destroyer stayed in international waters and no shots were fired.

Two Black Sea Fleet coastguard ships continued to shadow HMS Defender from 100 yards away while 20 military aircraft patrolled it from the skies as it charted its course from Odessa in Ukraine to Georgia past Crimea, which Russia has annexed but the West refuses to recognise.

It was the first time since the Cold War that Moscow acknowledged using live ammunition to deter a NATO warship, reflecting the growing risk of military incidents amid soaring tensions between Russia and the West, as Ukraine’s foreign minister appealed for further NATO help.   

Tonight, Russia released footage filmed from one of its Su-24M attack jets which showed HMS Defender sailing off Crimea – but evidently not the moment it alleges shots were fired and four bombs were dropped.

BBC defence correspondent Jonathan Beale, who is on board the British vessel, said HMS Defender’s crew were primed and weapons systems loaded as they approached the southern tip of the peninsula.

He said: ‘Increasingly hostile warnings were issued over the radio – including one that said ‘if you don’t change course I’ll fire’. We did hear some firing in the distance but they were believed to be well out of range.’

Captain Vincent Owen said his mission was confident but non-confrontational and insisted he was maintaining course on an internationally recognised shipping lane but Mr Beale said it was a ‘deliberate move to make a point to Russia’.

Moscow has now summoned Britain’s military attaché and ambassador Deborah Bronnert to explain why the destroyer entered the waters.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova also denounced what she called ‘rude British provocation that defies international law’. 

The Ministry of Defence and Number 10 insist the incident never happened, adding that Russia was carrying out pre-arranged exercises and Defender was conducting an ‘innocent passage through Ukrainian territorial waters’.   

This is the moment a Russian jet buzzed low over HMS Defender as it sailed past Crimea on Wednesday, before warning shots and bombs were fired in the Royal Navy destroyer's path after it was accused of crossing into territorial waters

This is the moment a Russian jet buzzed low over HMS Defender as it sailed past Crimea on Wednesday, before warning shots and bombs were fired in the Royal Navy destroyer's path after it was accused of crossing into territorial waters

This is the moment a Russian jet buzzed low over HMS Defender as it sailed past Crimea on Wednesday, before warning shots and bombs were fired in the Royal Navy destroyer’s path after it was accused of crossing into territorial waters

Russia claimed an Su-24 dropped four bombs in the path of HMS Defender in the Black Sea after accusing it of entering its waters near Cape Fiolent on Wednesday

Russia claimed an Su-24 dropped four bombs in the path of HMS Defender in the Black Sea after accusing it of entering its waters near Cape Fiolent on Wednesday

Russia claimed an Su-24 dropped four bombs in the path of HMS Defender in the Black Sea after accusing it of entering its waters near Cape Fiolent on Wednesday

A picture taken on Friday shows a ship from the Russian Black Sea Fleet (circled) shadowing USS Laboon , HMS Defender and the Dutch frigate HNLMS Evertsen

A picture taken on Friday shows a ship from the Russian Black Sea Fleet (circled) shadowing USS Laboon , HMS Defender and the Dutch frigate HNLMS Evertsen

A picture taken on Friday shows a ship from the Russian Black Sea Fleet (circled) shadowing USS Laboon , HMS Defender and the Dutch frigate HNLMS Evertsen

Releasing the new footage of HMS Defender from the air, Russian defence ministry’s TV channel Zvezda said: ‘In the footage can be seen the culprit of the incident, the destroyer Defender.

‘It is not known at what moment the footage was shot, either before or after the warning shots which forced the ship to change course and leave the territory of the Russian Federation.’

Some footage was allegedly shot from the Su-24M which is said to have dropped four bombs to deter the Royal Navy vessel.

Other footage may have been from a military drone.

A caption said the footage showed a joint operation by the FSB Border Service and the Black Sea Fleet ‘uppressing violations of the Russian state border by the British destroyer HMS Defender’.

In an unusual move, Russia also released footage of Britain’s defence attaché being summoned in Moscow. 

Such meetings are normally private but a video was released to state media fuelling the assumption that Moscow was using the alleged incident for propaganda.

‘In the wake of a violation of the Russian Federation’s border by a Royal Navy destroyer, the defence attaché at the UK embassy in Moscow has been summoned to the Russian Defence Ministry,’ said a statement. 

The Russian defence ministry had claimed a patrol ship first opened fire at 12.06pm and shot again two minutes later at HMS Defender after it refused to listen to radio warnings about entering its territorial waters.

Around ten minutes later, the Su-24 dropped four OFAB-250s in the path of the British vessel, forcing it to retreat after venturing two miles inside their waters, Russia said.  

But the MoD issued a swift response to the claims, saying: ‘No warning shots have been fired at HMS Defender.

‘The Royal Navy ship is conducting innocent passage through Ukrainian territorial waters in accordance with international law.

‘We believe the Russians were undertaking a gunnery exercise in the Black Sea and provided the maritime community with prior-warning of their activity. 

‘No shots were directed at HMS Defender and we do not recognise the claim that bombs were dropped in her path.’

Tom Tugendhat, chair of the UK’s Foreign Affairs Committee slammed the government of Russia’s Vladimir Putin in a pair of tweets on Wednesday.

‘Firing shots at ships in international waters is criminal. Putin’s regime has: Used chemical weapons in the UK, Murdered opponents across Europe, Set explosions in Prague, Invaded and illegally occupied Ukraine and Georgia, Kept the Russian people hostage for a generation,’ he wrote.

‘Now it appears they lied about it,’ Tugendhat said in a second tweet.

‘For a mafia regime they really are pretty rubbish. But then they’ve so robbed the people and stripped out the country that there’s nothing left. Russia deserves better than these thieves.’

Two Black Sea Fleet coastguard ships continued to shadow HMS Defender from 100 yards away

Two Black Sea Fleet coastguard ships continued to shadow HMS Defender from 100 yards away

Two Black Sea Fleet coastguard ships continued to shadow HMS Defender from 100 yards away

Releasing the new footage of HMS Defender from the air, Russian defence ministry's TV channel Zvezda said: 'In the footage can be seen the culprit of the incident, the destroyer Defender

Releasing the new footage of HMS Defender from the air, Russian defence ministry's TV channel Zvezda said: 'In the footage can be seen the culprit of the incident, the destroyer Defender

Releasing the new footage of HMS Defender from the air, Russian defence ministry’s TV channel Zvezda said: ‘In the footage can be seen the culprit of the incident, the destroyer Defender

Some footage was allegedly shot from the Su-24M which is said to have dropped four bombs to deter the Royal Navy vessel. Above: Su-24Ms seen in the Russian video

Some footage was allegedly shot from the Su-24M which is said to have dropped four bombs to deter the Royal Navy vessel. Above: Su-24Ms seen in the Russian video

Some footage was allegedly shot from the Su-24M which is said to have dropped four bombs to deter the Royal Navy vessel. Above: Su-24Ms seen in the Russian video

Moscow has summoned Britain's military attaché and ambassador to explain why the Royal Navy's HMS Defender allegedly crossed into their waters (pictured)

Moscow has summoned Britain's military attaché and ambassador to explain why the Royal Navy's HMS Defender allegedly crossed into their waters (pictured)

Moscow has summoned Britain’s military attaché and ambassador to explain why the Royal Navy’s HMS Defender allegedly crossed into their waters (pictured)

In an unusual move, Russia released footage of the defence attache being summoned in Moscow

In an unusual move, Russia released footage of the defence attache being summoned in Moscow

In an unusual move, Russia released footage of the defence attache being summoned in Moscow


The Ministry of Defence has flatly denied Russia's claims, saying no warning shots were fired

The Ministry of Defence has flatly denied Russia's claims, saying no warning shots were fired

The Ministry of Defence has flatly denied Russia’s claims, saying no warning shots were fired

HMS Defender is armed with missiles, an air defence system, an armed Lynx Wildcat helicoper, Westland Merlin helictopers and various naval guns

HMS Defender is armed with missiles, an air defence system, an armed Lynx Wildcat helicoper, Westland Merlin helictopers and various naval guns

Russia's Su-24 jets are equipped with 23mm cannon, laser-guided air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles and can also carry tactical nuclear bombs

Russia's Su-24 jets are equipped with 23mm cannon, laser-guided air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles and can also carry tactical nuclear bombs

HMS Defender is armed with missiles, an air defence system, an armed Lynx Wildcat helicoper, Westland Merlin helictopers and various naval guns. Russia’s Su-24 jets are equipped with 23mm cannon, laser-guided air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles and can also carry tactical nuclear bombs

The Royal Navy said earlier in June that the HMS Defender had ‘peeled away’ from its strike group conducting NATO operations in the Mediterranean to carry out ‘her own set of missions’ in the Black Sea. 

A spokesman for Boris Johnson said this morning: ‘We saw the reports this morning. It’s incorrect to say that Defender was fired upon or was in Russian waters. 

‘Defender was taking the most direct and internationally recognised route between Ukraine and Georgia.’ 

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace s

said it was not the first time the Russians had made false claims about British warships operating in the area, having previously claimed to have ‘chased out’ another Type 45 destroyer, HMS Dragon.

‘These are the things that come an go with Russia. Disinformation, misinformation is something that we have seen regularly. We are not surprised by it,’ he said.

‘We plan for it and we take all steps to make sure we are not escalatory or provocative.

‘However we will not shy away from upholding international law and our rights on the sea.’

He had earlier said: ‘This morning, HMS Defender carried out a routine transit from Odessa towards Georgia across the Black Sea.

‘As is normal for this route, HMS Defender entered an internationally recognised traffic separation corridor. 

‘She exited that corridor safely at 9.45 BST. As is routine, Russian vessels shadowed her passage and she was made aware of training exercises in her wider vicinity.’ 

But Lisa Nandy MP, Labour’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, said: ‘The Foreign Secretary must urgently come to the House to confirm the validity of these deeply concerning reports and outline what steps the UK is taking to ensure the safety of British forces in the Black Sea.’

Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said it was ‘clear proof of Ukraine’s position: Russia’s aggressive and provocative actions in the Black and Azov seas, its occupation and militarization of Crimea pose a lasting threat to Ukraine and allies.’

‘We need a new quality of cooperation between Ukraine & NATO allies in the Black Sea,’ Kuleba tweeted.

The British military attaché to Moscow has now been summoned to the Russian defence ministry after the alleged incident. 

‘The destroyer had been warned that weapons would be used if it trespasses the border of the Russian Federation. It did not react to the warning,’ the Russian ministry said. 

Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine in 2014 in a move condemned by the West which still considers it Ukrainian territory. 

Britain has previously claimed its warships ships stationed in the Black Sea are in international or Ukrainian waters. 

The Russian ministry’s TV channel Zvezda reported: ‘The Black Sea Fleet together with the FSB (security service) stopped a violation of the Russian border by a British destroyer Defender.

‘Today, at 11:52, the Defender crossed the state border of Russia in the northwestern part of the Black Sea.

A map shows the route taken by HMS Defender during the alleged incident near the south coast of Crimea

A map shows the route taken by HMS Defender during the alleged incident near the south coast of Crimea

A map shows the route taken by HMS Defender during the alleged incident near the south coast of Crimea

Footage filmed by the BBC shows the crew of HMS Defender readying weapons after the earlier threats made by Russia

Footage filmed by the BBC shows the crew of HMS Defender readying weapons after the earlier threats made by Russia

Footage filmed by the BBC shows the crew of HMS Defender readying weapons after the earlier threats made by Russia

Captain Vincent Owen, pictured on HMS Defender today, said his mission was confident but non-confrontational and insisted he was maintaining course on an internationally recognised shipping lane but Mr Beale said it was a 'deliberate move to make a point to Russia'

Captain Vincent Owen, pictured on HMS Defender today, said his mission was confident but non-confrontational and insisted he was maintaining course on an internationally recognised shipping lane but Mr Beale said it was a 'deliberate move to make a point to Russia'

Captain Vincent Owen, pictured on HMS Defender today, said his mission was confident but non-confrontational and insisted he was maintaining course on an internationally recognised shipping lane but Mr Beale said it was a ‘deliberate move to make a point to Russia’

The HMS Defender crew readied for a potential confrontation after Russia claimed to have fired warning shots and dropped bombs

The HMS Defender crew readied for a potential confrontation after Russia claimed to have fired warning shots and dropped bombs

The HMS Defender crew readied for a potential confrontation after Russia claimed to have fired warning shots and dropped bombs

Members of the ship's crew were pictured wearing anti-flash gear, which protects them from flame exposure and heat

Members of the ship's crew were pictured wearing anti-flash gear, which protects them from flame exposure and heat

Members of the ship’s crew were pictured wearing anti-flash gear, which protects them from flame exposure and heat

Another image taken from BBC footage showed a strip of bullets on the deck of HMS Defender

Another image taken from BBC footage showed a strip of bullets on the deck of HMS Defender

Another image taken from BBC footage showed a strip of bullets on the deck of HMS Defender

‘It entered the territorial waters for three kilometres, in the area of Cape Fiolent.

‘Previously warned about the use of weapons in the event of a violation of the border, the British ship did not react to this in any way.

‘At 12:06 and 12:08, a Russian border patrol ship fired a warning shot.

‘At 12:19, the Su-24M aircraft of the Black Sea Fleet performed a warning bombing, dropping 4 OFAB-250 bombs on the course of the destroyer.

A Russian military ship allegedly fired warning shots at British Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender after it entered Russian waters (file image)

A Russian military ship allegedly fired warning shots at British Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender after it entered Russian waters (file image)

A Russian military ship allegedly fired warning shots at British Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender after it entered Russian waters (file image)

Russia claimed an Su-24 (pictured) dropped four bombs in the path of the vessel in the Black Sea

Russia claimed an Su-24 (pictured) dropped four bombs in the path of the vessel in the Black Sea

Russia claimed an Su-24 (pictured) dropped four bombs in the path of the vessel in the Black Sea

Vladimir Putin is pictured on Wednesday amid the dispute over whether Russia fired at the British vessel

Vladimir Putin is pictured on Wednesday amid the dispute over whether Russia fired at the British vessel

Vladimir Putin is pictured on Wednesday amid the dispute over whether Russia fired at the British vessel

OFAB 250 fragmentation bomb 

Caliber: 250kg

Length: 1.4m 

Diameter: 33cm 

Explosive weight: 92kg

Bomb weight: 268kg

OFAB 250 bomb

OFAB 250 bomb

OFAB 250 bomb


‘At 12:23 the British destroyer left the borders of the territorial sea of Russia.’

The Defender had earlier visited Ukrainian Naval port Odessa.

The destroyer had been on operations in the Black Sea with American navy guided missile destroyer USS Laboon and Dutch warship HNLMS Evertsen in a show of support for Ukraine following Putin’s recent vast military build up close to Ukrainian borders.

Russia has said in recent days that it was closely monitoring HMS Defender.

Earlier on Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin said Russia is ‘concerned’ about the NATO build-up near Russian borders.

Addressing an international security conference in Moscow, Putin said the alliance ‘refuses to constructively consider our proposals to de-escalate tensions and reduce the risk of unpredictable incidents’.

The US periodically sends warships to the region in a show of support for Ukraine, often drawing protests from Russia.

An earlier image taken from Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender showed Russian frigate Admiral Essen ‘shadowing’ USS Laboon.

Russia’s national defence control centre said: ‘Forces and systems of the [Russian] Black Sea Fleet have started monitoring the movements of the Royal Navy HMS Defender and the Dutch Navy’s Evertsen frigate.’

The fleet’s former commander Admiral Vladimir Komoyedov said: ‘Those ships will definitely not be welcome here.

‘No-one is going to greet them as guests of honour, while their actions will definitely be monitored.

‘They will be put under direct surveillance, technically, from the air and from outer space.’

The Russian fleet was enhancing ‘its combat preparedness, especially the readiness of air defence crews and particular standby forces’ with the presence of the NATO ships, he said. 

On Tuesday, HMS Defender sent a messages of thanks to Odessa as it continued its operations in the Black Sea

On Tuesday, HMS Defender sent a messages of thanks to Odessa as it continued its operations in the Black Sea

On Tuesday, HMS Defender sent a messages of thanks to Odessa as it continued its operations in the Black Sea

Conservative MP Tom Tugendhat, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Commons, condemned Russia's actions, which he called 'criminal'

Conservative MP Tom Tugendhat, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Commons, condemned Russia's actions, which he called 'criminal'

Conservative MP Tom Tugendhat, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Commons, condemned Russia’s actions, which he called ‘criminal’

The destroyer (pictured) had been on operations in the Black Sea with American navy guided missile destroyer USS Laboon and Dutch warship HNLMS Evertsen

The destroyer (pictured) had been on operations in the Black Sea with American navy guided missile destroyer USS Laboon and Dutch warship HNLMS Evertsen

The destroyer (pictured) had been on operations in the Black Sea with American navy guided missile destroyer USS Laboon and Dutch warship HNLMS Evertsen

They were being subjected to ‘close monitoring’.

‘Their visits to the Black Sea have become too frequent,’ said Komoyedov. ‘Their intensified presence has gone too far.

‘They are complying with the Montreux Convention, but the activity of ships from non-Black Sea countries has never been so intensive before, even in the Soviet period.’

The USS Laboon is in the Black Sea ‘to conduct maritime security operations in the region’, the United States Sixth Fleet said on Twitter.

The destroyer is capable of carrying up to 56 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

In a blast last month General Vladimir Kulishov, deputy director of the FSB security service, claimed that Royal Navy destroyer HMS Dragon had to be ‘expelled’ by the Russians ‘warnings’ not to enter ‘Russian territorial waters’ off annexed Crimea.

‘The destroyer Dragon of the British Navy crossed the state border of the Russian Federation in the area of Cape Khersones in the Black Sea,’ said the counterintelligence chief.

‘The destroyer’s captain responded with a poor signal to the demand to immediately leave Russian territorial waters,’ he said.

‘As a result of the joint actions with the Russian Navy and the Russian Aerospace Forces, the warship was expelled into neutral waters.’

British sources flatly denied the FSB claim which related to an incident in October last year.

‘The Russian Federation Navy did not impede HMS Dragon’s passage. She navigated without incident, exercising our right of innocent passage under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,’ said a Ministry of Defence spokesperson in London.

‘HMS Dragon was taking the most direct route between two port visits, navigating a recognised safe route for all international shipping within Ukrainian waters.’

Russia is known to have deployed submarine Veliky Novogorod to track HMS Dragon.

Won by conquest, given away as a ‘gift’, now occupied by force: Russia’s history in Crimea and the Black Sea

Prince Grigory Potemkin, who established the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea in 1783

Prince Grigory Potemkin, who established the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea in 1783

Prince Grigory Potemkin, who established the Black Sea Fleet in Crimea in 1783

The Black Sea – and the Crimean peninsula which juts into it – are a strategic crossroads between Europe, the Middle East and Asia which has been contested by Empires and nations for centuries.

The sea itself contains vital trading routes, is bordered by five of Russia’s near-neighbours, and today hosts vital energy pipelines and fibre optic cables.

For Russia to assert power in the waters, control of Crimea – which contains its main Black Sea port at Sevastopol and controls the Kerch Strait leading to the nearby Sea of Azov – is essential. 

Crimea has, at one time or another, come under the control of the Greeks, Persians, Romans, Mongols, Ottomans.

It was not until 1783 that it fell fully under the control of the Russian Empire when Russian generals Alexander Suvorov and Mikhail Kamensky led a force of 8,000 men to victory against an Ottoman army of 40,000 at the the Battle of Kozludzha.

Russia’s Prince Grigory Potemkin quickly established the Russian Black Sea Fleet at the port of Sevastopol, from where he asserted naval power over the Black Sea, it neighbours including Georgia, Ukraine and Turkey, and projected power further into the Mediterranean.

Crimea also turned into a key trading post. On the eve of World War 1 in 1914 – some 50 per cent of all Russia’s exports and a full 90 per cent of its agricultural exports passed through Bosphorus Strait which leads out of the Black Sea. 

In 1954 Crimea was given as a ‘gift’ by Nikita Khrushchev to Ukraine, ostensibly to mark the 300th anniversary of Ukraine’s merger with Tsarist Russia, but more likely to secure Ukraine’s support for Khrushchev’s leadership and to cement Ukraine as part of the Soviet Union.

Because Ukraine was then part of the Union, Moscow maintained control over Crimea and its vital ports – at least until 1991 when the union collapsed and Ukraine became and independent county.

Following Ukraine’s independence, access to the peninsula became a bargaining chip between the two nations, with Ukraine recognising Russia’s right to the port at Sevastopol in return for concessions such as writing off debts and taking control of part of the Black Sea fleet.

But in 2014, the pro-Moscow government of Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown in a popular uprising that wanted to draw the country closer to Europe.

Fearing the loss of the port at Sevastopol, Putin marched troops into Crimea and seized control of it – later holding a ‘referendum’ which showed majority support for the region to become part of Russia, though the result is viewed as far from credible.

Today, Moscow is in control of the peninsula and refers to it as part of its territory, though most world bodies refer to the region as ‘occupied Crimea’.

The Black Sea Fleet remains one of Russia’s largest and most formidable, thought to comprise a total of 47 ships, seven submarines and 25,000 troops, mostly marines.


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