Former White House physician said he believes Biden will be forced to resign over fitness

‘Something’s seriously wrong with Joe’: Ex-White House physician Ronny Jackson says he believes the president, 78, will be forced to resign or will face the 25th Amendment because he is NOT fit for office

  • House Rep. Ronny Jackson, Trump’s and Obama’s top White House doctor, thinks Biden won’t finish out his first term in office due to unfitness
  • ‘Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with Biden – and it’s only going to get WORSE!’ the Republican congressman from Texas tweeted on Thursday 
  • President Joe Biden stumbled through Wednesday night’s CNN town hall when he issued a series of gaffes, lost thoughts and false statements 
  • Earlier this month, Joe Biden was caught on camera in an uncomfortable exchange with a reporter  
  • The president had to pull out notes to answer a question at a cherry shop in Michigan about the latest cyberattack – thought to be from Russians 
  • ‘We’re not sure it’s the Russians. I got a brief when I was on the plane. That’s why I was late getting off the plane,’ he said before fumbling with pieces of paper
  • Biden tried to speak with reporters while also checking out with the cashier 
  • Jackson on Thursday repeated his demand that Biden take a test measuring cognitive fitness; It’s the same exam that his predecessor took in 2018  

House Rep. Ronny Jackson, who served as the top White House physician under the Obama and Trump administrations, has predicted President Joe Biden won’t finish his term in office because of a lack of fitness for the job.

‘Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with Biden – and it’s only going to get WORSE!’ the Republican congressman from Texas tweeted on Thursday.

‘It’s past the point of embarrassment. He’s lost. He can barely put a coherent sentence together.’

Jackson added: ‘He MUST have a cognitive exam and release the results!’

Jackson told Fox News that Biden, who has been seen tripping on a stairwell before boarding Air Force One and having difficulty speaking coherently, will either be forced from office when the Cabinet invokes the 25th Amendment or he will resign.

If members of Biden’s cabinet aren’t looking into invoking the 25th Amendment, then ‘this is a national security issue at this point … it really is,’ Jackson said. 

House Rep. Ronny Jackson

House Rep. Ronny Jackson

President Biden is seen above at a town hall in Cincinnati on Wednesday that was televised by CNN

President Biden is seen above at a town hall in Cincinnati on Wednesday that was televised by CNN

House Rep. Ronny Jackson (left), who served as the top White House physician under the Obama and Trump administrations, has predicted President Joe Biden (right)won’t finish his term in office because of a lack of fitness for the job

The tweet was posted a day after Biden repeatedly stumbled over his words and appeared confused as he answered questions during a CNN town hall staged in Cincinnati, Ohio.

At one point, when talking about getting vaccinations approved for children under the age of 12, the president said: ‘That’s underway, just like the other question that’s illogical. And I’ve heard you speak about it because you always – I’m not being solicitous – but you’re always straight up about what you’re doing.’

‘And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh, um, are – why can’t the, the, the experts say we know that this virus is, in fact, uh, um, uh, it’s going to be – or, excuse me, we, we, we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved by permanently approved. 

‘That’s underway too. I expect that to occur quickly,’ Biden continued as he fumbled over his words.

Biden also misspoke when talking about the efficacy of the coronavirus vaccines against the Delta variant.

Grabien Media founder Tom Elliott posted a video of Biden’s interaction with Lemon about vaccines and sarcastically wrote: ‘Crushing it.’

President Joe Biden (left) stumbled through Wednesday night's CNN town hall with Don Lemon (right) in Cincinnati when he issued a series of gaffes, lost thoughts and false statements

President Joe Biden (left) stumbled through Wednesday night's CNN town hall with Don Lemon (right) in Cincinnati when he issued a series of gaffes, lost thoughts and false statements

President Joe Biden (left) stumbled through Wednesday night’s CNN town hall with Don Lemon (right) in Cincinnati when he issued a series of gaffes, lost thoughts and false statements 

‘Uh, um, uh, it’s going to be – or, excuse me, we, we’: Biden fumbling over his words during CNN town hall

Response to question on how to prevent misinformation

‘There are trusted interlocutors. Think of the people — if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were — there’s a man on the moon, or whatever — you know, something, or, you know, whether those aliens are here or not — you know, who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it? They go to people they respect, and they say, “What do you think?”’ 

Response to question about Capitol Riot conspiracy theorists 

‘This is not who we are. And I’ll say one last thing — and you’re going to — I’ve had a lot of experience internationally. And I mean that — not good or bad, just I have; I’ve chaired the Foreign Relations Committee. I’ve been deeply involved. I did national security for the — our last — the — the — the administration with Barack.’ 

Response to question on vaccines for children

And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh, um, are – why can’t the, the, the experts say we know that this virus is, in fact, uh, um, uh, it’s going to be – or, excuse me, we, we, we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved by permanently approved. That’s underway too. I expect that to occur quickly,’

Response to question on restaurants struggling to wind workers

‘My — my deceased wife’s father-in-law was a restauranteur up in — up in Syracuse, New York. And, by the way, he tried to con- — he had a — had a restaurant that was in a town called Auburn, about 20,000 people, which was at a flagship 24-hour-a-day restaurant that — and he offered it to me, which I would have been making five times what I would in law school to try to keep me in Syracuse.

‘But I spent too many times at home hearing a — in his home, hearing a phone call: “The cook didn’t come in? He’s in a fight with his wife? What — what’s going on?”

Response to question on whether his unemployment benefits stopped people going back to work

‘I see no evidence it had any serious impact on it. But you can argue — let’s assume it did. It’s coming to an end, so it’s not like we’re in a situation where — if that was it and it ends, then we’re going to see John is going to have no problem. 

‘But what I think is happening, folks, is, look, if you make less than fift- — and I’m not saying, John, your folks make less than 15 — you had good restaurants; that means their tips are good, people make a lot more than just what the — what the minimum wage — what the wage is being paid on with the — put tips on top of it.’


Another user asked for a translation, claiming: ‘I did not understand a single sentence.’

During an appearance on Fox News on Thursday, Jackson told host Sean Hannity that it’s been apparent for a while that ‘something’s going on here.’

‘And I’ve been saying that it’s only going to get worse, and guess what?

‘We’re watching that happen right before our eyes right now,’ Jackson said.

He added: ‘And I’m at the point right now where, you know, I went from, you know, telling people, we should be concerned about what might potentially be going on, to now saying, hey, what is happening right now?’

‘Where are the people in our academic medicine that were out there calling for President Trump to have a cognitive test? Where are these people?’

Jackson continued: ‘There’s something seriously going on with this man right now.

‘And you know, I think that he’s either gonna, he’s either gonna resign, they’re going to convince him to resign from office at some point in the near future for medical issues, or they’re going to have to use the 25th Amendment to get rid of this man right now.

President Biden had an uncomfortable moment on July 3 when he pulled out notes to answer a reporter's question at a pie shop in Michigan about the latest hack ¿ thought to be from Russians

President Biden had an uncomfortable moment on July 3 when he pulled out notes to answer a reporter's question at a pie shop in Michigan about the latest hack ¿ thought to be from Russians

President Biden had an uncomfortable moment on July 3 when he pulled out notes to answer a reporter’s question at a pie shop in Michigan about the latest hack – thought to be from Russians

Biden reaches for his wallet to pay for pie at King Orchards farm store in Michigan on Saturday

Biden reaches for his wallet to pay for pie at King Orchards farm store in Michigan on Saturday

He also said the press could ask him a question while he was checking out

He also said the press could ask him a question while he was checking out

Biden, appearing confused and caught off guard for the whole exchange, attempted to check out and interact with the cashier while answering a question on the latest hack

Biden warned that the U.S. will retaliate if it finds out Russia was behind the mass cyberattack that hit at least 1,000 firms. Biden speaking at a cherry farm store in Central Lake, Michigan

Biden warned that the U.S. will retaliate if it finds out Russia was behind the mass cyberattack that hit at least 1,000 firms. Biden speaking at a cherry farm store in Central Lake, Michigan

Biden warned that the U.S. will retaliate if it finds out Russia was behind the mass cyberattack that hit at least 1,000 firms. Biden speaking at a cherry farm store in Central Lake, Michigan

Biden, who is known for misspeaking and making verbal gaffes, has had his cognitive fitness questioned after mixing up the names of aides and colleagues while seeming to forget job titles and other details

Biden, who is known for misspeaking and making verbal gaffes, has had his cognitive fitness questioned after mixing up the names of aides and colleagues while seeming to forget job titles and other details

Biden, who is known for misspeaking and making verbal gaffes, has had his cognitive fitness questioned after mixing up the names of aides and colleagues while seeming to forget job titles and other details

‘There’s some serious stuff going on right now.’

Earlier this month, Jackson again questioned Biden’s fitness after the president awkwardly fumbled with notes in his suit jacket pocket to answer a reporter’s question on something he was briefed on just moments before during an appearance at a Michigan fruit shop.

‘With the most recent hack by the Russians, would you say that this means –’ a reporter began asking Biden as he checked out from King Orchards farm store in Central Lake, Michigan on July 3.

The 78-year-old president, however, cut off the reporter, saying US intelligence is not sure if the hack came from the Kremlin.

‘We’re not sure it’s the Russians,’ he said.

‘I got a brief when I was on the plane. That’s why I was late getting off the plane.’

‘I’ll be in better shape to talk to you about it –’ Biden started, then cut himself off.

He then proceeded to awkwardly fumble with the notes in his pocket as he attempted to answer the reporter’s question while checking out with the cashier, who asked him to no answer, ‘Would you like a receipt?’

‘I’ll tell you what they sent me,’ Biden said, while looking at the paper he pulled from his pocket, not answering the cashier’s question.

‘The idea – first of all we’re not sure who it is for certain, number one. And what I did, I directed the full resources of the government to assist in a response if we determine – what else you need?’ Biden said, redirecting his attention to the cashier.

Confusing Libya and Syria, tripping up the stairs, and calling Kamala Harris ‘president’: Biden’s numerous gaffes over the years 

Over the past few years, President Joe Biden has made the news for things he’s said and done – but not related to policy.

Rather the 78-year-old has had a knack for gaffes. 

During speeches or while answering questions, Biden is known to make mistakes, have mix-ups or even digress. 

The commander-in-chief has even been caught tripping a time or two, raising speculation about his physical health. has compiled many of Biden’s notable mis-speaks. foot-in-mouth moments and slips.


'I'm hopeful that we can find an accommodation where we can save the lives of people in — for example, in — in Libya,' the president said, mentioning the north African country for the third time instead of Syria, in the Middle East. Biden is pictured in Cornwall, United Kingdom on June 13

'I'm hopeful that we can find an accommodation where we can save the lives of people in — for example, in — in Libya,' the president said, mentioning the north African country for the third time instead of Syria, in the Middle East. Biden is pictured in Cornwall, United Kingdom on June 13

‘I’m hopeful that we can find an accommodation where we can save the lives of people in — for example, in — in Libya,’ the president said, mentioning the north African country for the third time instead of Syria, in the Middle East. Biden is pictured in Cornwall, United Kingdom on June 13

The White House later brushed the confusion off, confirming that it was indeed, Syria, the country where Russia and the US have been involved in a decade-long civil war, which the president was referring to

The White House later brushed the confusion off, confirming that it was indeed, Syria, the country where Russia and the US have been involved in a decade-long civil war, which the president was referring to

The White House later brushed the confusion off, confirming that it was indeed, Syria, the country where Russia and the US have been involved in a decade-long civil war, which the president was referring to

Biden repeatedly confused Syria with Libya while discussing ways of working with Russia during a press conference at the G7 on June 13.

The 78-year-old gaffe machine spoke of working with Russian President Vladimir Putin to provide economic assistance to the people of Libya, prompting some confused glances from the press pack at the G7 summit in Cornwall, England.

‘I’m hopeful that we can find an accommodation where we can save the lives of people in — for example, in — in Libya,’ the president said, mentioning the north African country for the third time instead of Syria, which is in the Middle East.

The White House later brushed the confusion off, confirming that the president was indeed referring to Syria, the country where Russia and the US have been involved in a decade-long civil war.  


Over the years, President Joe Biden has made numerous gaffes and mix-ups and has even been caught falling. Pictured: Biden falling while walking up the stairs of Air Force One on March 19

Over the years, President Joe Biden has made numerous gaffes and mix-ups and has even been caught falling. Pictured: Biden falling while walking up the stairs of Air Force One on March 19

Over the years, President Joe Biden has made numerous gaffes and mix-ups and has even been caught falling. Pictured: Biden falling while walking up the stairs of Air Force One on March 19

On March 19, he was caught tripping up the stairs as he boarded Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews

On March 19, he was caught tripping up the stairs as he boarded Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews

On March 19, he was caught tripping up the stairs as he boarded Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews

On March 19, video captured Biden tripping up the stairs as he boarded Air Force One at Joint Base Andrews. 

In the clip, Biden stumbles as he walks up the airstairs. He grabs the hand railing to catch his balance, but then loses his footing two additional times.

During the third stumble, he falls to his knees. However, after brushing off his leg, he reaches the top of the plane and gives a salute before disappearing inside.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre later told reporters that Biden was ‘100 percent fine’ and preparing for his trip in Atlanta. 

‘It’s pretty windy outside. It’s very windy. I almost fell coming up the steps myself,’ she said.


Just one day earlier, during a press conference on March 18 (pictured), he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as 'President Harris'

Just one day earlier, during a press conference on March 18 (pictured), he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as 'President Harris'

Just one day earlier, during a press conference on March 18 (pictured), he referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as ‘President Harris’

Just one day earlier, Biden accidentally referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as ‘President Harris.’

The gaffe occurred during a press conference on March 18, during which he lauded his administration for being close to meeting their goal of 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses in his first 100 days in office.

‘Now when President Harris and I took a virtual tour of a vaccination center in Arizona not long ago, one of the nurses on that, on that tour injecting people, giving vaccinations, said that each shot was like administering a dose of hope,’ Biden said.

Harris was standing behind Biden as the president carried on with his speech, but did not correct himself.

Later that day, when the White House released the transcript of his speech, Harris’s proper title was inserted with brackets.


On March 9, while making a speech, Biden seemed to forget the name of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (above)

On March 9, while making a speech, Biden seemed to forget the name of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (above)

On March 9, while making a speech, Biden seemed to forget the name of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (above)

In a speech on March 9, Biden seemed to fumble with his words and forget the name of his Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

‘I want to thank Sec – the former general – I keep calling him “General,”‘ Biden said.

‘My – the guy who runs that outfit over there. I want to make sure we thank the Secretary for all he’s done to try to implement what we’ve just talked about, and for recommending these two women for promotion.’   

The slip-occurred despite the fact that just a few minutes earlier, he had mentioned Austin’s name in the speech without an issue.


On Election Day, in November, Biden introduced a crowd to his granddaughter, but referred to her as his son

On Election Day, in November, Biden introduced a crowd to his granddaughter, but referred to her as his son

On Election Day, in November, Biden introduced a crowd to his granddaughter, but referred to her as his son

During an Election Day speech in Philadelphia, Biden stumbled over his words and confused his granddaughter with his late son, Beau Biden. 

Biden told the crowd: ‘I want to introduce you to two of my granddaughters…this is my son, Beau Biden who a lot of you helped elect to the Senate in Delaware.’

The commander-in-chief had meant to introduce the crowed to Natalie, Beau’s daughter, but hadn’t just mixed up the name but the person – he also put his arm around Finnegan Biden, Hunter’s daughter.

He finally corrected himself as he draped his arm around Natalie’s shoulder and said: ‘This is Natalie, this is Beau’s daughter.’  

Beau Biden passed away in 2015 after a months-long battle with glioblastoma, one of the deadliest types of brain cancer. 


In 2008, Biden told then-Missouri state senator Chuck Graham to stand up for the crowd at a rally, before realizing he was in a wheelchair

In 2008, Biden told then-Missouri state senator Chuck Graham to stand up for the crowd at a rally, before realizing he was in a wheelchair

In 2008, Biden told then-Missouri state senator Chuck Graham to stand up for the crowd at a rally, before realizing he was in a wheelchair

Not all of Biden’s gaffes occurred in the 2020s or even the 2010s. In fact, some happened in the early aughts.

In September 2008, after Biden had been named former President Barack Obama’s running mate, he attended a campaign rally in Missouri.

It was there that he called on then-Missouri state senator Chuck Graham, who passed away last year. to stand up for the crowd.

‘I’m told Chuck Graham, state senator, is here. Stand up Chuck, let ’em see you,’ Biden said.

It was at that moment he realized Graham was in a wheelchair due to muscular dystrophy.

‘Oh, God love you. What am I talking about. I’ll tell you what, you’re making everybody else stand up, though, pal.’

According to the Columbia Tribune, Graham said he was never offended by the mistake.        


‘Oh nothing, you’re all set,’ she responded.

‘I directed the intelligence community to give me a deep dive on what’s happened. I’ll know better tomorrow,’ he said in continuing his response before putting the paper back in his pocket.

The ordeal was clipped by the Republican National Committee Twitter account and reposted by Trump’s former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

Jackson, the Republican from Texas who was elected to Congress after serving as Trump’s top White House doctor, said he thinks that Biden should be administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) to test for memory impairment, dementia, and other possible maladies.

‘I think he’s demonstrating every single day that there is something going on,’ Jackson told Fox News on Saturday.

‘You don’t need to be a physician to look at this behavior and see there’s something concerning happening.

‘He’s just not aging gracefully at this point.’

Biden, who is known for misspeaking and making verbal gaffes, has had his cognitive fitness questioned after mixing up the names of aides and colleagues while seeming to forget job titles and other details.

During a news conference at last month’s G7 summit meeting in the United Kingdom, Biden appeared to mix up Syria and Libya three times.


The 25th Amendment, which also governs a president who voluntarily relinquishes power on a temporary basis, requires that the vice president and ‘a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide’ inform the Congress that the president is ‘unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.’ 

It is a provision never before used for the removal of a president against his will.  

It requires Vice President Kamala Harris and a majority of the Cabinet to vote to remove Biden from office due to his inability to ‘discharge the powers and duties of his office’. 

Even if Harris and half the cabinet agrees, the 25th Amendment move requires a two-thirds majority of both chambers if the president objects.  


Jackson said Trump set a precedent when he agreed to undergo the testing. The 45th president was known to give rambling, run-on statements in press interviews that prompted observers to question his cognitive fitness.

‘The far left and the mainstream media were demanding that be the new standard for anybody who’s going to lead our country and be our Commander-in-Chief and our head of state,’ Jackson told Fox News earlier this month.

‘I’m just saying I agree with them at this point – we need to get it done.’

He has also mistakenly referred to his vice president, Kamala Harris, as ‘President Harris.’

Jackson added: ‘You can go back – there’s forty years of tape of this man – he’s always made gaffes and stuff but these are different, he’s confused, he’s disoriented,’ the congressman said.

‘We all know people who are 100-years old, who basically are as sharp as a tack, and we know people who are in their mid-60s that having some cognitive difficulties…and I think he’s on that end of the spectrum.’

Last month, the White House said Biden plans to take his annual physical ‘later this year.’

The White House has committed to releasing the results of a medical check-up before the end of the year, but officials are generally reluctant to discuss the president’s health.

‘I’m just asking them, when you do the physical exam include the cognitive assessment,’ Jackson said.

‘As far as I’m concerned the standard precedent has been set and they need to follow and do the same.’   

Jackson was promoted to a White House physician while still deployed in Iraq in 2006. 

He’s served in three administrations – those of Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump – and held a variety of positions, including the physician supervisor for Camp David, before being promoted to physician to the president under Obama in 2013. 

Jackson himself was subject to an Inspector General’s report in March that found he engaged in ‘inappropriate conduct’ involving alcohol use, ‘disparaged’ and ‘belittled’ subordinates.

He was Trump’s unsuccessful nominee in 2018 to become the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

The congressman announced last month that he sent Biden a letter urging him to take a cognitive test.

Jackson has been circulating the letter with House colleagues and has been able to get the signatures of 13 GOP lawmakers.

The letter cites the president’s ‘mental decline and forgetfulness’, notes several of his ‘gaffes’, and urges the White House to publish the test results immediately. 

It was addressed to the president, his physician Dr. Kevin O’Connor and Chief Medical Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci, and called on the Biden to share the results with the country. 

The congressman announced last month that he sent Biden a letter urging him to take a cognitive test. Jackson has been circulating the letter with House colleagues and has been able to get the signatures of 13 GOP lawmakers

The congressman announced last month that he sent Biden a letter urging him to take a cognitive test. Jackson has been circulating the letter with House colleagues and has been able to get the signatures of 13 GOP lawmakers

The congressman announced last month that he sent Biden a letter urging him to take a cognitive test. Jackson has been circulating the letter with House colleagues and has been able to get the signatures of 13 GOP lawmakers

‘The American people deserve to have absolute confidence in their president,’ it read. 

‘They deserve to know that he or she can perform the duties demanded of the office, and they deserve to have full transparency on the mental state of their highest elected leader. 

‘I would argue that the American people don’t have that confidence in President Biden.’ 

It goes on to list examples of moments of the president’s apparent confusion – forgetting the name of the Defense Secretary, muddling Air Force One with Air Force Two, and apparently forgetting the words to the first line of the Declaration of Independence. 

‘Just everything that has been going on for the last year and a half … [Biden] doesn’t know what’s going on, where he’s at. He’s very confused all the time,’ he said in an interview with The Hill

Jackson was the physician in the Obama and Trump administrations, but has never evaluated Biden. 

He was famous for his partisan diagnoses, on one occasion saying that Trump had ‘incredibly good genes’ and that ‘if he had a healthier diet over the last 20 years, he might live to be 200 years old.’

Then-President Donald Trump and Jackson are seen in the White House in 2017. Jackson served as White House physician for Obama and Trump until 2018 but did not provide care to Biden when he was Vice President

Then-President Donald Trump and Jackson are seen in the White House in 2017. Jackson served as White House physician for Obama and Trump until 2018 but did not provide care to Biden when he was Vice President

Then-President Donald Trump and Jackson are seen in the White House in 2017. Jackson served as White House physician for Obama and Trump until 2018 but did not provide care to Biden when he was Vice President

On a Trump campaign call in October, he said he was convinced Biden does ‘not have the mental capacity, the cognitive ability to serve as our commander in chief and head of state’.   

The letter went on to say how Trump’s opponents and the media ‘clamored for the then president to take a cognitive test. 

Trump ‘excelled’ at the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, it continued, before suggesting Biden was a prime candidate for further examination because of his forgetfulness. 

Trump later described the test, which he said he took to silence critics.  

‘It was 30 or 35 questions. The first questions are very easy,’ he told Fox News.

‘The last questions are much more difficult. Like a memory question

‘It’s like, you’ll go, ‘Person, woman, man, camera, TV.’ 

‘So they say, ‘Could you repeat that?’

‘So I said, ‘Yeah. So it’s, person, woman, man, camera, TV.’ 

‘OK, that’s very good. If you get it in order, you get extra points.’  

Can YOU pass the cognitive test taken by former President Trump?

This is a copy of the sheet the examiner and patient fill out during the 10-minute test

This is a copy of the sheet the examiner and patient fill out during the 10-minute test

This is a copy of the sheet the examiner and patient fill out during the 10-minute test

Former President Donald Trump received a perfect score on a standard cognitive assessment test, his doctor revealed in a White House briefing in January 2018.

The 10-minute test, known as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), was created in 1996 for medical professionals to identify mild cognitive dysfunction.

It assesses concentration, attention, memory, language, calculations, orientation, executive functions and visual skills.

Trump scored 30 out of 30. A score above 26 is deemed ‘normal,’ while anything lower than that is cause for concern.

Those who do well on the test do not need further cognitive examination.

The average score is 27.4. People with mild cognitive impairment score an average of 22.1, while Alzheimer’s patients tend to score around 16.

First used in Montreal, Canada, the test is now one of the most respected methods of assessing cognitive health worldwide, available in 55 languages and dialects, and formats for testing illiterate patients and in other cultural settings (by changing certain references).

Trump was the first U.S. president to undergo the test as part of his presidential physical.

This is how a doctor performs the test, and how a patient is graded:


TEST: The patient is told to pair up five numbers and letters (1-5, A-E) in ascending order (pairing 1 with A, 2 with B, etc) while drawing connect-the-dots lines.

RESULT: The patient gets a point for every successful pair: 1-A; 2-B; 3-C; 4-D; 5-E. No lines can be crossed. The patient earns 0 if they make a mistake that is not immediately corrected.


TEST: Draw your own version of the cube in the space next to it.

It must be exactly the same as the one printed on the page.

RESULT: One point if it is drawn correctly (i.e. three-dimensional, all lines are drawn, no line is added, lines are relatively parallel and their length is similar – no point if any of those criteria are missing).


TEST: Draw a clock, putting in all the numbers and set the time to 10 minutes past 11 o’clock.

RESULT: One point is allocated for each of the following three criteria:

  • Contour (ONE POINT): the clock face must be a circle with only minor distortion acceptable (i.e. slight imperfection on closing the circle).
  • Numbers (ONE POINT): all clock numbers must be present with no additional numbers; numbers must be in the correct order and placed in the approximate quadrants on the clock face. Roman numerals are acceptable. Numbers can be placed outside the circle contour.
  • Hands (ONE POINT): there must be two hands jointly indicating the correct time; the hour hand must be clearly shorter than the minute hand. Hands must be centered within the clock face with their junction close to the clock center.

A point is not assigned for a given element if any of the above-criteria are not met.


TEST: Name each animal.

  • Lion
  • Rhinoceros (or rhino)
  • Camel (or dromedary)

RESULT: One point for each



The doctor tells the patient that they are going to read a list of words that the patient must remember. At the end the patient has to tell them as many as they remember; it doesn’t matter what order.

The doctor then reads five words, one per second:


As the patient recites the words, the doctor marks a check in the box for each word said aloud.

The patient indicates when they have recalled all they can. 

The doctor reads the list a second time. At the end the patient has to recall all of them again. 

As the patient recites the words, the doctor marks a check in the box for each word said aloud – including the first five again.

The patient indicates when they have recalled all they can.

At the end of the test, the doctor asks the patient to recall the five words, unprompted. This is the part of the test that is scored. 

SCORING: No plus points, only minus if they get it wrong.



Recall numbers: The doctor reads a list of five numbers at a rate of one number per second; the patient recalls them exactly as they were said:

2 1 8 5 4

Recall numbers backwards: The doctor reads three numbers at a rate of one number per second; the patient recalls them backwards:

7 4 2

SCORING: One point per sequence correctly recited.

TEST (LETTERS): The doctor reads a list of letters at a rate of one per second. Every time they say the letter ‘A’, the patient has to tap their hand:


SCORING: One point if there is zero errors or just one error (i.e. the patient tapped their hand on another letter just once).

TEST (MATH): The patient starts at 100, then must count down by subtracting seven every time, until the examiner tells them to stop:

  • 93
  • 86
  • 79
  • 72
  • 65 

SCORING: Total of three points.

  • No points if there are no correct subtractions
  • One point for just one correct subtractions 
  • Two points for two or three correct subtractions
  • Three points for four or five correct subtractions

If the first subtraction is wrong, but each subsequent subtraction follows the pattern of seven, they still earn every other point. For example, they may say ’92 – 85 – 78 – 71 – 64′. While ’92’ is incorrect, all subsequent numbers are subtracted by seven, meaning they only made one mistake, and would a score of three.



Step one: The examiner reads this sentence, and the patient has to repeat it exactly: ‘I only know that John is the one to help today’.

Step two: The examiner then reads another sentence, with the same instruction: ‘The cat always hid under the couch when dogs were in the room’.

SCORING: One point for each correct sentence.

  • Exact repetition
  • No synonyms substituted (i.e. it must be ‘hid’ not ‘hides’)


TEST: The doctor reads out a letter (F), and the patient has to think of words that starts with that letter. The aim is to reach 11 words or more in 60 seconds.

  • The words cannot be proper nouns, like Bob or Boston
  • The words cannot be the same sounding word but with different suffixes (like love, lover, loving)

SCORING: One point if they reach 11 words or more in one minute.


TEST: The patient has to describe what the relationship is between certain words (i.e, an orange and a banana; a train and a bicycle; a ruler and a watch).

There is one practice trial (ORANGE AND BANANA) before two scored pairs (TRAIN AND BICYCLE; WATCH AND RULER).

SCORING: One point for each of the last two pairs.

Acceptable answers:

  • Train and bicycle: means of transport, means of traveling, used to take trips
  • Ruler and watch: means of measurement, measuring instruments

Unacceptable answers:

  • Train and bicycle: they have wheels
  • Ruler and watch: they have numbers


TEST: The patient has to recall all the words they heard earlier (FACE, VELVET, CHURCH, DAISY, RED).

SCORING: One point for each word recalled (with no cues from the examiner).


TEST: Say the exact date, and the name of the place they are in, including the city.

SCORING: One point for each correct answer. No points if they make any errors.


Add up all the points accumulating, adding a point if the patient has fewer than 12 years of formal educations.

  • Around 16: cognitive health of an Alzheimer’s patient
  • Around 22: cognitive health of someone with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)
  • Above 26: Normal
  • 30: Perfect score (Trump scored 30/30).  



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