Arguments broke out in a Tennessee parking lot after a school board mask decision as schools open and more children contract Covid

During the Tennessee school board’s special session, parents on both sides of the mask issue shared strong opinions.

“At my hospital, we’re seeing otherwise healthy people in their 30s and 40s getting sick, and the case counts are going up exponentially and some are dying,” said Dr. Britt Maxwell, an internal medicine specialist who later told CNN he went to the meeting because “my children are at risk.”

“We have to do everything we can to protect the whole community, and that means the people in this room that don’t agree with me and their kids in the classrooms,” Maxwell said at the meeting. “If we don’t do this, we’re going to have school shutdowns and quarantines and needless tragedies, and I don’t want that for my community.”

One parent, who identified himself as Daniel Jordan, a former Marine, told the board, “Actions have consequences. If you vote for this, we will come for you, in a nonviolent way. … In the past, you dealt with sheep; now prepare yourself to deal with lions.”

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Long-term Covid-19 effects can be significant for kids, pediatricians say. Here's why other doctors say children should be protected

Jennifer King, a parent and pediatric intensive care physician, said, “As a pediatric ICU physician, we are seeing more younger previously healthy children admitted with respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome than we have in prior strains, as cases in children are on the rise. This trend will only worsen if we don’t act now.”

During the meeting, the crowd cheered, clapped and booed, and people holding signs were at one point asked to clear the room.

Outside, crowds heckled masked people as they left the session, with one man saying, “We know who you are. You can leave freely, but we will find you,” video obtained by CNN shows. A Williamson County Sheriff’s Office sergeant could be seen imploring the crowd to be peaceful.

‘These are the lives we’re trying to save’

“It was shocking,” Maxwell told CNN on Thursday morning. Maxwell left the meeting early, after the public speaking portion, he said. The energy in the room was “hot,” he said, and he knew “things were going to get a lot worse.”

Maxwell and his wife, who is also a medical professional, braced themselves before walking outside, he said. “I took my wife’s arm and I said, ‘Just remember, no matter what they say, these are the lives we’re trying to save.'”

There was a crowd chanting when they stepped outside, Maxwell said. Someone approached him, “put their hand in my face and called me a traitor.”

“I don’t see how anyone can say that when I’ve been on the front lines of this pandemic since the beginning, treating patients in rooms, unvaccinated for the vast majority of it, hoping I wouldn’t take it home to my family. And for someone to say that, it’s mind-blowing,” he told CNN.

Maxwell didn’t see video of the encounters outside the meeting until the next morning, and it scared him, he said, adding it’s not acceptable to threaten or harass people.

Asked if he feels safe, Maxwell said he likes to believe the outburst of anger was the result of a few people who lost control of their emotions.

“I like to think that these were also concerned parents that cared about their kids, that want the best for them, that have different facts than I have,” he said. “And I like to think that tempers will cool and I will be safe and my family will. I hope so.”

Mask debates resurface in some states

Debates — albeit less heated than the verbal clashes in Williamson County — have unfolded in recent weeks in Florida, where the governor has threatened to withhold salaries of school superintendents and school board members who institute mask mandates in defiance of his executive order that parents must decide how to protect their children in the pandemic.
Parents and school officials in Texas also have been torn over how to keep kids safe after that state’s governor issued an executive order that prevents schools from requiring masks.
Broward County Public Schools vote to maintain mask mandate despite Florida governor's executive order to leave masks up to parents

Broward County Public Schools vote to maintain mask mandate despite Florida governor's executive order to leave masks up to parents

And in Georgia, parents are expected to protest Thursday at the Cobb County School District’s central office to demand that the district implement a mask mandate after fifth-graders at one of its elementary schools in suburban Atlanta were sent home this week for virtual learning due to high numbers of positive Covid-19 cases.

The Williamson County board released a statement on the mask debate there, saying, “Our parents are passionate about their children’s education, and that’s one of the reasons for our district’s success over the years. With that said, there’s no excuse for incivility.

“We serve more than 40,000 students and employ more than 5,000 staff members. Our families and staff represent a wide variety of thoughts and beliefs, and it is important in our district that all families and staff have the opportunity to be represented and respected. We will continue to work toward making sure all voices are heard and that all families, staff and community members feel safe sharing their opinions,” the district added.

The temporary mask mandate will allow teachers who are at least 6 feet from students to remove their masks, the district said. The measure applies specifically to elementary schools, and masks are strongly encouraged for middle and high school students.

In late July, the CDC also recommended that localities encourage all teachers, staff, students, and visitors in schools to wear masks indoors, regardless of vaccination status because of the rapid spread of the Delta variant.

CNN’s Dakin Andone contributed to this report.


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