University Challenge viewers hail Trinity College Cambridge one of the ‘most relatable’ teams

University Challenge viewers are left in hysterics after Trinity College Cambridge student admits to ‘tuning out’ during one of Jeremy Paxman’s questions – but they still beat Durham by 100 points

Navonil Neogi left viewers in hysterics after appearing on University ChallengeLast night’s episode saw  Trinity College Cambridge beat Durham 190-90 points Team won despite Neogi admitting to Jeremy Paxman he ‘tuned out’ of question





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A Trinity College Cambridge student has been hailed ‘one of the most relatable’ contestants ever to appear on University Challenge after ‘tuning out’ of a question. 

Navonil Neogi, a Maths student from Surrey, left viewers in hysterics after he admitted to host Jeremy Paxman that he had no idea what question he had just asked. 

Despite the blunder, Trinity College beat Durham University 190-90 points during last night’s episode of the BBC2 quiz show and will be progressing to the next round. 

Viewers found the moment hilarious, with several praising his honesty and saying the contestant was ‘speaking for us all at some point’. 

Scroll down for questions and answers 

Navonil Neogi, a maths student from Surrey, left viewers in hysterics after he admitted to host Jeremy Paxman that he had no idea what question he had just asked

How many Starter for Ten questions can YOU answer? 

What middle letter is common to five letter words with the meanings, a young eel, a bone also known as the incus, a point on which a mechanism turns, an abnormally high temperature Bonus – The ideas of differential and integral calculus were founded independently in the 17th century were founded by Isaac newton and which German polymath What form of number representation did Leibniz describe in the 10701 essay the new science of numbers Dr Pangloss is a character in which satire of 1959 by Voltaire Which political organisation takes it’s name from a roman general whose agnomen the delayer refers to his gradual wearing down of Hannibal’s army John Williams scored which 2002 film dramatisation of the life of the conman Frank AbagnaleWilliams also scored which 1997 film, a dramatisation of a legal case over african slaves who staged a mutiny over a spanish slave shipThe technique known as ben day dots is characteristic of which artist born in 1923, New York The Don Pacifico affair concerned a claim for compensation after an antisemitic mob committed violence in 1847 and arose between Britain and which country? The affair was an oratorical triumph for which foreign secretary?After a British Naval blockade Greece paid compensation. What two word term has come to mean conspicuous displays in naval power in the pursuit of foreign diplomacy



Asking a bonus question on zoology, the host quizzed the team: ‘In contrast to metazoa, what animal subkingdom contains multicellular organisms that lack clearly defined tissues and organs?’ 

A startled Neogi admitted: ‘I tuned out for that question, sorry.’  

Viewers quickly took to Twitter to share their amusement, with one writing: ‘I’m sorry I tuned out for that question’ is possibly one of the most honest comments made in a question consultation on #UniversityChallenge Well done Neogi from Trinity, Cambridge’ 

Viewers quickly took to Twitter to share their amusement, with one writing: ‘I’m sorry I tuned out for that question’ is possibly one of the most honest comments made in a question consultation on #UniversityChallenge Well done Neogi from Trinity, Cambridge.’ 

‘This is the most relatable University Challenge moment of all time. #UniversityChallenge’, wrote one user.  

‘Neogi admitting he’d tuned out for a question is so relatable in this era of online meetings. I’ve definitely been known to say ‘I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening…’ #UniversityChallenge’, wrote a third. 

Another viewer commented: ‘Neogi speaking for us all at some point ‘I’m sorry, I tuned out for that question’ #universitychallenge.’  

Trinity was also represented by Hatty Innes, Ludvig Brekke, and Luke Kim while Durham was represented by Jack Griffiths, Charlie Hetherington, Emily Mitchell, and Isaiah Silvers

Trinity was also represented by Hatty Innes, Ludvig Brekke, and Luke Kim – with Kim becoming another favourite of viewers thanks to his constant grin while answering questions. 

 One viewers wrote: ‘OK I love #Kim. He’s so good but just looks like he’s having the best time as well. #TrinityKim #UniversityChallenge’. 

Another said: ‘was dreadful this evening, but enjoyed the happiness of Kim #UniversityChallenge’.

‘Kim looks so happy to be here, I already like him #UniversityChallenge’, wrote a third.  

Representing Durham was Jack Griffiths, Charlie Hetherington, Emily Mitchell, and Isaiah Silvers. 

Now check your answers! 

V Leibniz Binary Candide Fabius Catch Me If You CanAmistad Roy Lichtenstein Greece Lord Palmerston Gunboat Diplomacy 





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