Receptionist is crushed and seriously injured by car driven off second floor of Brazilian showroom

Receptionist is crushed by car driven off the second floor of Brazilian showroom by worker ‘with no driving license’

Incident took place in a central area of the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo on MondayCCTV footage captured the car falling two floors onto the reception desks belowOne woman, a 19-year-old receptionist, was left in a serious conditionThe 29-year-old valet who was driving the car was not licensed to drive 





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A teenage receptionist was crushed and seriously injured by a car driven off the second floor of a Brazilian showroom, dramatic CCTV footage has shown.

According to authorities, the car was being driven by a contractor who was in charge of cleaning the dealership’s cars who turned out to have no driving licence.

The car tumbled forward and landed upside-down and directly on top of the receptionist, who only had a split second to see what was coming but no time to get out of the way.

A still from CCTV footage from inside the car dealership in Sao Paulo, moments after the vehicle came crashing down on top of a teenage receptionist sitting at a reception desk

Aftermath: Pictures from inside the showroom show the car upside-down on its roof surrounded by broken glass and a crushed reception area where the receptionist was sitting

The incident took place in a central area of the Brazilian city of Sao Paulo on Monday, 27th September.

Two receptionists aged 19 and 22 who were working at the Volkswagen dealership at the time were injured, with the former in a serious condition at the time of reporting.

CCTV footage of the incident shows the unassuming receptionist sitting in the middle of a circular pod of desks situated near the centre of the dealership’s lobby.

Suddenly, the bonnet of the white vehicle is shown smashing through a glass bannister above, causing the receptionist to look upwards over her shoulder.

As the car flips forward, the 19-year-old is shown making a futile attempt to move away from underneath the car, which crashes down on top of the desks, crushing the receptionist under its boot.

Pictures from inside the dealership showed the aftermath of the shocking accident, with the car upside down on its roof surrounded by shattered glass and the smashed reception desks. 

A still grab from CCTV footage shows the split-second before the car crushed the receptionist below after it was driven through a glass railing above

A still grab from CCTV footage showing the moment the vehicle landed on top of the reception area in the showrooms lobby, crushing a receptionist underneath

It later transpired that the 29-year-old valet who was driving the car that caused the accident was not licensed to drive, according to the authorities. He was also injured in the incident.

The young man, who was working for a third-party company, was tasked with cleaning the cars at the showroom.

He had returned from a car wash and was parking on the second floor when he lost control of the vehicle and crashed it onto the reception in the mezzanine from a height of 20 feet, with the car landing on its roof.

The younger receptionist was so badly injured with several fractures throughout her body that she had to be transported to hospital by helicopter (pictured)

The valet was taken to hospital with a fractured leg and the two receptionists were also taken to hospitals.

The younger receptionist was so badly injured with several fractures throughout her body that she had to be transported to hospital by helicopter.

Her older colleague, on the other hand, was treated for minor injuries.

The case has been registered with the police as causing bodily injury while driving and driving unlicensed or while disqualified.

The investigation is ongoing.



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