House votes to refer the charge against former President Trump’s longtime ally to the Department of Justice

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger speaks on the House floor in Washington, DC, on October 21. (House TV)

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger once again defied his party’s leadership and urged lawmakers to vote to support a recommendation to hold Steve Bannon in contempt, saying the former Trump strategist had shown “scorn” for the congressional subpoena.

Kinzinger went on to suggest that Bannon had displayed “utter contempt” for Americans’ right to know how the Jan. 6 attack on transpired.

“Voting on a criminal contempt resolution is not the position we hoped to be in, but Steve Bannon went out of his way to earn this resolution… and now we must approve it,” Kinzinger said.

The lawmaker representing Illinois is one of just two Republicans to serve on the House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the US Capitol.

Kinzinger went on to say that Bannon showed contempt for both Congress and the American people.

“Mr. Bannon’s willful disregard for the select committee subpoena demonstrates his utter contempt for the American people’s right to know how the attacks on Jan. 6 came about,” said Kinzinger, adding, “No one, and I repeat no one, is above the law, and we need to hear from him.”


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