Travis Scott went to Astroworld afterparty; says he didn’t know fans had died in the crowd surge

Travis Scott is lashed over eerie video of him singing while an unconscious fan is carried from the crowd feet away – as it emerges he ‘partied with Drake’ after eight died in Astroworld crush: Rap star could now be sued for billions after 68 victims join lawsuit

New focus on video showing Scott singing ‘creepy’ dirge into microphone as blacked out fan is carried awayThe rapper, 30, appears to be looking directly at the harrowing scene as people beg for him to ‘stop’Anger grew today as it emerged Scott went to a post-show party with Drake at a sports bar in Houston‘Travis didn’t know the severity of the situation when he arrived at the party,’ a source told TMZBut a ‘mass casualty event’ had been declared by the fire department 30 minutes before he finished his setScott and Drake are being sued by 68 victims whose lawyer warns the pair could lose ‘billions’Furious relatives of the victims are demanding that Scott be held accountable for the tragedyThe rapper has said he was ‘devastated’ about the deaths and couldn’t ‘imagine anything like this happening’But he has twice been convicted for encouraging fans to jump security barriers and rush the stage






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Travis Scott has been lashed online for an eerie video which shows him singing ‘yeah’ repeatedly into a microphone as an unconscious fan is carried from the crowd just a few feet away during his deadly concert.

The rapper, 30, was facing new fury today after it emerged that he went to a post-show party hosted by Drake at a Houston sports bar following the tragedy that left eight people dead at his Astroworld Festival on Friday night.

Scott and Drake are being sued by 68 victims for ‘inciting mayhem’ and stand to lose ‘billions’ after more than 300 casualties were treated at an emergency field hospital in the aftermath, while another 11 people went into cardiac arrest and dozens of others were knocked unconscious. 

Video from the night, which has drawn recent anger on social media, shows Scott singing as the limp body of one of his fans is handed up to security guards. People look up to the rapper and cry out for him to ‘stop’ but he appears to stare directly back at the harrowing scene and continue singing his ‘creepy’ auto-tuned dirge.

Separate footage from a few seconds before shows Scott interrupting his performance to call for help for someone in the crowd who is ‘passed out.’ It’s not clear whether he is referring to the man who appears in the subsequent clip.

Scott paused the show on at least three occasions but failed to stop the concert for 30 minutes after a ‘mass casualty event’ had been declared by city officials.

It emerged today that he had partied with Drake in downtown Houston after the tragedy, while concert-goers were either dead or fighting for their lives. 

‘Travis didn’t know the severity of the situation when he arrived at the party,’ a source told TMZ

‘As far as timing, this remains consistent with the fact that no one including the police had publicly confirmed the gravity of the events that had taken place.’ 

But furious victims and families of the deceased are demanding that Scott be held accountable for the tragedy. 

Texas attorney Thomas J. Henry is representing 68 victims in a lawsuit against Scott and Drake, as well as the organizers Live Nation and the venue, NRG stadium, with dozens more cases expected to follow.

‘More and more injured victims are contacting my firm by the hour,’ said Henry. ‘While we are all still working to understand the full scope of the Astroworld tragedy, I believe the damages suffered by its victims could total in the billions.’  

The rapper, who said he was ‘devastated’ about the deaths and couldn’t ‘imagine anything like this happening,’ has twice been convicted for encouraging fans to jump security barriers and rush the stage at previous concerts. 

As the megastar faced new fury today:

Video from the night, which has drawn recent anger on social media, shows Scott singing as the limp body of one of his fans is handed up to security guards. People look up to the rapper and cry out for him to ‘stop’ but he appears to stare back at the harrowing scene and continue singing his ‘creepy’ auto-tuned dirge. 

The fan is carried over the heads of people in the crowd into the arms of security guards. He appears to be unconscious throughout 

People in the audience are seen waving up to Scott – just a few feet away on stage – and begging for him to stop his performance so that the man can be treated 

Scott then continues his performance as the stricken casualty is treated at the side of the festival by police officers and members of the security team

Moments before the eerie clip Scott can be seen saying ‘hold, hold, hold’ and asking for a fan who is ‘passed out’ to be helped, but it’s not clear whether this refers to the man in the subsequent clip

Scott went to an after party hosted by Drake at Dave and Buster’s sports bar. ‘Travis didn’t know the severity of the situation when he arrived at the party,’ a source told TMZ . ‘As far as timing, this remains consistent with the fact that no one including the police had publicly confirmed the gravity of the events that had taken place.’

The crowd surged towards the front at 9pm; at 9:30pm an ambulance was spotted by Scott pushing through the crowd

Drake is seen on stage on Friday night, performing with Travis Scott. He then went to celebrate at his favorite sports bar – unaware, he says, that people had been killed

Around 2pm Friday, hundreds of fans stormed the festival’s VIP entrance. Seven hours later, the surge in front of the main stage killed eight people

Nine-year-old boy who was sitting on his father’s shoulders at the Astroworld festival is in a medically induced coma after being injured in the fatal crowd surge 

A nine-year-old boy who was dropped by his father as he held him above the crush of bodies at Friday’s deadly Astroworld Festival is in a medically induced coma with extensive damage to his lungs, heart and brain.

Ezra Blount was among the hundreds of concertgoers hospitalized during the stampede at the Travis Scott show. 

The boy traveled from his mother’s home in Dallas to see one of his favorite artists with his dad, Treston. But the father-son outing quickly turned into a nightmare. 

‘Due to his severe injuries which are swelling in the back of brain damage and trauma to nearly all organs we are certain that he was trampled and is still in induced coma,’ Treston Blount (left) wrote on a GoFundMe initiative for his son Ezra (right), which has raised nearly $7,000 in just 3 hours

Treston said he passed out while holding up Ezra so he wouldn’t be crushed. When he came to at the venue’s medical tent, his son had been admitted by himself to an area hospital as a John Doe. 

‘Due to his severe injuries which are swelling in the back of brain damage and trauma to nearly all organs we are certain that he was trampled and is still in induced coma,’ Treston wrote on a GoFundMe initiative for his son, which has raised nearly $7,000 in just three hours. 

Treston is a huge Travis Scott fan, with an Astroworld graphic as his Facebook cover photo and even an Astroworld tattoo on his forearm. Now, though, he and his family are looking for answers – and Travis Scott’s apologies thus far haven’t cut it.

‘I’ve seen apologies online that didn’t look so sincere from people who participated in the event. If you feel so bad, why don’t you go to the hospital to check on your fans? Why would you keep letting concerts be this way and let people get injured?’ Ezra’s grandfather, Bernon Blount, told ABC13.

‘Nobody should get injured to make a dollar – nobody should have to lose their child, their grandchild to make a dollar. safety should have been provided for their fans.’

The boy’s grandfather said that the boy was injured so severely at the event that he went into cardiac arrest.

‘If the mayor said there was 500 policemen there, I didn’t see 500 policemen,’ he said. ‘When the event said there were 700 security, I didn’t see 700 security – I saw children running through their gates trampling each other, that’s what I saw.’ 


Drake, 35, called it a ‘devastating tragedy’ in an Instagram post Sunday night, saying: ‘My heart is broken for the families and friends of those who lost their lives and for anyone who is suffering.

‘I will continue to pray for all of them and will be of service in any way I can. May God be with you all.’

As well as the dead, scores were left injured including a nine-year-old boy who remains in a coma after falling from his father’s shoulders during the scrum.

Ezra Blount suffered swelling to the brain and damage to ‘nearly all organs’ when he was trampled by the crowd, his father Treston wrote on GoFundMe.

A 22-year-old student was last night declared brain dead as the lawsuits against Scott and the festival organizers look set to soar.

Bharti Shahani, a senior at Texas A&M, went to the concert with her sister and cousin but they became separated in the chaos.

‘Once one person fell, people started toppling like dominos. It was like a sinkhole. People were falling on top of each other,’ her cousin Mohit Bellani told ABC

‘There were like layers of bodies on the ground, like two people thick. We were fighting to come up to the top and breathe to stay alive.’

Shahani lost oxygen for several minutes, which doctors say led to the swelling of her brain stem – the part of the organ which is connected to the spine. She remains alive with the use of a ventilator. 

Harrowing footage from the event shows Scott continuing to perform as limp bodies are carried over the heads of the crowd and people beg for him to stop singing. 

The show was called off 30 minutes before schedule, but half an hour after a ‘mass casualty event’ had already been declared by the fire department.  

In one video, an ambulance is seen trying to make its way through the crowd, taking more than 10 minutes to reach the patient.

Other footage shows two members of Scott’s entourage rush onto the stage to tell him something.

‘Y’all know what you came to do,’ Scott said, turning to the crowd, before the music started up again.

He then asked the tens of thousands in front of him to make ‘the ground shake.’ 

During a song, at around 9:30pm, Scott stopped the music and, seeing an ambulance arrive, said: ‘What the f*** is that?’

He then carried on until Live Nation stopped the concert roughly 30 minutes earlier than planned, around 10:10pm – 40 minutes after city officials said the ‘mass casualty event’ had begun.

Yet despite the ambulances, and the ‘mass casualty’ declaration, and the show being called off, the rapper went to Dave and Buster to celebrate with Drake – who had appeared on stage with him earlier that night. 

The TMZ source said that Scott left the party when it was confirmed that people had lost their lives. 

Scott’s presence at the party, however, adds to the accusations that the Houston-born rapper showed callous disregard in the immediate aftermath of the tragedy

He is already facing multiple lawsuits from relatives of those who lost their lives.

Scott has promised to pay funeral expenses, yet families believe that there should have been better security protocols in place in the first place.

Victims aged from 14 to 27 were crushed to death as a sizable group of the 50,000 in attendance pushed toward the stage at NRG Park, as a timer clicked down to the start of the 9pm performance. 

One woman, identified only as Rachel, was furious over the death of her friend Franco Patino, a 21-year-old from Illinois, studying at the University of Dayton in Ohio.

‘My friend is gone FOREVER because of Astroworld,’ she tweeted. 

‘The anger I have over this is insane. Travis Scott is going to have to do a hell of a lot more than post a notes-app apology.’

Drake, who was invited on stage by Scott, on Monday night spoke of his sorrow.

‘I’ve spent the past few days trying to wrap my mind around this devastating tragedy,’ he wrote on Instagram.

‘I hate resorting to this platform to express an emotion as delicate as grief but this is where I find myself.

‘My heart is broken for the families and friends of those who lost their lives and for anyone who is suffering.’ 

He said he would pray for them, and was committed to ‘be of service in any way I can.’ 

New accounts of the doomed concert indicated fire officials lost contact with emergency medics as the gravity of the situation overwhelmed first responders.

Houston fire department officials were unable to reach on-site medics because their cell phones went unanswered amid the chaos, USA Today reported. 

One EMT who worked the event said his two-way radio stopped functioning as emergency teams split up to help victims.

‘To give you context, the radio wasn’t working,’ the medic said on TikTok under the username 

‘The music was way too loud. I had called for backup and for help so many times and it was just not going through.’ 

Drake posted a photo of himself at the sports bar Dave and Buster’s on Thursday night, the eve of his performance alongside Scott

Travis Scott said he will cover the funeral costs for the eight victims killed during a violent crowd surge at his Astroworld Festival on Friday in Houston, Texas

How deadly chaos at Travis Scott concert unfolded 

At around 2.15pm, before the concert, video showed hundreds of people rushing through barriers at a VIP security checkpoint and barging past security.

At least one person was injured in that afternoon scrum.

Houston Fire Chief Sam Pena said that he wasn’t aware of what caused the rush but said that any special precautions for this year’s festival ‘weren’t enough.’

Police Chief Troy Finner visited rapper Travis Scott before his set to express ‘concerns about the energy in the crowd,’ according to the The New York Times.

Scott was due to perform at 9pm. A massive countdown timer came up 30 minutes before his set on a big screen.

ICU nurse Madeline Eskins said that the closer the timer got to zero, the worse the pressure within the crowd became.

‘People compressed up against each other and were pushing forward and backward,’ she told CNN.

Just after 9pm, Scott took to the stage to start his set which also included a surprise appearance by Drake.

By the time the rapper entered the stage people had already started to pass out.

At 9.30pm, officials received the first reports of injuries, Pena said.

At around 9.30pm, an ambulance made its way into the crowd, taking 10 minutes to reach the patient.

Video footage, which has since been deleted, shows two men who appear to be part of Scott’s entourage approach him on stage.

‘Y’all know what you came to do,’ Scott said, turning to the crowd, before the music started up again.

He then asked the tens of thousands in front of him to make ‘the ground shake.’

At 9.38pm, a ‘mass casualty event’ was declared, the fire chief said.

Scott maintains he was not aware of the severity of what was happening but he did stop the show on at least three occasions to ask that stricken people get help.

At around 10.10pm, the performance was finally halted. 


As the scene turned deadly, he said revelers continued to move toward the stage, seemingly oblivious to those injured around them. 

‘My observations were that there was zero crowd etiquette at all,’ he said. 

‘They just wanted to get closer to the show closer to Travis Scott and do their thing. 

‘They didn’t give a single damn about anyone around them.

‘It was an absolute s*** show.’

Authorities have said 50,000 people attended the event.

Among the hundreds injured was a nine-year-old boy who was trampled and remained in a medically induced coma at a Houston hospital on Tuesday, according to his family. 

Over 300 people were treated at a field hospital on site and at least 13 were hospitalized.

The TikTok user refuted any suggestion that the on-site medics were unqualified to help the injured. 

‘Everyone in the med tent was the absolute A-team,’ he said.

‘In the medical tent, they had two doctors, a SWAT physician, a ton of SWAT medics, seasoned paramedics and then basics. If you could draw in a team an A-team from Houston that aren’t doctors, they were there. 

‘It was just a situation where maybe just over 100 or 150 personnel was responsible for probably over 50,000 highly irresponsible people. 

‘Whose fault is it? My observation was the crowd.

Bernon Blount said his son and nine-year-old grandson, Ezra, had come from out of town to attend the festival together. 

But they became separated during the crowd surge, Blount said, setting off a frantic search to locate Ezra who was eventually found at a hospital. 

Blount said his grandson’s heart, lungs and brain were injured in the melee.

‘My son, once he had passed out from the pressure being applied to him during the concert, he passed out and Ezra fell into the crowd,’ Blount told The Associated Press. 

‘When my son awakened, Ezra wasn’t there.’

Houston’s police chief said Monday that he met with Scott to discuss safety concerns before the rapper performed on Friday. 

Houston Police Chief Troy Finner said Scott’s head of a security also attended that meeting, but he did not provide details of their conversation in a statement released by the police department.

Houston police and fire department investigators have said they are reviewing surveillance video provided by concert promoter Live Nation, as well as dozens of clips from people at the show that were widely shared on social media. 

 A video circulating online earlier this week showed fans begging the stage crew to halt Scott’s performance, screaming: ‘There is somebody dead in there. There is someone dead.’

Crew members appeared apathetic and ignored fans in the video posted to TikTok, which shows a cameraman continuing to operate his equipment as fans beg him to help.

‘Stop the show,’ another fan cried. 

Other victims included University of Dayton student Franco Patino (left), 21, who was attending the event with his best friend, 20-year-old Jacob Jurinek, when both were trampled to death 

Patino (left) and Jurinek grew up in the same Illinois town and were best friends

Eight people died and hundreds more were injured after the concertgoers surged toward the stage as rapper Travis Scott performed last Friday during the Astroworld Festival in Houston

Although the operations plan for the festival included protocols for numerous dangerous scenarios, it did not include information on what to do in the event of a crowd surge

TikTok user said he was working for the festival as a medic, and noted that his radio wasn’t functioning as concertgoers began collapsing

Two people who knew an unidentified victim of a fatal incident at the Houston Astroworld concert embrace at a memorial on Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021. (AP Photo/Robert Bumsted)

A man places a candle at a memorial in Houston for the victims of the Astroworld music festival on Sunday

Concertgoers are seen scrambling after multiple injuries were reported at the festival

The concert was attended by about 50,000 people, authorities have said

Video circulating on Twitter shows fans begging the rapper to stop performing and chanting ‘stop the show’ as concertgoers were being knocked down and crushed by other attendees.

‘Fans were recording the concert and people doing CPR. Fans were yelling at the stage crew around us, saying stop the concert, people are dying. No one listened,’ ICU nurse and concert attendee Madeline Eskins told Rolling Stone.

 ‘It was definitely overcrowded. It was insane, honestly. I knew it was just way too crowded – it just got worse and worse as I got closer to Travis Scott performing it got more crowded, more crowded, more crowded.’

Investigators also planned to speak with Live Nation representatives, Scott and concertgoers.

Live Nation said in a statement Monday that full refunds would be offered to all attendees.

Scott met with Houston’s police chief to discuss safety concerns before Friday’s show

Shocking video shows a woman imploring a cameraman to stop the show, telling him ‘There is somebody dead in there’ The crew member dismisses his concerns as he continues filming

Another fan jumps on stage and screams ‘stop the show’ as the death toll began mounting during rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld performance in Houston, Texas on Friday

Scott’s scheduled appearance at the Day N Vegas Festival in Las Vegas this weekend was canceled, according to a Scott representative who requested anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.

Scott, who founded the Astroworld festival, said he would cover funeral costs for the victims. 

The dead ranged in age from 14 to 27 and came from Texas, Illinois and Washington state, according to Harris County authorities. 

They included high schoolers, an aspiring Border Patrol agent and a computer science student.

It could be several weeks before medical examiners release the causes of death, said Michele Arnold, a spokeswoman for the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences.

Former Ole Miss student, 23, who was pulled away from her brother’s arms in frenzied Astroworld stampede is identified as the deadly Travis Scott concert’s eighth victim 


A 23-year-old former Ole Miss student whose brother tried to pull her to safety before she disappeared into the crowd has been identified as the eighth victim at Travis Scott‘s Astroworld concert.  

Madison Dubiski, of Cypress, and her younger brother Ty were at the concert in Houston, Texas, together on Friday night. 

They were physically pulled apart during the show, and as Ty tried to pull her to safety, Madison was sucked into the crowd, according to the Houston Chronicle. 

Dubiski is among the eight people who were killed in the ensuing frenzied stampede as rapper Scott continued with his set for at least another 30 minutes, ignoring pleas from panicked concertgoers to stop the music. Hundreds of people were injured and at least 13 are still being treated in hospital. 

Dubiski studied at the University of Mississippi between 2016 and 2017 and worked in advertising and marketing, reported the Houston Chronicle. She went to Cy-Fair High School, where she was a Varsity cheerleader and member of National Charity League, a community service organization for mothers and their daughters in middle and high school.

Friends said that her mother Michelle was her best friend and that she was very close with Ty, who graduated from Cy-Fair in 2019.  

The eighth and final fatality at Travis Scott’s Astroworld concert has been identified as Madison Dubiski, 23, of Cypress

Dubiski was at the show with her younger brother Ty, but the two were pulled apart in the crowd

Riley Dimeo shared a tribute on Facebook for Dubiski, who she called her ‘best friend, secret keeper, sissy, and soulmate’

‘She was super bright, uplifting and just an all-around sweet girl,’ Lauren Vogler, a former classmate, told the Houston Chronicle. ‘I cheered with her when we were younger, and she was always so encouraging. She was definitely the life of the party and loved by so many people.’

Dubiski was also a devoted Astros fan, her favorite color was pink and she was always there for her friends, Vogler said, adding ‘She was definitely one of the ‘too glam to give a damn!’ kind of girls.’

Riley Dimeo shared a tribute on Facebook for Dubiski, who she called her ‘best friend, secret keeper, sissy, and soulmate’ and said that after Astroworld, there ‘will forever be a piece of my heart missing’

She wrote, ‘I have never known such pure love and friendship until Madison came into my life and I’m not really sure how life will continue without her. If you were fortunate enough to know mads you knew how beautiful, sweet, kind, generous, and loving she really was. She had a special way of making every single person she encountered in life feel special, appreciated, and accepted no matter what.’

Dimeo continued, ‘I still cannot wrap my head around this tragedy or accept that fact that she is gone. Justice will come for our girl. I just know she is the most fabulous angel in Heaven. It was a true honor to call you my best friend and now my guardian angel. I love you forever. Until we meet again sissy girl. Please keep her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers through this difficult time.’ 

Other victims included University of Dayton student Franco Patino, 21, who was attending the event with his best friend, 20-year-old Jacob Jurinek, when both were trampled to death. 

Jurinek had bought the tickets six months before the show to celebrate his upcoming 21st birthday on November 20. 

The two young men grew up together in Naperville, Illinois, met in elementary school and were reuniting at the concert to celebrate. 

‘They met in elementary school [in Naperville] and were best friends every step of each other lives,’ Franco’s brother Cesar Patino told reporters.  

Other victims included University of Dayton student Franco Patino (left), 21, who was attending the event with his best friend, 20-year-old Jacob Jurinek, when both were trampled to death 

Patino (left) and Jurinek grew up in the same Illinois town and were best friends

John Hilgert, 14, was the youngest victim of the horrific crush which killed eight people at Friday night’s Astroworld Festival in Houston

Hilgert, left, was a ninth grader at Memorial High School and was remembered as a talented baseball player, as well as a popular student

Hilgert was pictured at the same time as Houston’s medical examiner shared a photo of another male victim’s body they were unable to identify 

Scott organized the lineup for the Astroworld Festival in his native Houston

Patino was a huge fan of the rapper, traveling from southern Ohio to Houston for the concert, according to WGN9.  

Jurinek, better known as Jake, attended Southern Illinois University. 

Patino was studying engineering and was a member of the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers and the Alpha Psi Lambda.  

He was also a part of the society’s special interest house, which he founded with fellow student Andy Prieto to create.

‘Andy and I worked together day and night to make this dream come true because we believed it was a necessity to have a house for Hispanics to come together and have a little piece of familiar culture in a predominantly white institution,’ Patino said in an article about the society on the university’s website.    

Jurinek is listed as a junior studying journalism on SIU’s ‘People Finder’ site.  

‘We are brokenhearted to lose a member of the Saluki family, Jacob Jurinek, and we extend our deepest condolences to his family and friends,’ SIU Chancellor Austin A. Lane said in a statement Sunday. ‘Jacob was a creative, intelligent young man, with a promising career in journalism and advertising. As we mourn this loss in our community, we will keep Jacob’s family and friends in our thoughts.’

John Hilgert, 14, the youngest victim of the tragedy, was a ninth grader at Memorial High School in Houston and was remembered as a talented baseball player, as well as a popular student. 

A spokesman for Spring Branch ISD said: ‘Our hearts go out to the student’s family and to his friends and our staff at Memorial. This is a terrible loss, and the entire MHS family is grieving today.

‘Please keep the student’s family in your thoughts and prayers as they face this tragedy. We will make counselors available to students next week to offer any help and support needed.’

John’s baseball coach Justin Higgs also paid a heartfelt tribute on Instagram. He wrote: ‘RIP John Hilgert. He got the Call up to the Major Leagues by the Almighty! John made an impact on anyone who met him and they always remembered him. I have memories of John I’ll never forget. 

‘You had to love the kid. No option not too cause he was who he was. He loved the game of baseball. Was a privilege to coach this young man. Many prayers go out to any of his friends, teammates, and his family… especially Ms. Hilgert. 

‘One of the nicest human beings I’ve ever met. John was an Angel the whole time I knew him… impacting others for good and he himself was a legend. The legend of John. Will meet again John. Till then watch over us my friend. Catcher, pitcher, shortstop, great kid. Lived his life to the fullest.’ 

Hilgret attended Friday’s concert with his long-time friend, Robby Hendrix, 15.

Hendrix’s mother, Tracy Faulkner, bought her son’s ticket it for his birthday and ‘ultimately regrets the decision.’

‘Everything about that night was a tragedy,’ Faulkner told the Houston Chronicle. ‘They were both in the same place at the same time and one came home and one we will never see.’

She said Hilgret and Hendrix had known each other for years and played football together.

‘John was a good student and athlete and so polite. He was the sweetest and smartest young man,’ she shared. 

Hilgert was pictured at the same time as Houston’s medical examiner shared a photo of another male victim’s body they were unable to identify.

That man’s family has since come forward, and he has been identified as Axel Acosta, 21, KTRK reported. 

Axel Acosta, 21, had traveled from Washington to attend the festival – his first concert. Cops shared a photo of his body after they were unable to identify him 

Acosta’s father Edgar, pictured left, says he struggled to file a missing person’s report because the family live out-of-state

A makeshift memorial was placed outside NRG Park, where the festival was held

Annunciation Catholic Church in Houston holds its own memorial for the victims

A visitor writes a note at the NRG Park memorial

Acosta had traveled from Washington to attend his first ever concert, his aunt Cynthia said. His father, Edgar, identified his remains at Memorial Medical Hospital. 

Acosta turned 21 last month, and had been studying computer science at Western Washington University. His dad said he had struggled to file a missing person’s report in the wake of the deadly crush because the family lives out of state.   

A brother of one of the other victims slammed the ‘poorly’ managed event ran by ‘horrible’ people. 

Danish Baig, 27, was one of people who died after a surge at the concert.  

Baig was killed after trying to save a relative during the stampede at the concert, his brother Basil Baig confirmed on Facebook

‘My brother was killed in this horrendous Astroworld event that was managed poorly and supervised by such horrible people,’ Basil wrote on Facebook. 

He commended his late brother for his ‘courageous act’ and called him a ‘beautiful soul.’  

Others whose deaths have been confirmed to various news outlets are 16-year-old Brianna Rodriguez and Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Peña, 23.

Danish Baig, 27 (right), was killed at Travis Scott’s Astroworld after saving a relative during the stampede on Friday, his brother said

Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Pena, 23, was an aspiring model and dreamed of one day being a US Border Patrol agent. He died of cardiac arrest

Pena died of cardiac arrest after being injured at the show 

‘My brother tried to save my sister in law from these horrendous acts that were being done to her in the process he lost his life,’ Basil wrote. 

‘My brother Danish Baig [is] a beautiful soul whos[e] smile would light up the room and put everyone before himself. Last night he showed his courageous act to save my sister in law from those horrendous things that were being done. 

‘I was there and I wasn’t able to save my brother.’ 

Basil reported that people were ‘hitting,’ ‘pushing’ and ‘shoving’ and ‘did not care for anyone’s life.’ 

He also alleged that superstar rapper and baby daddy to Kylie Jenner’s daughter Stormi ‘provoked these people and made them do just that [stampede] and more he called people to the stage to jump into the crowd and did not stop the show.’ 

Basil also said: ‘This was not the end my family and I will go to the Full extent to make sure he is brought to justice.’ 

His brother Basil (second left) confirmed his brother’s (left) death on Facebook and called what he did a ‘courageous act’ 

Brianna, pictured with her mother, was killed at the event 

Brianna Rodriguez, 16, (left) was a dancer and junior in high school. On Saturday, the family of 16-year-old Brianna Rodriguez confirmed that she was one of the eight victims who died

Scott shared a message on his Instagram on Saturday, where he told fans he was ‘devastated’ and was ‘working closely with authorities’ 

Eight people were killed at the event after a crowd surge happened 

One witness described it as a ‘floor of bodies’ and fans were screaming at to ‘stop the show’

The chaos began after Scott took the stage. The star completed his set 

Two others were identified by their families to have died at the tragic event.  

Brianna Rodriguez, 16, People confirmed, and Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Peña, 23, confirmed by the Laredo Morning Times, were among the eight. 

Rodriguez was a dancer and a junior in high school. 

‘Gone from our sites, but never from our hearts,’ her wrote family on Facebook. 

Her family started a GoFundMe to help with funeral expenses. It has raised $8,910 out of its $30,000 goal.  

Peña was an aspiring model and had dreams of becoming a U.S. Border Patrol agent, according to USA Today.  

He drove five hours from Laredo to Houston with his friends to attend the show, where he died of cardiac arrest.  

His sister told the Laredo Morning Times: ‘My brother was the sweetest person, friendly, outgoing, he had many friends because he was always there for everyone. Yes, he was a big fan of Travis, he loved his music.’

Around 2pm hundreds of fans stormed the festival’s VIP entrance. About seven hours later the surge in front of the main stage killed eight people but the two events appear to be unrelated

Approximately 50,000 people attended the sold-out Astroworld Festival at NRG Park on Friday. Witnesses said the chaos broke out after Scott took the stage to perform. 

The surge happened at 9:15 p.m. and the ‘mass casualty incident’ was declared at that time. Nearly an hour later, at 10:10 p.m., the concert producer Live Nation halted the show. 

Earlier on Friday, hundreds of people were filmed stampeding through a VIP entrance at the Live Nation-organized event, sparking fears of overcrowding and poor crowd control. 

Scott, 29, continued to perform after eight people were crushed to death – including two victims aged just 14 and 16 – in what one witness described as a ‘floor of bodies.’ 

Video circulating on Twitter shows fans chanting ‘stop the show’ as concertgoers were being knocked down and crushed by other attendees.  

Although he completed his 75-minute performance, at one point Scott was filmed calling for help. In another video he stood on a platform with his microphone while chaos unfolded beneath him.

As the chaos unfolded the rapper, who completed his show, even appeared to glance in the direction of passed-out fans as the show went on. Scott halted the performance at least once was filmed calling for security to help distressed fans in the front row. 

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner revealed during a press conference Saturday that the dead ranged in age from 14 to 27. Their cause of death has not yet been determined.  

Meanwhile, Scott’s girlfriend Kylie Jenner, who is pregnant with their second child and attended the event, was blasted online for posting a clip of an ambulance tending to the injured and dead as the chaos unfolded.  

But other videos from the night showed distraught fans begging concert staff to halt the performance and help people escape the surge.

‘People are f***ing dying, I want to save somebody’s life,’ a man said as he climbed on a platform where a cameraman was filming the performance.

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