Partner of Stephen Port’s youngest victim welcomes Cressida Dick’s resignation

‘It’s about time’: Partner of Stephen Port’s youngest victim welcomes Cressida Dick’s resignation and calls it a ‘small justice for victims’ of the serial killer

Ricky Waumsley’s partner Daniel Whitworth, 21, was murdered by Stephen PortCressida Dick quit as Met Commissioner after losing the support of Sadiq KhanMr Waumsley said his first thought when he heard the news was ‘about time’Inquest jury had found police failures likely contributed to Mr Whitworth’s death





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The partner of Stephen Port’s youngest victim has welcomed Dame Cressida Dick’s resignation and called it a ‘small justice for the victims’ of the serial killer.  

Dame Cressida quit as Metropolitan Police Commissioner last night after losing the support of London Mayor Sadiq Khan over her plan to reform the force following a string of scandals and accusations of a toxic working culture.

Ricky Waumsley, whose 21-year-old partner Daniel Whitworth was murdered by Port in Barking, east London, said his first thought when he heard the news was ‘about time’ and that he hoped more resignations would follow.

He added: ‘She had clung on to that position so tight when, all around her, the officers she was in charge of have been racist, homophobic and sexist.’

Mr Waumsley had called for her to quit in December after an inquest jury found police failures had likely contributed to the deaths of Mr Whitworth and those of two more of Port’s victims.

Ricky Waumsley (pictured left), whose 21-year-old partner Daniel Whitworth (right) was murdered by Stephen Port in Barking, east London, said his first thought when he heard the news was ‘about time’ and that he hoped more resignations would follow

Dame Cressida (pictured last night) quit as Metropolitan Police Commissioner after losing the support of London Mayor Sadiq Khan over her plan to reform the force following a string of scandals and accusations of a toxic working culture

Port, known as the Grindr killer, drugged, raped and killed four men between June 2014 and September 2015, and sexually assaulted more than a dozen others.

The inquests into the four deaths revealed that officers failed to carry out basic evidence gathering such as examining Port’s laptop, testing DNA on bedsheets on which two of the bodies were found, and checking the veracity of a fake suicide note found with Mr Whitworth’s body.

Seventeen officers were investigated by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), and nine were found to have performance failings.

None of the nine were disciplined or lost their jobs, and five had been promoted.

After the inquests, Sarah Munro QC published a prevention of future deaths report, saying she was ‘concerned’ to hear evidence of errors made by detectives.

She criticised the Met for failing to treat the victims’ deaths as suspicious and said she was ‘shocked’ to hear that 22-year-old Gabriel Kovari’s family was not even informed by the police of his death. 

Setting out overarching issues in the case, she said: ‘Perhaps the most striking of these is the large number of very serious and very basic investigative failings. 

‘I have been extremely concerned and disappointed by the evidence that I have heard about these series of errors.’

Port (above), known as the Grindr killer, drugged, raped and killed four men between June 2014 and September 2015, and sexually assaulted more than a dozen others

The inquests into the four deaths revealed that officers failed to carry out basic evidence gathering. Pictured: Two of Port’s victims Gabriel Kovari (left) and Mr Whitworth (right)

Families of the four men believed homophobia played a part in the failings, but the coroner did not make her own finding on this issue.

However, she agreed with an IOPC report that suggested ‘the possibility of assumptions being made about the lifestyle of young gay men and the potential vulnerability of men cannot be ignored, and may reveal that intersectionality was present in policing in 2014/2015, and may still be’.

Ms Munro also found police leadership linked to the cases had been inadequate at inspector and sergeant level.

Last year, Assistant Commissioner Helen Ball issued an apology on behalf of the Met but rejected the families’ claim that homophobia played a part.

Families of the four men believed homophobia played a part in the failings, but the coroner did not make her own finding on this issue. Pictured: Two of Port’s victims were Anthony Walgate (left) and Jack Taylor (right)

She said: ‘We don’t see institutional homophobia. We don’t see homophobia on the part of our officers. 

‘We do see all sorts of errors in the investigation, which came together in a truly dreadful way.’

Mr Waumsley said: ‘When I was let down by the Met Police because of their blatant homophobia towards the four victims that Stephen Port killed, and the inquest concluded that the Met failures ‘probably’ contributed to their deaths, I held Cressida accountable for these failures and made a statement that she should resign with immediate effect. 

‘So I am glad. This will be a small justice for the four victims and I hope more resignations within the Met Police will come.’

The 19 failures that left Port free to kill time and time again

 1. Fashion-conscious first victim’s back-to-front underwear failed to arouse suspicion with officers

It was Port himself who called 999 to report ‘finding’ Mr Walgate unconscious outside his flat, although he later admitted dumping his body after the pair met for sex. He killed three men by the time he was jailed in March 2015 for perverting the course of justice in the Walgate case.

Fashion-conscious Mr Walgate was found with his underpants on back to front and inside out, but police said this was ‘unusual, not necessarily suspicious or sinister’.

2. Police did not background check Port, only his victim 

Investigators at the scene were not told of a previous allegation of rape against Port on the police national computer from 2012, who was traced as being the person who called 999 to report the body.

In fact, police only checked the national database for Mr Walgate, not Port.

3. Police decided bruising under Mr Walgate’s arms did not suggest assault and sex swabs were not sent for testing 

Another officer deduced there was ‘nothing to suggest the victim had been assaulted’, despite bruising under Mr Walgate’s arms, while sex swabs taken from his body were not submitted for DNA testing.

4. Port’s laptop – stuffed with searches for drug rape videos – was not opened for ten months

Perhaps most crucially, police failed to submit a laptop belonging to Port for forensic analysis for 10 months after it was seized in the wake of Mr Walgate’s death, and then missed repeated searches for drug rape videos contained on the device.

5. CPS were not told Port could have been a sex offender when making their charging decision 

The Crown Prosecution Service was also not given information that Port was a suspected sex offender when they ruled out a homicide charge over Mr Walgate’s death.

6. Police ignored information in Port’s first interview that police had looked at him over sexual assaults before 

Police soon knew that Port had lied to them from the outset, eventually charging him with perverting the course of justice. But they did not follow up information he volunteered during his initial interviews about his previous involvement with police on suspicion of sexual assault.

7. Local police requests for murder squad to take over were repeatedly turned down 

Requests from the local police officers for the Met’s specialist murder investigation team to take over the investigation were repeatedly dismissed, meaning inexperienced officers were in charge of the case.

8. Police were convinced Mr Walgate had died of an overdose because he was a sex worker 

Two of Mr Walgate’s friends were convinced his death was suspicious and aired their concerns, but said they believed police assumed he had overdosed on drugs simply because he was a gay sex worker.  Sarah Sak, the victim’s mother, told police she was convinced it was ‘murder’, but said police told her ‘it was probably drugs’.

9. Police dismissed Mr Kovari’s murder as non-suspicious so took no samples to analyse

Aspiring English teacher Mr Kovari was found slumped in a graveyard near Port’s home. But the scene was not declared suspicious, so his body was not subjected to a forensic post-mortem examination. His clothing was not seized and so was not analysed, and no samples were taken from his body. 

10. Police missed chance to speak to friend, who had evidence on his phone victim had been in Port’s flat before his murder

Police did not follow up leads to trace Mr Kovari’s friend, Karl Kamgdon, who Mr Kovari sent pictures to from inside Port’s flat when he arrived there, and was the last person he spoke to.

11. Friends found evidence Port had killed Mr Kovari but were ignored by the police 

John Pape, Mr Kovari’s friend, effectively turned detective to find the victim’s boyfriend in Spain, Thierry Amodio, who had been contacted by Port masquerading as another man.  Both men supplied the police with information which would have led them to the serial killer, but they were repeatedly ignored.

12. Family liaison office did not contact the victim’s family, which could have produced clues something was amiss 

A family liaison officer assigned to the Kovari case failed to contact the victims’ loved ones at all, and even referred to him as being from Lithuania rather than Slovakia.

13. Key tests that would have found Port’s DNA were not carried out at scene of third murder 

Detectives failed to carry out key forensic tests including on the bed sheet on which chef Mr Whitworth was found, his clothes, so-called sex swabs taken from his body, and the drugs bottle planted on him – all of which carried Port’s DNA or fingerprints.

14. Police did not question the fake suicide note Port had planted at the scene to try and escape justice 

Perhaps most crucially, the ‘suicide note’ planted by Port on Mr Whitworth’s body taking responsibility for Mr Kovari’s death appeared to be taken on face value by police. Only a section of its contents was sent to Mr Whitworth’s family, with disputes over whether his father was able to identify the handwriting as that of his son. The note was not shown to Mr Whitworth’s long-term boyfriend, Ricky Waumsley, for a year, and he said he felt cut out of the investigation entirely.

He later raised concerns about the ‘really impersonal’ nature of the content, that it did not mention any family members and that he could not be sure it was his partner’s handwriting.

15. Police missed unwitting clue Port put in the fake note, as they thought it referred to a homeless man 

The note also contained a veiled reference to Port, asking police not to ‘blame the guy I was with last night’ in case the investigation eventually linked the victim with the serial killer. However, police arriving on the scene thought ‘the guy’ was a homeless man sleeping in the graveyard where Mr Whitworth was found. It was much later that a handwriting expert concluded the script matched Port’s while the notepad on which the suicide note was written was recovered from Port’s address.

There was no evidence Mr Kovari and Mr Whitworth had ever met or contacted each other.

16. Note’s claims that the third victim killed the second could have been disproved if police had checked phone data 

Police also failed to obtain full phone data that would have shown Mr Whitworth was not in Barking on the night of Mr Kovari’s death – creating an inaccuracy with the suicide note that claimed Mr Whitworth killed Mr Kovari.

Mr Walgate also showed signs of bruising under the arms consistent with being moved or carried before or after his death.

17. The same woman coincidentally found two victims, but still police did not entertain possibility they could be linked

Bizarrely, dog walker Barbara Denham, who discovered Mr Kovari’s body, was also the first on the scene for Mr Whitworth’s death.

She told police: ‘I was the same woman that found the other body a few weeks ago … I found another young boy.’

18. Police were told by family and coroner deaths may be connected but little was done

 The final death was not linked to the previous three until a chance discovery nearly a month later – this was despite similarities that all four victims were young, gay men, with no links to the area, who were found dumped in public, within a short distance of each other. Mr Taylor’s family shared with police their concerns that the death might be linked to others in the area, as did the coroner.

19. Mr Taylor’s sisters clues were unheeded, along with victim’s anti-drugs views 

In fact, his sisters kept notes of their own investigations, establishing similarities between the four deaths, referencing GHB and identifying Port’s address in Cooke Street.

The family were particularly suspicious that Mr Taylor – who wanted to become a policeman and was said to be resolutely anti-drugs – had apparently taken something on the night he died.

But their suggestions were dismissed by police who said there was ‘no reason to think they are connected’.

It was only when a detective working on the Walgate investigation chanced upon a print-out of a CCTV still of Mr Taylor with a ‘mystery man’ on the night he was last seen alive that he recognised him as Port and made the link with Mr Walgate’s death.

Another officer then linked them with the Kovari and Whitworth investigations.




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