Mother of Esther Dingley to give DNA sample to French police to help identify human skull

Mother of Esther Dingley to give DNA sample to French police to help identify human skull found on Pyrenees path – where missing hiker’s boyfriend says it is ‘impossible to get lost’

  • Esther Dingley went missing while on a solo hike in the Pyrenees in November   
  • Bones believed to be human were found on a mountain pass on Friday
  • Her mother Ria Bryant, 74, is set to give French police DNA samples to help identify a skull
  • French officials have also requested dental records and a scan of Esther’s teeth 
  • Boyfriend Dan Colegate had said the route was ‘easy’ in a dossier on the hike 

The mother of missing British hiker Esther Dingley is set to provide DNA samples to French authorities after a human skull was found in the Pyrenees.

It had been reported on Thursday that a human skull had been found, though French and Spanish authorities had previously only confirmed that bones had been found.

Now though, Ria Bryant, 74 – who moved to the Pyrenees in June to assist in the search for her daughter – is set to provide DNA samples in a bid to try and identify a skull found on the Pyrenees path, The Sunday Times reports.  

After a search team concluded that the discovered remains lay on French territory, they were passed over to French authorities, who have also requested a scan of Esther’s teeth and a copy of her dental records.

Bryant told the Sunday Times following the reported uncovering of remains: ‘The dentist is sending a scan of Esther’s teeth. We have to send it to the consulate in Bordeaux.’

She had been due to return to the UK prior to the discovery but told the paper: ‘I’m now going to stay.’

Ria Bryant, 74, the mother of missing British hiker Esther Dingley, is set to provide DNA samples to French authorities after a human skull was found in the Pyrenees. Pictured: Ria, in June 2020 with Esther (middle), and her partner Terry (right)

Ria Bryant, 74, the mother of missing British hiker Esther Dingley, is set to provide DNA samples to French authorities after a human skull was found in the Pyrenees. Pictured: Ria, in June 2020 with Esther (middle), and her partner Terry (right)

Ria Bryant, 74, the mother of missing British hiker Esther Dingley, is set to provide DNA samples to French authorities after a human skull was found in the Pyrenees. Pictured: Ria, in June 2020 with Esther (middle), and her partner Terry (right)

Despite the discovery of the skull, Ria told the publication that officials could find no other traces of remains or belongings.

She said: ‘It’s upsetting that it’s not clear and definitive.’

Police have said that it could take as long as a week for the results of the DNA testing on the skull to be returned. 

The find comes after Esther’s boyfriend said the mountain pass where bones have been found was an ‘easy’ route that was ‘well within her capabilities’, as her family appealed for ‘urgent’ answers.

Dan Colegate said Puerto de la Glera – Port de la Glere in French – was part of the route he had expected Esther to take in a dossier he released in January through support charity LBT Global.

A friend of the couple said she was torn between wanting the remains to be identified as Esther to bring closure, and hoping she might still be alive.

‘It’s 50-50 isn’t it? It’s 50-50. If it is Esther they all stop searching and we know. If it isn’t we’ve still got hope – but it’s so difficult,’ Christine Millership told The Mirror.

‘In a way I hope it is her because, though I hope she’s found alive, I think even deeper that she’s not. I just want closure for Dan.

‘I’m worried about him because he’s got to live with all this. In the first part [after Esther went missing] he was like a zombie, he grew his beard and would hardly talk to anybody,’ Millership told the paper.

Esther's boyfriend said the mountain pass where bones have been found was an 'easy' route that was 'well within her capabilities'

Esther's boyfriend said the mountain pass where bones have been found was an 'easy' route that was 'well within her capabilities'

Esther’s boyfriend said the mountain pass where bones have been found was an ‘easy’ route that was ‘well within her capabilities’

She had met and become friendly with the couple while they were they were travelling through Spain by camper van in 2016.

Millership said Esther and Dan visited her and her husband Harry, 66, for months each year and the last visit was in March 2020.    

‘Esther was very spiritual and would write very long emails. We were very close. She would say that there was 30 years between us but it was like we were twins.’ 

Meanwhile Esther’s family said in a statement they are ‘urgently seeking clarification’ after bones believed to be human were found on Friday near where the hiker was last seen. 

An investigating French source on Saturday said there was no ‘immediate proof as to the identity of the remains’ and that ‘a medico-legal procedure will be followed to establish the identity of Person X in the days ahead.’ 

Dan wrote in his 23-page report about Esther’s plans to do a circular hike between Spain and France which involved sleeping at a mountain refuge.

He said in his dossier: ‘An individual that Esther met on November 19 came forward to say he had specifically suggested this route through France, between Port de Venasque and Port de la Glere, to Esther when he met her. 

‘There is no reason to think that Esther did not stick to this plan.’ 

In a section titled ‘Esther’s Planned Onward Route’, he suggested she reached the mountain refuge in France and slept there overnight before continuing a hike to return to her initial starting point in Spain.

He said: ‘Her onward route would have involved a descent northwards towards the Hospice de France, a flat traverse westwards around the Imperatrice Way, and a climb southwards to the border at Port de la Glere. 

‘From the border the route descends back towards Hospital de Benasque. 

‘This route would have been well within Esther’s capabilities for a day hike, in addition to the fact she had a tent, camping equipment and significant experience using it. 

‘Distance was 16km with 1100 metres of ascent, five to seven hours of hiking time. 

‘The weather remained excellent that Monday. 

The route is very obvious on the ground and also from the terrain when starting from Refuge de Venasque, the report said.

British hiker Esther Dingley  (pictured with her boyfriend Daniel Colegate) went missing November 22

British hiker Esther Dingley  (pictured with her boyfriend Daniel Colegate) went missing November 22

British hiker Esther Dingley  (pictured with her boyfriend Daniel Colegate) went missing November 22 

A mountain runner raised the alarm around 2pm on Friday after discovering what he believed could be the remains of a body near the spot where missing hiker Esther Dingley went missing late last year.

A mountain runner raised the alarm around 2pm on Friday after discovering what he believed could be the remains of a body near the spot where missing hiker Esther Dingley went missing late last year.

A mountain runner raised the alarm around 2pm on Friday after discovering what he believed could be the remains of a body near the spot where missing hiker Esther Dingley went missing late last year.

‘It’s basically impossible to get lost in good visibility here. 

‘The entire route is a well-made and easy to follow path. 

‘Although Esther believed and had warned family that there was poor signal in the area, in fact the signal is very good on the French side. 

‘Within half an hour of leaving the refuge, Esther should have been able to use her phone for most of the rest of the day,’ Dan stated in the report.

Officers from Spain’s Civil Guard initially went to the spot but alerted their French counterparts after confirming it was on the other side of the border. 

One unconfirmed local report said an unnamed runner had come across a human skull on the pass.

Specialist officers from Spain and France have carried out several searches of the area around the Puerto de la Glera hiking trail, where Esther was hiking before she went missing

Specialist officers from Spain and France have carried out several searches of the area around the Puerto de la Glera hiking trail, where Esther was hiking before she went missing

 Specialist officers from Spain and France have carried out several searches of the area around the Puerto de la Glera hiking trail, where Esther was hiking before she went missing

A Spanish radio station covering the province of Huesca which includes the town of Benasque where Esther began the hike she vanished on, said: ‘Sources close to the investigation have indicated that the skull could correspond to Esther Dingley’s because of the colour and length of the hair.’ 

French and Spanish police have both confirmed that bones have been found but have not gone into any more details. 

Civil Guard sources said yesterday officers were ’90 per cent certain’ they were human remains but insisted the job of analysing them for confirmation and more clues was now a French task. 

LBT Global, the charity supporting Esther’s family, said in its first written statement overnight: ‘LBT Global is aware of the discovery of what may be human remains close to the last known location of Esther Dingley. 

Esther's partner claimed in a recent BBC interview he 'could no longer agree' with the idea she had suffered an accident

Esther's partner claimed in a recent BBC interview he 'could no longer agree' with the idea she had suffered an accident

Esther’s partner claimed in a recent BBC interview he ‘could no longer agree’ with the idea she had suffered an accident

‘We are urgently seeking clarification. The family have been informed of the discovery and we are supporting them now. 

‘Until anything is confirmed there will be no statement or interviews with any family members. 

‘Please be aware this may take days or even weeks.’ 

Specialist forensics officers from France’s General Directorate of the National Gendarmerie (DGGN) will carry out the task, under the supervision of the Interior Ministry and an examining magistrate.

Up to 3,000 unidentified bodies are found in France every year, including ones in vast rural areas such as the Pyrenees, said the source.

‘Prosecutors order analysis in the case of suspicious death, and that is when the entire procedure starts,’ said the source.

‘Genetic and dental material is gathered before burial can be allowed. It is a potentially complex procedure.’

DNA analysis is considered the most accurate part of the identification process, but samples are not always available to pathologists if a body is badly decomposed, or reduced to bone, said the source.

Christophe Amunzateguy, the chief public prosecutor of Saint-Gaudens, has been informed about the discovery of the remains, and was liaising with police investigators this weekend.

Missing Esther Dingley's camper van was spotted parked up in Benasque . Witness Lucie was walking her dog Tipo when she spotted the camper van with the light on and someone inside on December 2

Missing Esther Dingley's camper van was spotted parked up in Benasque . Witness Lucie was walking her dog Tipo when she spotted the camper van with the light on and someone inside on December 2

Missing Esther Dingley’s camper van was spotted parked up in Benasque . Witness Lucie was walking her dog Tipo when she spotted the camper van with the light on and someone inside on December 2 

French police commander Jean-Marc Bordinaro, who has been involved in the search for Esther from the start, said: ‘We cannot say anything at the moment because the discovery of the bones is too recent and they must be properly analysed. We will not have a result for several days and possibly several weeks.’

Commander Bordinaro confirmed that Esther was believed to be heading towards Port de Glere when she went missing.

It is thought that she intended to spend a night in a mountain refuge in France, but there was no initial evidence that she had actually entered French territory.

Mr Bordinaro said his colleagues were contacted by Spanish police on Friday afternoon, after the remains were discovered at about 2pm.

Mr Bordinaro had previously admitted that it was ‘very likely’ that Durham-born Esther had been involved in a mountain accident, and had been unable to raise help.

The search for her was called off in February because of deteriorating weather, but it resumed in the Spring.

In her final message to Dan on November 22, Esther wrote: ‘Might dip into France. Hoping Refuge Venasque has a winter room. Keep you posted when can. Love you xxx’

Puerto de la Glera is close to the to the 8,796ft Pico Salvaguardia summit where Oxford graduate Esther last made contact with Dan around 4pm on November 22 last year. 

Specialist officers from Spain and France have carried out several searches of the area. 

A co-ordinated air and land search by police mountain rescue experts from both countries took place on July 1. 

Civil Guard sergeant Jorge Lopez Ramos, whose Greim elite mountain search and rescue team led an eight-day search for Esther on the Spanish side of the border before it was halted last December because of bad weather, confirmed late last year Puerto de la Glera was on the route Esther told her boyfriend she was planning to take before she disappeared. 

He said at the time: ‘Esther told her partner she was planning to spend the night in a nearby refuge on the French side of the border called Venasque before doing a long half-circle to re-enter Spain through a mountain pass called Puerto de la Glera and heading back down to Llanos del Hospital. 

‘It would have been a long day’s walk or she could have spent the night somewhere and finished the following day. 

British hiker Esther Dingley was seen at Eroski supermartket in Benasque, Spain, on Novermber 19, days before her sudden disappearance

British hiker Esther Dingley was seen at Eroski supermartket in Benasque, Spain, on Novermber 19, days before her sudden disappearance

British hiker Esther Dingley was seen at Eroski supermartket in Benasque, Spain, on Novermber 19, days before her sudden disappearance

‘We don’t know if she reached Venasque that night. It’s shut at the moment and only an emergency part of it is open for people to sleep in and consume any food they have with them.’ 

French police chief Jean Marc Bordinaro said yesterday: ‘We cannot say anything at the moment because the discovery of the bones is too recent and they must be properly analysed. 

‘We will not have a result for several days and possibly several weeks.’ 

A prosecutor based in Saint-Gaudens is expected to make an official statement if there are any changes to the current situation. 

Spanish Civil Guard said the discovery was a matter for the French police to comment on as the bones had been found on their side of the border. 

Esther’s partner of 20 years claimed in a recent BBC interview he ‘could no longer agree’ with the idea she had suffered an accident. 

He said: ‘The search has been so prolonged and so intense, that as far as I’m concerned the probability of an accident is now less than the probability of a criminal act.’ 

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