Life under the ‘moderate’ Taliban: Fighters tar a ‘car thief’ and tie him to the back of truck

So much for ‘Taliban 2.0’: Fighters shoot dead journalist as he raises Afghan flag in defiance at Jalalabad protest as Kabul ‘car thief’ is tarred and locals claim woman was shot dead for not wearing a burqa in rural province

The Taliban’s ‘Angels of Salvation’ are going door-to-door to round up suspected looters amid chaos in KabulFootage shows alleged thieves being dragged out of their homes at gunpoint and being shamed in the streetRobbers have their faces tarred and are strapped up to the backs of trucks to be paraded through the cityJournalist Zahidullah Nazirzada was reportedly shot dead today raising the Afghan national flag in Jalalabad A young woman was shot dead by Taliban in north of the country for reportedly refusing to wear a hijabHarrowing image shows her parents crouching next to her body as she lies in a pool of blood last weekThe jihadists have been dubbed ‘Taliban 2.0’ for their media charm offensive and claims that they are modernBut damning evidence proves they still cling to their barbaric world view as they bar refugees from fleeingThere was a stampede at the airport on Tuesday as fighters marched around with guns firing warning shotsVideo showed despairing women at the gates of the airport pleading with US troops to let them throughA 21-year-old ex-teacher who fled to Kabul earlier this year said she was now afraid to leave the houseAn ex-interpreter watched as the Taliban raided his home via an app as he remains holed up in a safehouseOne man said he saw his neighbour being dragged out of his house, the Taliban said he would hang tomorrow WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: 


The Taliban’s new ‘moderate’ facade has already crumbled with images emerging today of alleged thieves being tarred and strapped to trucks, and reports of a journalist shot dead for raising a flag and of a woman killed for refusing to wear a burqa.   

The terror group’s ‘Angels of Salvation’ are going from door-to-door and dragging political opponents from their homes at gunpoint. One suspect’s neighbour reported that the Taliban said he would be hanged tomorrow. 

A journalist who raised the Afghan national flag in defiance at a protest in the northern city of Jalalabad on Wednesday was shot dead by the jihadists, according to local reports. Zahidullah Nazirzada had joined defiant crowds in raising the tricolour, now outlawed and replaced by the Taliban’s white banner.

Footage from Kabul showed a car thief on Tuesday with his face covered in tar, tied to the back of a truck and his hands behind his back as people gathered around to gawp. A traffic cop stood nearby apparently powerless.  

A young woman was shot dead for allegedly refusing to wear a burqa by marauding jihadists when they captured the northern town of Taloqan in Takhar province last week, according to a post widely shared on social media.

She is seen lying in a pool of blood as her distraught parents crouch beside her body in the image which was shared by the Afghan Ambassador to Poland, Tahir Qadry, who denounced the ‘butchering of civilians.’ 

Other footage shows Taliban fighters outside Kabul airport on Tuesday wielding AK-47s and rocket launchers, marching towards the terrified crowds and firing warning shots into the air.  

The jihadists have been dubbed ‘Taliban 2.0’ for their media charm offensive in trying to persuade the world that they have moderated compared to the Taliban of 20 years ago. 

But these barbaric atrocities tell a different story:

Suspected political enemies are being dragged from their houses and are to be hung, according to sources Ex-interpreter saw his house being raided via an app on his phone as he remains holed up in a safehouseJournalists and student activists have been hauled out of their homes in the middle of the night Kabul’s first female mayor Zarifa Ghafari said: ‘I’m just sitting here waiting for them to come, there is no help’ 21-year-old former teacher says she is a ‘prisoner in her own home’ as the Taliban fighters raid nearby houses In Kabul’s Pol-e-Charki prison, the militants murdered former ISIS chief Ziaul Haq, fuelling fears of civil war  A mother-of-four was beaten to death in front of her daughter before a grenade was hurled into their home  A bloodied child, who appeared to have been killed, was seen being carried outside the airport on TuesdayTaliban are causing stampedes outside the airport as they fire guns into the air and beat would-be refugees Women reached their arms through railings outside airport crying to the US troops: ‘The Taliban are coming’Teenage boys cowering with their younger siblings and mothers are separated by fighters and beaten Two killed and at least 10 injured when Taliban opened fire on protest over removal of the national flagJournalist Zahidullah Nazirzada was reportedly shot dead while raising the Afghan national flag in Jalalabad 

Footage shows an alleged car thief with his face covered in black tar and strapped up to the back of a truck, with his hands tied behind his back as people gather around to gawp.

A young woman was shot dead for allegedly refusing to wear a hijab by marauding jihadists when they captured the northern town of Taloqan in Takhar province last week. She is seen lying in a pool of blood as her distraught parents crouch beside her body in an image shared by the Afghan Ambassador to Poland Tahir Qadry who denounced the ‘butchering of civilians.’

Journalist Zahidullah Nazirzada (right) was reportedly shot dead (left, the purported scene of his death) while raising the Afghan national flag which the Taliban have outlawed in favour of their own 

An alleged looter is placed up against a wall with fighter training their guns on his back after he was dragged out of his house by the Islamist ‘Angels of Salvation’

The Taliban turned on the crowd at Kabul airport on Tuesday, driving the hundreds back from the airport perimeter as they pushed to flee the country

A statue of political leader Abdul Ali Mazari, who was murdered by the Taliban in 1995, was destroyed

A child covered in blood is carried away with his father after the Taliban used whips on the crowd trying to get in to Kabul airport on Tuesday

A fighter canes a boy who cowers with women and young children

An Afghan woman is seen lying on the ground after the Taliban used whips and sharp objects to drive people from the airport

A Taliban fighter whacks a boy across the back of the thighs as families cower under a bush

A man cries as he watches fellow Afghans get wounded after Taliban fighters use gunfire, whips, sticks and sharp objects to maintain crowd control over thousands of Afghans who continue to wait outside Kabul airport for a way out

A 21-year-old woman who was working as a teacher in Kandahar before it fell described how she had fled to Kabul earlier this year but now lived in fear that the Taliban will soon come knocking on her door. 

She told Radio 4: ‘When the Taliban attacked and captured Kandahar we were unable to live anymore, because of the shooting, the bombing and the killing of innocent civilians.  

‘Now I’m taking refuge here in Kabul because of Taliban. But when it comes to Taliban we never expected this, that Kabul would be captured and the city has fallen.

‘But now we are trapped we cannot do anything, everywhere Taliban are seen.

‘I feel personally at risk from the Taliban because I was working for an educational organisation and the Taliban do not accept this, now I do not feel safe at all.

‘I am here taking refuge in Kabul, I do not leave the house, I do not even go for something I really need. I’m afraid, I’m like a prisoner in my own home.

‘They are going house-to-house, they are asking what people have been doing, they want to know who lives where. Yesterday, I saw their car passing through our street, so we collected all the documents and ID we had in the house and hid it.’ 

The young woman said that she was desperate to receive asylum status in Britain. 

Another woman named only as Najia was at home with her three young sons and daughter in a small northern village when the Taliban knocked at their door.

Her 25-year-old daughter Manizha described how they had come to the house three days before demanding that her mother cook for their men.

She told CNN: ‘My mother told them, “I am poor, how can I cook for you?” [The Taliban] started beating her. My mother collapsed, and they hit her with their guns – AK47s.’

Manizha shouted at the fighters to relent and in response they hurled a grenade into a neighbouring room, fleeing as the house became engulfed in flames.

The mother-of-four, Najia, later died of the beating. 

Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman, claimed on Tuesday ‘there is a huge difference between us and the Taliban of 20 years ago’ – when female Afghans were beaten in the street or publicly executed, denied work, healthcare and an education, and barred from leaving home without a male chaperone.   

The Taliban has also said women will have to wear hijabs but not burkas.

But despite his claims video emerged today showing terrified women at the gates to Kabul airport pleading with US troops to let them through, wailing: ‘The Taliban are coming.’ 

The women were seen reaching their hands through iron railings towards the soldiers while screaming in the video which was shared widely on Afghan social media accounts this morning. 

Taliban gunmen have now surrounded the airport – the only route out of Afghanistan for thousands of refugees stranded in the capital and nearby provinces – and are checking the documents of those trying to reach it.  

Women were filmed pleading with US troops that the ‘Taliban are coming’ in footage that appeared to have been taken at Kabul airport this morning as thousands of desperate Afghans try to flee Islamist rule

Crowds pictured outside Kabul airport on Wednesday morning, which is now the only viable route out of the country for thousands of refugees trapped in the capital

British forces say evacuation flights are happening with ‘consent’ of the Taliban, as fighters were pictured patrolling one of the main roads to the airport today (pictured)

The Taliban has insisted there will be total amnesty for those who fought against them in Afghanistan and that evacuation flights will be protected, but there have been reports of gunmen firing into crowds

A Taliban gunman speaks with a driver along the main road to Hamid Karzai airport, where evacuation flights are taking place

Taliban gunmen patrol through crowds of desperate Afghans at Kabul airport today, as people try to board planes out of the country fearing for their safety under Islamist rule

Taliban fighters patrol in Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood in the city of Kabul

The race to get out of Kabul: What is the situation in Afghanistan and how many people are being evacuated?

The Taliban have seized power in Afghanistan two weeks before the US was set to complete its troop withdrawal after a costly 20-year war. Here is the latest:

The Taliban, who ran Afghanistan in the late 1990s, have again taken control after the Western-backed government that has run it for 20 years collapsedThe Taliban’s deputy leader and co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar arrived in Kandahar Tuesday after 20 years of exile, landing in the insurgent group’s former capital just days after they took control of the country. It comes as the Taliban held a press conference in which it insisted it would respect women’s rights – but women’s rights but ‘within Islamic law’They insisted would not exact revenge, which the group insisted they ‘want to live peacefully’ after taking control of AfghanistanThousands of people are racing to Kabul Airport which is one of the last routes out of the country amid fears the Taliban could carry out revenge attacksTens of thousands of people need evacuating – including some 22,000 on US special immigrant visas, 6,000-7,000 British nationals and Afghan allies, and 10,000 refugees that Germany has said it will accept Some people are so desperate that they clung to the side of a military jet as it took off and then plunged to their deaths yesterday – at least seven died At least 12 military flights took off from Kabul todayBritain has carried out three MoD military flights so far today amid hopes they can get 6,000-7,000 people out in totalRAF planes are taking people to other stable parts of the Middle East where they can get charter flights back to the UK Eleven aircraft of five different types are believed to be shuttling in and out of Kabul – the RAF Voyager Tanker (Airbus A330 MRTT), Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, Lockheed C-130 Hercules and Airbus A400M Atlas 900 British armed forces are in Afghanistan to bring UK nationals home and secure safety of some Afghans370 UK embassy staff and British nationals were flown out by the MoD on Sunday and yesterday, while 289 Afghan nationals were taken out last weekA further 350 British and Afghans will be taken out of the country in the next 24 hours, UK Government says The US may issue up 80,000 special immigrant visas to those who helped with its combat operations7,500 troops currently guarding the airport – including 6,000 Americans and smaller numbers of British, Turkish and Australians – will also need to leave  Prime Minister Boris Johnson has called for G7 leaders to hold a virtual meeting ‘in the coming days’ Defence Minister Ben Wallace says the Taliban takeover is a ‘failure of the international community’Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab says UK must work with ‘challenging’ partners on dealing with TalibanUS President Joe Biden called the situation ‘gut-wrenching’ but rejected blame for what’s happeningThe Taliban now say they want to form an ‘inclusive, Islamic government’ with other factions – and are holding negotiations with senior politiciansAfghan President Ashraf Ghani has already fled the country after the Taliban reached Kabul on Sunday


Islamist fighters were funnelling people towards a gate on the airport’s civilian south side, demanding documents before occasionally allowing someone to pass. Each time the gate opened, dozens tried to rush inside – with gunshots fired to keep them back. 

Meanwhile more footage revealed crowds hard up against concrete perimeter walls on the airport’s military north side, with shots being fired over the heads of men, women and children to keep them back.

Afghan translators and other visa holders trying to reach the airport have told MailOnline that they are actually in hiding near the airport, afraid to break cover and try to reach the runway in case the Islamists haul them away.

Others who have braved the gates told of how they were crushed, trampled and molested amid the crowds – without making it on to a flight.

In a sign of how dire the situation has become, White House spokesman Jen Psaki was forced to admit Tuesday that there is no guarantee that all US citizens and visa holders will be able to leave the country before troops pull out on August 31.

‘Our focus right now is on the task at hand, and that is day by day getting as many American citizens, SIV applicants, as many of the vulnerable population who are eligible to be evacuated to the airport and out on planes,’ she told a press conference.

Flights that were supposed to be carrying thousands of people out of the country each day have so-far been taking off with just a few hundred aboard, with the UK evacuating some 370 people between Sunday and Monday.

General Sir Nick Carter, head of the UK armed forces, told BBC Radio 4 that Britain ‘hopes’ to get 1,000 people out today with seven evacuation flights going into the country – though was forced to admit that is only possible due to ‘collaboration’ with the Taliban.

He also flatly denied reports that people are struggling to get to the airport, saying: ‘Subject to the situation remaining calm, which the Taliban are working hard to achieve alongside us, the system will work.’ 

One man was photographed on Tuesday with tears streaming down his cheeks, his face contorted in anguish as he saw his fellow Afghans being whipped outside the airport.

The Taliban then opened fire to drive the masses back from the site. 

Reports suggested the militants were going door-to-door, rounding up those who had worked with the Afghan armed forces or government. Exclusive video obtained by Fox News showed a convoy of Taliban fighters roaring down a street, then opening fire in Kabul looking for ex-government workers. 

The Taliban on Tuesday used whips and sharp objects to beat back women and children desperate to enter Kabul airport, forcing crowds to run away in terror.

One man was photographed with tears streaming down his cheeks, his face contorted in anguish as he saw his fellow Afghans being whipped.  

The Taliban then opened fire to drive the masses back from the site. 

Zabihullah Mujahid, a spokesman, claimed on Tuesday ‘there is a huge difference between us and the Taliban of 20 years ago’ – when female Afghans were beaten in the street or publicly executed, denied work, healthcare and an education, and barred from leaving home without a male chaperone.  

The Taliban has also said women will have to wear hijabs but not burkas.

Yet despite their claims to have moderated their position, there was no sign of that on Tuesday.

Reports suggested the militants were going door-to-door, rounding up those who had worked with the Afghan armed forces or government. Exclusive video obtained by Fox News showed a convoy of Taliban fighters roaring down a street, then opening fire in Kabul looking for ex-government workers. 

Afghans run from the airport after the Taliban began using whips and sharp objects to repeal the crowd, before opening fire on those hoping to flee

Taliban fighters patrol the streets of Kabul on Tuesday and man checkpoints set up across the city

Pictured: Zabihullah Mujahid, chief spokesman for the Taliban, speaks during a press conference in Kabul on Tuesday, August 17, 2021. For years, Mujahid had been a shadowy figure issuing statements on behalf of the militants

Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid answers press members questions as he holds a press conference in Kabul, Afghanistan

A group of women began protesting on Tuesday, demanding the extremist group does not ‘eliminate’ women from society but were not approached by Taliban fighters until the afternoon

Taliban fighters stand guard before their spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid arrives for his first news conference in Kabul on Tuesday


Feb. 29, 2020 Trump negotiates deal with the Taliban setting U.S. withdrawal date for May 1, 2021 

Nov. 17, 2020 Pentagon announces it will reduce troop levels to 2500 in Afghanistan

Jan. 15, 2020 Inspector general reveals ‘hubris and mendacity’ of U.S. efforts in Afghanistan 

Feb 3. 2021 Afghan Study Group report warns against withdrawing  ‘irresponsibly’

March Military command makes last-ditch effort to talk Biden out of withdrawal 

April 14 Biden announces withdrawal will be completed by Sept. 11 

May 4 – Taliban fighters launch a major offensive on Afghan forces in southern Helmand province. They also attack in at least six other provinces

May 11 – The Taliban capture Nerkh district just outside the capital Kabul as violence intensifies across the country

June 7 – Senior government officials say more than 150 Afghan soldiers are killed in 24 hours as fighting worsens. They add that fighting is raging in 26 of the country’s 34 provinces

June 22 – Taliban fighters launch a series of attacks in the north of the country, far from their traditional strongholds in the south. The UN envoy for Afghanistan says they have taken more than 50 of 370 districts

July 2 – The U.S. evacuates Bagram Airfield in the middle of the night 

July 5 – The Taliban say they could present a written peace proposal to the Afghan government as soon as August

July 21 – Taliban insurgents control about a half of the country’s districts, according to the senior U.S. general, underlining the scale and speed of their advance

July 25 – The United States vows to continue to support Afghan troops “in the coming weeks” with intensified airstrikes to help them counter Taliban attacks

July 26 – The United Nations says nearly 2,400 Afghan civilians were killed or wounded in May and June in escalating violence, the highest number for those months since records started in 2009 

Aug. 6 – Zaranj in the south of the country becomes the first provincial capital to fall to the Taliban in years. Many more are to follow in the ensuing days, including the prized city of Kunduz in the north 

Aug. 13 – Pentagon insists Kabul is not under imminent threat 

Aug. 14 – The Taliban take the major northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif and, with little resistance, Pul-e-Alam, capital of Logar province just 70 km (40 miles) south of Kabul. The United States sends more troops to help evacuate its civilians from Kabul as Afghan President Ashraf Ghani says he is consulting with local and international partners on next steps

Aug. 15 – The Taliban take the key eastern city of Jalalabad without a fight, effectively surrounding Kabul

Taliban insurgents enter Kabul, an interior ministry official says, as the United States evacuate diplomats from its embassy by helicopter



During the press conference on Tuesday, Mujahid did not detail what restrictions would be imposed on women, although he did say it would be a government with ‘strong Islamic values’. 

Mujahid claimed: ‘We are committed to the rights of women under the system of Sharia. They are going to be working shoulder to shoulder with us. 

‘We would like to assure the international community that there will be no discrimination.’

The Taliban denied it was enforcing sex slavery, and claims that such actions are against Islam. 

During the 1990s, the regime established religious police for the suppression of ‘vice’, and courts handed out extreme punishments including stoning to death women accused of adultery. 

During their press conference in the capital city, the Taliban insisted girls will receive an education and women will be allowed to study at university – both of which were forbidden under Taliban rule in Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001 before the US-led invasion. 

The group also said they want women to be part of the new government after female Afghans staged a protest outside a local Taliban HQ in the Khair Khana district, a suburb of north-west Kabul, while chanting ‘honor and lives are safe’ and ‘join voices with us’. 

However, women and girls remain the most at risk under the new regime, with gangs in conquered areas allegedly hunting children as young as 12 and unmarried or widowed women they regard as spoils of war – ‘qhanimat’ – being forced into marriage or sex slavery.    

The spokesman suggested that the Taliban intended to put the last 20 years behind them, claiming that the group is ‘not going to revenge anybody, we do not have grudges against anybody’. 

‘We want to make sure Afghanistan is not the battlefield of conflict anymore. We want to grant amnesty to those who have fought against us,’ he said.

Yet footage from within Kabul showed the Taliban driving around in their pickup trucks and opening fire. 

Some reports said they were going door-to-door to hunt down opponents. 

And it also emerged on Tuesday that the Taliban is already offering ‘safe haven’ to Al Qaeda, according to a Pentagon watchdog report – published just a day after President Biden said the war in Afghanistan had succeeded in ensuring the country could not be used to launch attacks against the U.S.  

The revelation will bring fresh questions about why Biden was intent on pushing through the U.S. withdrawal so fast. 

And with U.S. troops and diplomats heading for the exits, who is left behind to provide intelligence on the deadly terrorist group? 

The new report by the Lead Inspector General for Operation Freedom’s Sentinel – the name of the U.S. mission in Afghanistan – said terrorist networks including ISIS had made the most of the Department of Defense’s drawdown.   

‘As the DoD restructured its counterterrorism mission to locations outside of Afghanistan, ISIS—Khorasan exploited the political instability and rise in violence during the quarter by attacking minority sectarian targets and infrastructure to spread fear and highlight the Afghan government’s inability to provide adequate security,’ it said.

‘Additionally, the Taliban continued to maintain its relationship with al Qaeda, providing safe haven for the terrorist group in Afghanistan.’

Osama bin Laden plotted the 9/11 terror attacks from Afghan soil, triggering the 2001 invasion by U.S. troops.

He was finally hunted down and killed by Navy Seals in neighboring Pakistan 10 years later. 

Disrupting his network in Afghanistan has been a key part of the U.S. and NATO mission. 

But with the Taliban retaking power, analysts are assessing what it means for Al Qaeda and the threat it poses to the West.

Footage obtained by Fox News showed Taliban fighters driving through the streets of Kabul and opening fire. It was unclear whether they were firing in the air or aiming for people. Reports have claimed they are going door-to-door hunting down opponents

The Taliban fighters, flying their white flag, were filmed surreptitiously from a balcony in Kabul on Tuesday

A man claiming to be a member of Al Qaeda is pictured in Yemen in 2009. The terrorist group is likely to be granted safe haven by the Taliban, according to a Pentagon watchdog report published on Tuesday

President Biden has repeatedly declared victory in the U.S. mission to ensure Al Qaeda could not use Afghan soil to launch attacks on the U.S. But a new report says the Taliban is offering safe haven to the terrorist group

Taliban fighters pose on October 14, 2001, near Jalalabad in Afghanistan. Twenty years after their regime was topped by U.S. and allied forces they are back in power

Taliban fighters stand guard in a vehicle along the roadside in Kabul on August 16, 2021, after a stunningly swift end to Afghanistan’s 20-year war, as thousands of people mobbed the city’s airport trying to flee the group’s feared hardline brand of Islamist rule

A peace deal signed by the Trump administration in Doha, the capital of Qatar, last year required the Taliban to stop giving safe haven terrorist groups. 

Yet, the Taliban’s upper echelons are filled with figures who have fought alongside Al Qaeda or hosted their operatives. For example, Sirajuddin Haqqani, one of the Taliban’s deputy leaders and the son of a close friend to Bin Laden, is known to be a key conduit to the terror group. 

As the Taliban advanced rapidly across Afghanistan, undoing billions of dollars of work that was meant to build a new democracy, officials have repeatedly seized on the eradication of Al Qaeda in the country as justification for leaving.  

‘We went to Afghanistan almost 20 years ago with clear goals: get those who attacked us on September 11th, 2001, and make sure Al Qaeda could not use Afghanistan as a base from which to attack us again,’ said Biden on Monday, after being forced to leave Camp David to address the crisis.

‘We did that. We severely degraded Al Qaeda in Afghanistan.’ 

Biden is seen talking to his national security team from Camp David at the weekend. Officials insist they will hold the Taliban to the terms of a peace deal signed in Doha last year, when they promised not to host terrorist groups

The top ranks of the Taliban include the likes of Sirajuddin Haqqani, who leads the Haqqani network, and who is believed to have close ties with Al Qaeda. This rare photograph is taken from an FBI most wanted poster

Other officials say they intent on holding the Taliban to the Doha deal.

‘We have a proven ability to fight terrorism effectively without having a large military footprint on the ground – and we will hold the Taliban accountable to not allowing Al Qaeda to have a safe haven in Afghanistan,’ National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told ABC’s Good Morning America.

Terrorism experts scoff at the idea that the Taliban is no longer operating with Al Qaeda or that the terrorist group has been defeated. 

‘The recent narrative of a degraded or defeated or decimated  group – pick your D word, they’ve used – is delusional,’ said Bill Roggio, editor of the Long War Journal which tracks Al Qaeda activity in the region.

‘They’ve been there, operating alongside the Taliban the whole time. This narrative has persisted because the only way to pursue a U.S. exit out of Afghanistan was to downgrade Al Qaeda’s presence.’  

He said Pentagon assessments had long been works of fiction, putting the Al Qaeda presence at about 50-100 fighters – despite reporting that 40-80 operatives were being killed each year.

‘The intelligence services are clueless or lying,’ he said. 

Roggio added that the chaotic departure of diplomats, contractors and troops – not to mention Afghans who had worked for the U.S. – would severely erode Washington’s ability to gather intelligence on Al Qaeda. 

The Pentagon declined to comment on the report and instead directed inquiries to the White House and to the Pentagon Office of the Inspector General. 

Taliban fighters ride a newly acquired police pickup truck outside Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul after their whirlwind advance across the country

Hundreds of people gather outside the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, Tuesday, Aug. 17, 2021, as they try to flee the Taliban takeover

The White House did not immediately respond and a spokesman for the Pentagon Office of the Inspector General said it had nothing to add to the report. 

A recent United Nations report said Al Qaeda’s leader Ayman al-Zawahiri was ‘living but ailing in Afghanistan.’

‘Al Qaeda is present in at least 15 Afghan provinces, primarily in the eastern, southern and south-eastern regions,’ it said. ‘Its weekly Thabat newsletter reports on its operations inside Afghanistan.’

And an offshoot, Al Qaeda in the Indian subcontinent operates under Taliban protection from Kandahar, Helmand and Nimruz Provinces.  

In the aftermath of the Taliban takeover, Nathan Sales, former US ambassador-at-large, said Al Qaeda was one of the big winners.

‘The Biden administration’s withdrawal from Afghanistan is the best news Al Qaeda has had in decades,’ he wrote in a briefing paper for the Atlantic Council.

‘With the Taliban back in charge of the country, it is virtually certain that al-Qaeda will reestablish a safe haven in Afghanistan and use it to plot attacks on the United States.’

GUY ADAMS: Meet the butcher of 260 UK troops who boasted of raging jihad… who is now in charge in Afghanistan

Abdul Ghani Baradar, 53, is preparing to be president of new Islamic republicHe was previously named as one of the world’s most wanted men and jailedHe oversaw a Taliban insurgency that cost lives of thousands of western troops

A senior Taliban commander named Abdul Ghani Baradar gave an interview to Newsweek in 2009 and was asked what the future of his homeland might hold.

‘The history of Afghanistan shows that Afghans never get tired of struggling until they have freed their country,’ he responded. ‘We shall continue our jihad until the expulsion of our enemy from our land… In every nook and corner of the country, a spirit for jihad is raging.’

Twelve years later, that prediction seems eerily prescient – aside from one minor detail. The Taliban’s ‘enemy’ were not exactly expelled – but instead chose to quit the hostile land of their own accord.

Abdul Ghani Baradar is preparing to be unveiled as president of a new Islamic republic after the Taliban’s success in Afghanistan

Meanwhile, Baradar, who back then was in deep hiding – the interview was conducted via a network of encrypted phone messages forwarded by his insurgent group’s PR man – has experienced a dramatic uptick in his personal fortunes.

Today, the bearded 53 year old finds himself in downtown Kabul attempting to act like a global statesman as he prepares to be unveiled as presideomarnt of a new Islamic republic.

‘We have reached a victory that was not expected,’ he declared, promising to ‘show humility in front of Allah’, as well as ‘serve the Afghan people and set an example for the rest of the world’.

It’s quite the change in circumstances for a man who, until 2018, was languishing behind bars in Pakistan, having been arrested in 2010 after spending a decade on the run.

Back then, he was the subject of UN sanctions and named by Interpol as one of the world’s most wanted men, thanks to his role overseeing a Taliban insurgency that cost the lives of thousands of western troops.

Baradar, who has spent much of his adult life fighting guerrilla wars, was identified as the mastermind of his group’s murderous tactic of planting ‘flowers’ – their name for improvised explosive devices – on trails and dirt roads, hoping to then ambush small units using automatic rifles and rocket-propelled grenades.

‘Keep your weapons on your backs and be on your motorcycles,’ he reportedly told sub-commanders back in 2008. He added: ‘America has greater military strength but we have greater faith and commitment.’

Mullah Omar (pictured) was the Taliban boss who effectively ran Afghanistan when it was sheltering the leaders of Al Qaeda in the run-up to the 9/11 terror attacks

Thanks in part to the success of this deadly strategy, the cunning – if until lately relatively little-known – former warlord may eventually prove to be even more dangerous than his late friend and mentor Mullah Omar. 

He was the Taliban boss who effectively ran Afghanistan when it was sheltering the leaders of Al Qaeda in the run-up to the 9/11 terror attacks.

The duo met during the 1980s on the front-line of the Afghan Mujahideen’s decade-long war against the Soviet Union when they became experts at knocking out Russian tanks with rocket-propelled grenades.

Later, after Omar had lost an eye to shrapnel, they travelled to his home district of Maiwand where 20-something Baradar served under his command.

At some point, they are believed to have married a pair of sisters. Omar, who was eight years his protege’s senior, gave him the nickname ‘Baradar’, meaning ‘brother’, as a sign of trust and which he then incorporated into his name.

After the Russians were driven out in 1989, they travelled to Kandahar to set up a madrassa – an Islamic religious school. But with Afghanistan falling into civil war between rival factions, they became disgusted at the behaviour of local warlords who, fighting among themselves, had begun kidnapping and raping girls and boys from surrounding villages.

In the autumn of 1994, Omar held a meeting in the Maiwand district of Kandahar province, where a group of young Islamic scholars – including Baradar – pledged to dedicate themselves to the religious purification of the country and the creation of an Islamic emirate. They called their new group the Taliban.

Its first insurgency, a revolt against a local warlord, involved a tiny force of just 30 men and half as many firearms. But the movement quickly grew and by 1996 controlled the entire country.

Baradar also built links with Osama bin Laden, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks from a secret base in the mountainous region bordering Pakistan

Renowned as a canny military leader and politician, Baradar was made the deputy defence minister in the Taliban government, which banned music and art, prevented girls from attending school, forced women to wear burqas and presided over a medieval justice system.

Baradar also built links with Osama bin Laden – the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks from a secret base in the mountainous region bordering Pakistan – according to the New York Times.

After the US invasion, hundreds of senior Taliban hardliners fled.

Baradar is believed to have helped Mullah Omar escape by riding a motorcycle across the border, with his chief on the pillion seat wearing a burqa.

Once on the run in Pakistan, they controlled their group from a network of safe houses. And in 2006, Baradar became its effective deputy leader following the death of a commander named Akhtar Usmani. According to Interpol, Baradar was also a member of the Quetta Shura – the Taliban’s military council – from 2007 onwards.

By 2010, Omar’s health was failing (he’s believed to have died from tuberculosis in 2013) and Baradar was reported to have ‘absolute control’ over the Taliban’s day-to-day operations.

But in February that year, he was finally arrested in a CIA raid on a slum in Karachi, Pakistan.

‘His wife is Mullah Omar’s sister-in-law. He controlled the money. He was launching some of the deadliest attacks against our security forces,’ crowed a senior Afghan official to the BBC.

Tory MP Patrick Mercer, who is a former soldier, declared: ‘It’s a coup he was taken alive… This is the man behind the operations which have claimed the lives of more than 260 British soldiers.’

Yet even though the Taliban’s insurgency continued, its imprisoned leader was executing a surprising volte-face.

Instead of advocating terror, he began lobbying his organisation’s commanders to engage in dialogue with the US and Afghan governments that would allow them to return to power – and see him released from prison.

At the behest of President Trump’s Afghan peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad – who reportedly believed he’d settle for a power-sharing arrangement – Baradar was freed in October 2018 to participate in peace talks.

The following year, he was named as the Taliban’s chief negotiator in formal negotiations.

Last February, he signed the Doha Agreement in which President Trump had agreed to withdraw all but 2,500 troops from Afghanistan by the time he left office.

That highly-controversial deal, which was sealed via a 35-minute phone call with Trump at the White House, revolved around an agreement that remaining US soldiers would pull out once the Taliban agreed to both stop supporting terror groups and to ensure that Afghanistan is not used as a base for attacks on the West.

With its chaotic withdrawal, the US has kept its side of the bargain. But whether the former jihadi they’ve left in charge remains true to his word remains to be seen.

The Biden administration blame game begins: Chaos as the White House, Pentagon and State Department all look to blame each other for the debacle in Afghanistan

U.S. officials are engaged in cross-agency recriminations as they grapple with failures of intelligence, execution, and imagination that preceded the sudden collapse of Kabul and the chaotic evacuation underway. 

Biden, in his speech to the nation on Monday, pointed to the May 1, 2021 U.S. withdrawal deadline that former President Donald Trump‘s administration negotiated with the Taliban – as well as the failure of U.S. trained Afghan forces to fight.   

Afghanistan political leaders gave up and fled the country. The Afghan military collapsed, sometimes without trying to fight,’ Biden said. ‘If anything, the developments of the past week reinforced that ending U.S. military involvement in Afghanistan now was the right decision.’

Biden administration officials are pointing fingers at various agencies who failed to properly plan for or anticipate the sudden Taliban takeover of Kabul

He stood by the determination to pull out as the ‘right decision.’ 

Diplomats have said they were relying on intelligence assessments that the collapse of Kabul was less than imminent – although the Intelligence Community briefed lawmakers in July about the ‘accelerating’ pace of Taliban gains. 

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said at a Pentagon press conference late last month, even amid Taliban gains across provinces: ‘And there is a range of possible outcomes in Afghanistan. … A negative outcome – a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan – is not a foregone conclusion.’ 

That estimation of the Afghan government’s strength also influenced the White House position, as President Biden publicly announced a total withdrawal of U.S. forces by Sept. 11th, then moved up the date by weeks. 

A White House official singled out Milley’s public assessment, calling it ‘utter bunk,’ CNN reported. 

‘We have noted the troubling trend lines in Afghanistan for some time, with the Taliban at its strongest, militarily, since 2001. Strategically, a rapid Taliban takeover was always a possibility,’ said a senior intelligence official Sunday. 

Defense officials have said they prepared for worst-case scenarios, and have expressed frustration that State Department officials didn’t speed evacuation actions. 

Pentagon spokesman Adm. John Kirby, a former State Department spokesman under President Obama, said the administration did plan for Taliban gains.

He spoke to CNN Tuesday about the chaotic departure flights from Hamid Karzai airport that reportedly left eight people dead.

‘Could we have predicted every single scenario and every single breach around the perimeter of the airport with only a couple of thousand troops on the ground?’ Kirby said. ‘Plans are terrific and we take them seriously, but they are not and never have been perfectly predictive.’ 

 Former Donald Trump national security advisor John Bolton told the network Tuesday that both Trump and Biden made the strategic mistake of withdrawing from the 20-year war.   

This image distributed Courtesy of the US Air Force shows the inside of Reach 871, a U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster III flown from Kabul to Qatar on August 15, 2021

Pentagon assessments of the durability of Afghan national forces are also coming under scrutiny. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the military had planned for contingencies involving a Taliban takeover

‘It’s been a catastrophe and I’m afraid it’s going to get worse. I think Biden does bear primary responsibility for that although you see now fingers being pointed saying Trump didn’t leave us with any plans. We’ll have to see how that shakes out,’ he said.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken testified in June that he didn’t expect an ‘immediate deterioration in the situation’ as the U.S. undertook its drawdown. 

‘Whatever happens in Afghanistan, if there is a significant deterioration in security — that could well happen, we have discussed this before — I don’t think it’s going to be something that happens from a Friday to a Monday,’ he said – although what ultimately unfolded was a sudden Taliban takeover in a matter of days.

A foreign policy ally said Biden’s advisors would never have let him take off for Camp David last Friday, as the president did, had they anticipated the sudden collapse, the Washington Post reported.  

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