Marjorie Taylor Greene’s personal Twitter account is permanently suspended

‘Twitter is an enemy to America’: Marjorie Taylor Greene reacts furiously as Twitter PERMANENTLY suspends her account for ‘repeated violations’ of its COVID ‘misinformation’ policy

The Georgia Rep’s personal account was suspended Sunday, Twitter confirmedGreene, 47, was given the boot for sharing COVID misinformationHer latest tweets show her railing against government overreach during the pandemic and misusing data to claim thousands of deaths from COVID vaccinesThis is the fifth strike for the first-term congresswoman, who was suspended in August for saying COVID vaccines should not be fully approved‘Twitter is an enemy to America and can’t handle the truth,’ Greene responded 





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Controversial US Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene called Twitter ‘an enemy to America’ after the social media site permanently banned her personal Twitter account Sunday for sharing COVID misinformation.

The Georgia GOP rep’s account – @mtgreenee – was axed Sunday, CNN reported. 

Her final tweets, obtained by, show her railing at what she blasted as government overreach about COVID and discussing how life had changed since the virus hit US shores. 

Greene, who is also known for espousing QAnon conspiracy theories, still has access to her work account, @RepMTG, where she last posted December 19. 

‘Twitter is an enemy to America and can’t handle the truth. That’s fine, I’ll show America we don’t need them and it’s time to defeat our enemies,’ she said in a statement on the encrypted messaging app Telegram sent to the media by her communications director, Nick Dyer.

Greene added: ‘Social media platforms can’t stop the truth from being spread far and wide. Big Tech can’t stop the truth. Communist Democrats can’t stop the truth.

‘I stand with the truth and the people. We will overcome!’ 

Twitter’s rules allow someone to appeal if they believe the account was suspended in error. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene, pictured center, has had her personal Twitter account suspended for repeatedly sharing COVID misinformation 

Greene responded to the ban with a message on the encrypted messaging app Telegram from her communications director Nick Dyer

Greene’s personal account was suspended on Sunday, as seen in this grab, after Twitter previously said 

But her official work account remains live. She has not tweeted from it since December 19 

This compilation of Greene’s final tweets railing against COVID measures appear to be what earned her her fifth strike and permanent ban from Twitter 

This is the fifth strike for Greene, who was last suspended in August for saying that vaccines were ‘failing’ to reduce the spread of COVID and that the FDA shouldn’t have approved them. 

She got her third strike in July after tweeting that COVID wasn’t dangerous. She was also suspended in January, days after the Capitol riot, for tweets echoing conspiracy theories about voter fraud in her home state of Georgia.

Two or three strikes earn a 12-hour account lock; four strikes prompt a weeklong suspension, and five or more strikes can get someone permanently removed from Twitter. 

A Twitter spokesperson said: ‘We permanently suspended @mtrgreene for repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy. We’ve been clear that, per our strike system for this policy, we will permanently suspend accounts for repeated violations of the policy.’

In a statement released by her office, Greene said she was suspended for sharing a tweet citing numbers from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, a self-reporting tool for vaccine side effects managed by the Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration.

Greene’s suspension comes almost a year after Donald Trump was permanently suspended days after the January 6 riot. 

In a lengthy Twitter thread on Saturday, she posted a graph showing a reported 18,000 deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines, according to VAERS data.

‘Before Covid, Reported deaths from vaccines were taken seriously and dangerous vaccines were stopped. After Covid, Extremely high amounts of covid vaccine deaths are ignored and government forced vaccine mandates increase,’ she said. 

VAERS allows anyone to report side effects after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Government health official have warned that the data is being misused and misinterpreted, given that anyone is able to submit a report.

Reports of side effects or deaths caused by the COVID-19 vaccine on VAERS do not prove that negative outcomes were related to the vaccine itself.

Last month, Greene, 47, compared COVID to cancer in a four tweet thread calling for Americans to take a more laid back attitude to the virus. 

‘Every single year more than 600,000 people in the US die from cancer. In 2021, an estimated 608,570 people will die of cancer in the United States. The country has never once shut down. Not a single school has closed.

‘And every year, over 600,000 people, of all ages and all races, will continue to die from cancer.

‘Since #COVID19 tracking has started, 780,000+ people have died in 22 mo in the US, but more than 1 million still died of cancer. 

‘More have died in 2021 from covid than 2020 in spite of Gov mandated widespread vaccines, mass public masking, & trillions spent.

‘Covid predominately targets oatbese & older people,’ Greene added, insisting that ‘it’s time to take a different approach based on the facts’ and ‘stop the politically driven mass hysteria.’

Greene, 47, has faced repeated criticism over her use of social media to spread misinformation

Greene tweeted in August that the FDA should not approve the COVID vaccines because there were ‘too many reports’ of breakthrough cases. Twitter marked the tweet misleading and blocked users from interacting with it 

Twitter has a five-strike policy for users who spread COVID-19 misinformation. The latest strike appears to have been her last

Greene has also taken repeated aim at White House COVID tsar Dr Anthony Fauci, and even shared snaps of herself wearing a face mask emblazoned with the words ‘Fire Fauci.’ 

When her account was suspended in August 2021, a Twitter spokesperson said: ‘The account will be in read-only mode for a week due to repeated violations of the Twitter rules.’ 

The social media website’s misinformation policy states that violating its COVID guidelines five times could result in a permanent ban, according to the Arizona Republic.

In 2017, she called the internet-born conspiracy theory QAnon, whose believers follow the words of an alleged government insider nicknamed Q, a ‘once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles out,’ according to the Tampa Bay Times.

In February 2021, she said in a speech on the House floor that she stopped believing in the conspiracy theory once she found ‘misinformation, lies, things that were not true’ in QAnon posts.

On Sunday, the first-term congresswoman pointed the finger at her colleagues, suggesting Twitter has a double standard.

‘Maxine Waters can go to the streets and threaten violence on Twitter, Kamala and Ilhan can bail out Black Lives Matter terrorists on Twitter, CNN and the rest of the Democrat Propaganda Media can spread Russia collusion lies, and just yesterday the Chief spokesman for terrorist IRGC can tweet mourning Soleimani, but I get suspended for tweeting VAERS statistics,’ she said.

Statistics from the self-reporting vaccine side effect database are often cited by conservative commentators like Tucker Carlson to downplay the effectiveness of vaccines. 

Last week, Greene criticized the national College Republicans group for tweeting out a message wishing people a Happy Kwanzaa

Last week, Greene criticized the national College Republicans group for tweeting out a message wishing people a Happy Kwanzaa.

The secular festival of African American culture is celebrated each year from December 26 to January 1. 

‘Stop. It’s a fake religion created by a psychopath,’ Greene wrote back on Twitter. ‘You aren’t bringing in new voters, you are turning them away. People are tired of pandering and BS.’ 

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