Gas distributors in Germany and Austria tell CNN they are working on ways to accept Moscow’s ultimatum, while complying with EU sanctions

The Mallnow natural gas compressor station of Gascade Gastransport GmbH on April 27, in Brandenburg, Germany. The compressor station in Mallnow near the German-Polish border mainly receives Russian natural gas. (Patrick Pleul/picture alliance/Getty Images)

Some of Russia’s biggest natural gas customers in Europe are preparing to accept the Kremlin’s new payment terms rather than risk being cut off by Moscow, a fate suffered by Poland and Bulgaria this week.

Gas distributors in Germany and Austria told CNN Business that they were working on ways to accept a Russian ultimatum that final payments for its gas must be made in rubles, while complying with EU sanctions.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said last month that “unfriendly” nations would have to pay rubles, rather than the euros or dollars stated in contracts. Buyers could make euro or dollar payments into an account at Russia’s Gazprombank, which would then convert the funds into rubles and transfer them to a second account from which the payment to Russia would be made.

Germany’s Uniper said on Thursday it would continue to pay for Russian gas in euros but added that it believes a “payment conversion compliant with sanctions law” is possible.

“Uniper is in talks with its contractual partner about the concrete payment modalities and is also in close coordination with the German government,” the company said in a statement.

A Uniper spokesperson told newspaper Rheinische Post on Thursday that the company would make payments into a Russian bank in euros, instead of a bank based in Europe.

Germany has reduced its consumption of Russian gas to 35% of imports from 55% before the war in Ukraine, but says it needs to keep buying from Moscow at least until next year to avoid a deep recession.

Uniper said that it cannot cope without Russian gas in the short term.

“This would have dramatic consequences for our economy,” it said in its statement.

Austrian energy firm OMV (OMVJF) said on Thursday that it had considered the new payment request from Russian gas giant Gazprom and was “now working on a sanctions-compliant solution.”

Putin on Wednesday made good on his threat to cut off countries that refuse the new payment terms. Gazprom announced it had suspended gas supplies to Bulgaria and Poland because they had refused to pay in rubles, stoking fears that other EU countries — including major gas importers Germany and Italy — could be next.

Sanctions loophole? There could be a workaround. The European Commission issued guidance to EU member states last week saying that is “appears possible” that buyers could comply with the new Russian rules without getting into conflict with EU law.

EU governments are likely to allow the payment mechanism to go ahead, Eurasia Group said in a note on Thursday.

Go deeper on the story here.


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