Woman sparks furious debate after sharing angry response from tradesman she text for a quote at 12am

Should texts and emails be BANNED after a certain time? Woman provokes furious debate after carpet fitter texts her: ‘Who the f*** asks for a quote at 12.15am?’

  • Evandra, from the UK, sparked fierce debate after texting tradesman at 12:15am
  • Shared the expletive-laden text that she received in response on Twitter
  • Asked who was in the wrong – and received a mixed response from Twitter users 

A woman who messaged a tradesman for a quote after midnight has sparked a furious debate about what time is socially acceptable to send a text.

Evandra, an interior architectural designer from the UK, messaged a carpet fitter for a quote at 12:15am last week – and it didn’t go down well.

She shared the reply – which read: ‘Here’s a quote!! Who the f*** asks for carpets at 12:15am?’ – on Twitter, provoking a lively debate about who was in the wrong.

Evandra captioned the screenshot of the text: ‘Loooll??? But what in the name of customer service have I just experienced.’

Evandra, an interior architectural designer from the UK, messaged a carpet fitter for a quote at 12:15am last week - and it didn't go down well

Evandra, an interior architectural designer from the UK, messaged a carpet fitter for a quote at 12:15am last week - and it didn't go down well

Evandra, an interior architectural designer from the UK, messaged a carpet fitter for a quote at 12:15am last week – and it didn’t go down well

Evandra shared the reply from the tradesman - which read: 'Here's a quote!! Who the f*** asks for carpets at 12:15am?' - on Twitter, provoking a lively debate about who was in the wrong

Evandra shared the reply from the tradesman - which read: 'Here's a quote!! Who the f*** asks for carpets at 12:15am?' - on Twitter, provoking a lively debate about who was in the wrong

Evandra shared the reply from the tradesman – which read: ‘Here’s a quote!! Who the f*** asks for carpets at 12:15am?’ – on Twitter, provoking a lively debate about who was in the wrong

Her tweet, which was retweeted more than 13,600 times and liked by nearly 172,000 users, attracted hundreds of comments.

A number suggested the carpet fitter was justified in his response because Evandra should have text during working hours – while others couldn’t understand why he didn’t simply ignore it until the following day.

One tweeted: ‘So call during the day!! How difficult is that?’ while another wrote: ‘Like if you emailed or sent an online query – grand – but you texted him.’

‘The notification most likely woke him up? I’d be p***** as hell if someone texted me at that hour about work and it’s not an emergency,’ one tweeted.

Another accused her of being ‘entitled’, writing: ‘Then text people during business hours. It’s not that hard.’ 

Evandra's (pictured) tweet sparked a furious debate over whether it was acceptable to text workers late at night

Evandra's (pictured) tweet sparked a furious debate over whether it was acceptable to text workers late at night

Evandra’s (pictured) tweet sparked a furious debate over whether it was acceptable to text workers late at night

A number suggested the carpet fitter was justified in his response because Evandra should have text during working hours

A number suggested the carpet fitter was justified in his response because Evandra should have text during working hours

A number suggested the carpet fitter was justified in his response because Evandra should have text during working hours

‘That notification could of woken someone – it’s manners – but again you do you. I personally think it’s rude,’ one remarked. 

But many spoke in defence of Evandra, with one commenting: ‘HE’S in the wrong, def not you. How could it be you?!? Bro needs a work phone damn.’

‘He could have just texted you back the next day babe! He was in the wrong. No money for him!’ wrote another.

And one remarked: ‘I don’t get why people get so upset when they get a text in the middle of the night. You don’t have to reply to it right away… just wait to reply in the morning.’ 

Many spoke in defence of Evandra, with one commenting: 'HE’S in the wrong, def not you. How could it be you?!? Bro needs a work phone damn.'

Many spoke in defence of Evandra, with one commenting: 'HE’S in the wrong, def not you. How could it be you?!? Bro needs a work phone damn.'

Many spoke in defence of Evandra, with one commenting: ‘HE’S in the wrong, def not you. How could it be you?!? Bro needs a work phone damn.’

‘He was extra about it, you were just asking a question about his business,’ wrote another, and one added: ‘You’re within your right to ask for a quote….. He could have not replied and waited til 9am AND THEN GIVEN you your quote.’

Meanwhile one joked: ‘A woman texting you after midnight on a weekend to get her carpets done should never be met with anything other than an eager willingness to close the deal.’ 

To settle the debate, Evandra shared a poll asking who was in the wrong – but admitted she ‘felt like s***’ when 59.2 per cent said it was her.

‘F*** you all lmaooo!,’ she wrote in response. ‘Feel like s***, just want my carpets done.’

In a further tweet, she wrote: ‘MUTED as some are upset about PAYING CUSTOMERS enquiring at their own convenience. Top tip: You should invest in a business phone which you switch off after your shift! Now why don’t the “it’s your fault” merchants f*** offfff and pay for my new carpet.’ 

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