Arizona Legislature is shut down after 15 GOP politicians met COVID positive Rudy Giuliani

Rudy Giuliani’s COVID diagnosis sparks Arizona Legislature shutdown after president’s lawyer, 76, met with 15 GOP politicians – as he is hospitalized amid fears he could have infected dozens

  • President Trump revealed Giuliani’s test results by tweet on Sunday afternoon, saying he had ‘the China virus’
  • Giuliani was on Sunday at Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington, the New York Times reports 
  • On Sunday evening Giuliani responded from hospital to a well-wisher who urged Americans to pray for him 
  • Giuliani has traveled the country making Trump’s case the election was ‘rigged’ 
  • In the past seven days he has been in Arizona, Michigan, Georgia and Washington DC
  • On Sunday night the Arizona legislature announced it was closing for two weeks following his visit
  • Jenna Ellis, Giuliani’s colleague, said he has tested negative before his trip to Arizona, Michigan and Georgia
  • She said the closure of the legislature was ‘absolutely unnecessary’ and said it was ‘an excuse’
  • Giuliani took over from the legal effort from David Bossie, who also tested positive
  • His son Andrew, 34, working in the White House, tested positive following a November 20 press conference
  • Giuliani, 76, has traveled widely despite his son, communications director and team lawyers’  positive tests 
  • Giuliani’s condition is unclear but his years of cigar smoking and his being unfit will not help him 


Rudy Giuliani tested positive for the coronavirus on Sunday and was taken to Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington DC, in news that forced the closure of the entire Arizona state legislature for two weeks as a cautionary measure – something his team said was ‘absolutely unnecessary’ and described as ‘an excuse’. 

Giuliani, 76, was in Arizona on Monday and Tuesday, staging a press conference at the Hyatt Regency in Phoenix on his first day and visiting Republicans in the Capitol on Tuesday.

In a Sunday afternoon email sent to all senators and staff and obtained by the Arizona Capitol Times, Senate Chief of Staff Wendy Baldo wrote that the Senate will be closed all week ‘due to COVID-19 concerns and out of an abundance of caution.’

The House is following suit.  

Jenna Ellis, Giuliani’s colleague, said that Giuliani ‘tested negative twice immediately preceding his trip to Arizona, Michigan and Georgia.’

She added: ‘No legislators in any state or members of the press are on the contact tracing list, under current CDC guidelines.’ 

She said that Arizona was using Giuliani’s diagnosis as ‘an excuse’ and described it as ‘absolutely unnecessary’. 

Giuliani on Sunday night tweeted that he was ‘recovering well’ in hospital. 

Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox News on Sunday morning, and was in hospital that evening

Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox News on Sunday morning, and was in hospital that evening

Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox News on Sunday morning, and was in hospital that evening

Giuliani poses with members of Arizona’s state legislature in Phoenix on Monday, six days before he was hospitalized

Giuliani was on Sunday night being treated at the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington DC

Giuliani was on Sunday night being treated at the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington DC

Giuliani was on Sunday night being treated at the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington DC

Giuliani’s jet-setting 

It’s believed that Giuliani traveled by private jet on behalf of the president.

Over the course of two weeks he was in at least five states. 

November 19: Giuliani holds a press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington DC, dripping hair dye. His son Andrew, who was there, tests positive the next day, as does his communications director. 

November 25: Giuliani attends a hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. Two of the senators present test positive for COVID – one of them, Doug Mastriano, finding out the result while he was in the White House meeting the president.

November 26: Giuliani celebrates Thanksgiving at the Trump Hotel in Washington DC, taking maskless selfies with supporters. 

November 30: Giuliani is in Phoenix, Arizona, for a hearing held at the Hyatt Regency hotel to outline his claims about election fraud. The session lasts 11 hours. Jenna Ellis said that Giuliani tested negative before this trip.

December 1: Giuliani remained in Arizona, and visited the state capitol where he met with several additional lawmakers. 

December 2: Giuliani is in Lansing, Michigan, for a three-hour hearing inside a state building. During the hearing he asks Jessy Jacob to remove her mask to testify, but she refuses.

December 3: Giuliani is in Atlanta, Georgia, at a session inside the state capitol. Without wearing a mask, he hugs people and takes selfies. 

December 6: Giuliani appears on Fox News in the morning, and by 3pm Donald Trump confirms his positive COVID test. He is in hospital in Washington DC in the evening. The Arizona state legislature announces it will be closed for the next two weeks after many of their members were exposed. 


He had spent the days leading up to his diagnosis hugging supporters and spending hours inside hearings held indoors across the nation, leading to fears that he could have infected hundreds of people.

Ellis said that Giuliani tested negative twice before the November 30 trip to Arizona, but it remains unclear when Giuliani officially tested positive or when he was exposed. 

The average incubation period ranges from two to 14 days, the CDC says. 

Giuliani’s exact condition was unknown, but at 6pm on Sunday evening he tweeted his thanks to a well-wisher, who urged Americans to pray for him.  

On Sunday night his son Andrew thanked the public for their support, and said his father was resting.  

‘My Dad is resting, getting great care and feeling well. Thank you to all the friends who have reached out concerned about his well being,’ he said.   

Despite Ellis’s attempt to provide clarity, and her urging that the Arizona legislature reopen, questions were being asked as to when Giuliani was diagnosed, and how he felt it safe to continue traveling across the U.S. despite so many people in his close circle testing positive.

The former mayor of New York City is just the latest person in Trump’s circle to test positive for COVID-19, after Trump, the first lady, and Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tested positive.  

According to NBC News, Giuliani is the 53rd member of the administration, campaign or contact to test positive since Trump, Melania Trump, and Hope Hicks tested positive October 1 and October 2.   

Giuliani’s procession through the country was with scant attention to CDC guidelines.    

He has traveled making Trump’s case that the election was ‘rigged’ and that that it was ‘stolen’ – even making the trip to Pennsylvania hours after a member of his legal team announced he had tested positive.

He has appeared both at legislative hearings and at unofficial Republican-run quasi-hearings where witnesses claimed massive fraud, even as judges have tossed out dozens of lawsuits. 

He has regularly appeared unmasked at the indoor events, despite numerous close calls and Centers for Disease Control recommendations. 

In Atlanta on Thursday the 76-year-old was hugging people and posing for selfies, without anyone wearing face masks.

The hearing lasted for several hours, with people packed in close quarters.  

Jen Jordan, a Democrat senator in Georgia’s state legislature who attended Thursday’s hearing, expressed outrage after learning of Giuliani’s diagnosis.

‘Little did I know that most credible death threat that I encountered last week was Trump’s own lawyer,’ Jordan tweeted. 

‘Giuliani — maskless, in packed hearing room for 7 hours. To say I am livid would be too kind.’ 

On Wednesday, in Lansing, Michigan, Giuliani objected to one of his witnesses, Jessy Jacob, wearing a face mask.

Jacob, a furloughed Detroit worker who was temporarily assigned to the city clerk’s office, was the first witness called by Giuliani. 

‘I don’t want you to do this if you feel uncomfortable, but would you be comfortable taking your mask off, so we can hear you more clearly?’ Giuliani asked Jacob.

Looking hesitant, she asked the panel: ‘Can you hear me?’

When numerous people replied that they could, Jacob kept her mask on.

Giuliani shrugged and said: ‘OK.’ 

He then held court for around three hours, inside the packed room. 

The weeks before, Giuliani has maintained a similarly hectic schedule.  

On November 19 Giuliani held a memorable press conference at the Republican National Committee headquarters in Washington DC.

With hair dye dripping down his face, Giuliani, flanked by Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis – they termed themselves Trump’s ‘elite strike-force’ – explained how he planned to contest the election to the packed room.  

He could be seen maskless, blowing his nose, and wiping his handkerchief on his forehead while jammed in with other members of the legal team and reporters seated close by.

Giuliani’s son, Andrew, 34, who works in the White House, announced a positive test after attending the press conference, as did Giuliani’s communications director Christianne Allen. 

Six days after that event, on November 25, Boris Epshteyn, a lawyer and former campaign and White House official who is part of the effort and who appeared there, announced he had tested positive. 

Despite the news, Jenna Ellis tweeted that she was ‘Headed to Gettysburg, PA with @RudyGiuliani’ for the election hearing-style event. 

Ellis tweeted that both she and Giuliani had tested negative, and that the ‘entire legal team will continue to follow the advice and protocols of our doctors.’ 

She said on Sunday night that Giuliani had tested negative before their November 30 visit to Arizona. 

She did not specify when his most recent negative test was. 

‘Giuliani has not just exposed himself and caught COVID, but he has potentially exposed hundreds and hundreds of Trump supporters to the virus,’ said Dr Megan Ranney, an emergency doctor at Brown University in Rhode Island.

She told CNN: ‘His irresponsible actions have potentially put others at risk as well.’

Giuliani was in Atlanta on Thursday where he was greeted by supporters and well-wishers

Giuliani was in Atlanta on Thursday where he was greeted by supporters and well-wishers

Giuliani was in Atlanta on Thursday where he was greeted by supporters and well-wishers

Giuliani on Thursday poses with supporters in Atlanta during a break from his election fraud hearing

Giuliani on Thursday poses with supporters in Atlanta during a break from his election fraud hearing

Giuliani on Thursday poses with supporters in Atlanta during a break from his election fraud hearing

Giuliani on Thursday was seen hugging an acquaintance inside the Georgia state legislature

Giuliani on Thursday was seen hugging an acquaintance inside the Georgia state legislature

Giuliani on Thursday was seen hugging an acquaintance inside the Georgia state legislature

What will Giuliani’s treatment be?

It is not yet known whether Giuliani has required oxygen, like Trump, but the fact that he is in hospital suggests a significant level of concern about his condition.

He is 76 and a lifelong cigar smoker, who enjoys the odd drink, and is visibly out of shape and overweight.

It is safe to say that no expense will be spared in Giuliani’s treatment. 

Trump was given Remdesivir, an intravenous drug that works by targeting the system coronaviruses use to replicate themselves. 

He also received a single 8-gram dose of Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody cocktail, called REGN-COV2, the highest dose of the drug being tested in late-stage clinical trials.

Trump was taken to hospital the evening of his positive test and at Walter Reed was given the steroid dexamethasone.

He was also given the common supplements zinc and vitamin D, plus Pepcid and melatonin, which is believed to help patients with COVID and obesity, such as Trump. 


Given his decades of cigar smoking and his being visibly overweight and unfit, doctors are likely to be taking every precaution with his health.

It was not known what treatment he was being given, and whether, like his boss Donald Trump – two years younger, but also out of shape – he had required oxygen. 

On the day of his own positive test, October 2, Trump was given Remdesivir, an intravenous drug that works by targeting the system coronaviruses use to replicate themselves. 

He also received a single 8-gram dose of Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody cocktail, called REGN-COV2, the highest dose of the drug being tested in late-stage clinical trials.

Trump was taken to hospital that evening and at Walter Reed was given the steroid dexamethasone.

He was also given the common supplements zinc and vitamin D, plus Pepcid and melatonin, which is believed to help patients with COVID and obesity, such as Trump. 

Much of Trump’s treatment was kept quiet, with his doctor Sean Conley tying himself in knots to avoid giving precise details of how the president was being treated. Eventually, though, a clearer picture emerged.  

Giuliani’s condition was unknown, but he tweeted his thanks to a well-wisher, who urged Americans to pray for Giuliani.

‘Will you pray with me tonight for Rudy America?’ tweeted Matt Couch, in comments retweeted by Trump. 

‘The power of prayer in numbers is staggering! Lord please put your hedge of protection around Rudy Giuliani tonight. We know that you are a healing God! Please lift Rudy up & get him back quickly fighting for our Republic Oh Lord!’

Giuliani tweeted: ‘Thank you, Matt!’   

Trump announced Giuliani’s diagnosis on Sunday afternoon. 

‘@RudyGiuliani, by far the greatest mayor in the history of NYC, and who has been working tirelessly exposing the most corrupt election (by far!) in the history of the USA, has tested positive for the China Virus. Get better soon Rudy, we will carry on!!!’ Trump tweeted. 

It was not immediately clear why the president tweeted out the news rather than Giuliani himself. 

Giuliani did not tweet until several hours later on Sunday.    

On Wednesday Giuliani asked Jessy Jacob, in Lansing, Michigan, to remove her face mask. She declined.

On Wednesday Giuliani asked Jessy Jacob, in Lansing, Michigan, to remove her face mask. She declined.

On Wednesday Giuliani asked Jessy Jacob, in Lansing, Michigan, to remove her face mask. She declined.

Giuliani was pictured celebrating Thanksgiving - November 26 - at Trump's hotel in DC, and ignoring social distancing rules

Giuliani was pictured celebrating Thanksgiving - November 26 - at Trump's hotel in DC, and ignoring social distancing rules

Giuliani was pictured celebrating Thanksgiving – November 26 – at Trump’s hotel in DC, and ignoring social distancing rules

GET WELL SOON!  President Trump broke the news of Giuliani's test results in a tweet where he touted his work 'exposing the most corrupt election' in history

GET WELL SOON!  President Trump broke the news of Giuliani's test results in a tweet where he touted his work 'exposing the most corrupt election' in history

GET WELL SOON!  President Trump broke the news of Giuliani’s test results in a tweet where he touted his work ‘exposing the most corrupt election’ in history

Giuliani took charge of the legal effort after former Trump deputy campaign manager David Bossie himself testified positive shortly after being named.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, another top campaign advisor, also tested positive in recent months, as have a substantial portion of Trump’s inner circle.

Giuliani attended debate prep along with former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Trump shortly before Christie tested positive for the virus. 

He was one of multiple officials at the event marking the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett that soon became known as a superspreader event.

Giuliani led the battle for Trump to try to get judges or state legislatures to turn back results in an election where he trails President-elect Joe Biden by more than seven million votes.  

Giuliani appears regularly on Fox to make claims of voter fraud - most recently on the day his test was confirmed

Giuliani appears regularly on Fox to make claims of voter fraud - most recently on the day his test was confirmed

Giuliani appears regularly on Fox to make claims of voter fraud – most recently on the day his test was confirmed 

Giuliani could be seen sweating as apparent hair dye dripped during a Nov. 19 presser at RNC headquarters

Giuliani could be seen sweating as apparent hair dye dripped during a Nov. 19 presser at RNC headquarters

Giuliani could be seen sweating as apparent hair dye dripped during a Nov. 19 presser at RNC headquarters

Giuliani's electoral challenge began with an infamous outdoor press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on November 7, shortly after the elections

Giuliani's electoral challenge began with an infamous outdoor press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on November 7, shortly after the elections

Giuliani’s electoral challenge began with an infamous outdoor press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping company in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on November 7, shortly after the elections

Giuliani is pictured with his son, Andrew, who announced last month he tested positive but was experiencing mild symptoms

Giuliani is pictured with his son, Andrew, who announced last month he tested positive but was experiencing mild symptoms

Giuliani is pictured with his son, Andrew, who announced last month he tested positive but was experiencing mild symptoms

In this file photo taken on October 05, Trump takes off his face mask as he arrives at the White House upon his return from Walter Reed Medical Center, where he underwent treatment for COVID-19

In this file photo taken on October 05, Trump takes off his face mask as he arrives at the White House upon his return from Walter Reed Medical Center, where he underwent treatment for COVID-19

In this file photo taken on October 05, Trump takes off his face mask as he arrives at the White House upon his return from Walter Reed Medical Center, where he underwent treatment for COVID-19

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows tested positive for the virus last month

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows tested positive for the virus last month

White House chief of staff Mark Meadows tested positive for the virus last month

Giuliani has been touting ‘bombshell’ video evidence purporting to show voting fraud in Georgia, although the Republican secretary of state’s office has said it amounts to nothing.

Last week it was revealed the star witness in Trump’s ‘voter fraud’ case in Michigan was recently released from probation after being accused of sending her fiance’s ex-wife pornographic videos and then attempting to frame her of stealing them, according to reports.

Mellissa Carone, 33, was sentenced to 12 months probation for the offense in Wayne County, Michigan, in September 2019.   

Giuliani’s colleague in the legal fight, Jenna Ellis, 36, lacks the years of experience as a federal prosecutor, mayor, political candidate, and private lawyer – although Giuliani himself had not argued a case in court in years when he appeared before a federal judge in Pennsylvania last month.

If Giuliani were to be sidelined while in isolation or dealing with the virus, Ellis could take up more of the work – although she was recently revealed in profiles to have worked traffic court and fired as a prosecutor. 

Profiles by the The New York Times and Wall Street Journal failed to fine any court records to back up her claim to be a ‘constitutional lawyer’ even as Trump and Giuliani talk up the prospect of getting a case to the Supreme Court.   

Giuliani’s legal efforts have won him regular praise from the president – but also some severe admonishments from trial judges and some of the election officials he has challenged.

Georgia’s Lt. Gov. on Sunday blasted the ‘mountains of misinformation’ in election fraud claims, hours after Trump came to Georgia to claim the election was ‘rigged.’ 

‘I worry that this continues, you know, fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the Jan. 5 runoff,’ Georgia’s Lt. Gov.  Geoff Duncan told CNN’s ‘State of the Union.’  

‘The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process – they’re only hurting it,’ he said.

Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie is pictured with Giuliani and Trump. All three men have now tested positive for COVID, and all three have needed hospital care. Giuliani flew on Air Force One to the first presidential debate in Cleveland

Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie is pictured with Giuliani and Trump. All three men have now tested positive for COVID, and all three have needed hospital care. Giuliani flew on Air Force One to the first presidential debate in Cleveland

Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie is pictured with Giuliani and Trump. All three men have now tested positive for COVID, and all three have needed hospital care. Giuliani flew on Air Force One to the first presidential debate in Cleveland

Giuliani was seen hugging and greeting people in Georgia on Thursday, three days before his positive test was announced

Giuliani was seen hugging and greeting people in Georgia on Thursday, three days before his positive test was announced

Giuliani was seen hugging and greeting people in Georgia on Thursday, three days before his positive test was announced

Giuliani took part in an interview on Fox News Sunday morning. He reportedly appeared remotely from his hotel room

Giuliani took part in an interview on Fox News Sunday morning. He reportedly appeared remotely from his hotel room

Giuliani took part in an interview on Fox News Sunday morning. He reportedly appeared remotely from his hotel room

Giuliani and his fellow lawyer Jenna Ellis are seen inside Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta during an election hearing Thursday

Giuliani and his fellow lawyer Jenna Ellis are seen inside Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta during an election hearing Thursday

Giuliani and his fellow lawyer Jenna Ellis are seen inside Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta during an election hearing Thursday

Giuliani sometimes seemed as if he had some special power making him immune from the virus. 

He traveled with the president on Air Force One to the first presidential debate in Cleveland amid what was an unfolding spreader event at the White House.

The president, Christie, First Lady Melania Trump, and others had already tested positive. 

Giuliani’s test results come as the president’s case enters a critical period – although he is already facing long odds of seeking to overturn the election results, where Joe Biden won 7 million more votes and has a 306 to 323 lead in the Electoral College.

The Electoral College meets December 15. Congress meets January 6 in special session to count the votes. Inauguration Day is January 20.

He has had almost no victories. The Trump campaign and allies filing suits in battleground states where he lost have lost or had 46 cases dismissed since the election, according to Democratic lawyer Marc Elias, who gleefully keeps track.      

Ellis in her own tweet Sunday combined prayers for Giuliani’s health with reference to the legal battle to overturn election results.

‘Prayers for Mayor @RudyGiuliani,’ she wrote. ‘He is a tough warrior! The Trump Legal Team will continue our important work to fight for election integrity! We have a great team, along with able local counsel in each state. Our work won’t be affected and we press on. #CountAllLegalVotes.’


Ellis said she and Giuliani tested negative November 20, but it remained unclear when Giuliani's positive test was confirmed

Ellis said she and Giuliani tested negative November 20, but it remained unclear when Giuliani's positive test was confirmed

Ellis said she and Giuliani tested negative November 20, but it remained unclear when Giuliani’s positive test was confirmed 

Giuliani took part in an interview on Fox News Sunday morning with host Maria Bartiromo. A Fox source said he conducted the interview from a remote satellite truck provided by a vendor.

He appeared in typical form, and did not look short of breath. He accused Democrats of plotting to steal the election in cities known for ‘a lot corruption’ where the courts are ‘not exactly the fairest.’ 

‘I have no idea who was in charge of it,’ he said of the conspiracy he laid out. 

He called it a ‘very well executed situation.’ 

The extraordinary spread in Trump’s orbit underscores the cavalier approach the president has taken to a virus that has now killed more than 280,000 people in the U.S. alone.

Those infected also include the White House press secretary and advisers Hope Hicks and Stephen Miller, as well as Trump’s campaign manager and the chair of the Republican National Committee.

Trump spent the waning days of his campaign trying to persuade the American public that the virus was receding, and repeatedly claimed it would miraculously ‘disappear’ after November 3. 

Instead, the country is experiencing a record-breaking spike in infections.

The president gave the mounting coronavirus death toll scant attention at a Saturday evening rally in Valdosta, Georgia, where he campaigned on behalf of Republican Sens. Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue ahead of next month’s runoff election there. Most people who attended the outdoor rally did not wear masks.

White House coronavirus task force coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx on Sunday offered tacit criticism of Trump’s attitude on the virus during an interview on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press.’

Asked about Trump and other administration members flouting public health experts’ warnings to avoid large gatherings and calls to wear masks, Birx replied that some leaders are ‘parroting’ myths and called the pandemic ‘the worst event that this country will face.’

‘And I think our job is to constantly say those are myths, they are wrong and you can see the evidence-base,’ Birx added.

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