US buys 100 million more doses of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine

South Carolina announced that it had its highest number of new cases of Covid-19 on Friday.  

“One week ago, today, South Carolina announced its highest number of new cases of Covid-19. Today, we eclipse that number by more than 700,” South Carolina’s Department of Health and Environmental Control wrote in a news release on Friday afternoon.   

South Carolina announced a total of 3,217 confirmed and probable cases of Covid-19 on Friday and 47 additional deaths, bringing the statewide total to 4,673 deaths and 245,200 cases.   

“South Carolina, like many other states, is currently experiencing a worsening of this pandemic,” said Dr. Brannon Traxler, DHEC Interim Public Health Director. “While the arriving vaccine is the light at the end of the tunnel, it will be months before there is enough vaccine available for everyone. It is incumbent upon all of us to continue to take actions aimed at saving lives.” 

South Carolina health officials are urging residents to do their part to help take the recommended actions and precautions to slow the spread. 

“No one else should have to die at the hands of this silent killer,” said Dr. Linda Bell, state epidemiologist. “It is within all of our powers to stop Covid-19. As we each wait patiently for our turn to receive the Covid-19 vaccines, let’s keep doing our part by wearing our masks and practicing social distancing.” 


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