California: Hospitalizations at all-time high

Lina Hidalgo, judge of Harris County, Texas, which includes the city of Houston, is advocating for a stay-at-home order in her county as coronavirus cases rise. 

“If we want to get ahead of this, we need a stay-home order. We need to keep it in place until a curve comes down on the other side to 10%, 20% of peak, as other communities have done it, [and] at that point, open more responsibly,” Hidalgo said. “…We know this virus is going to be with us for the long haul and our strategy needs to be long-term as well.” 

Hidalgo, the chief administrator of the county, said that she doesn’t want to shut the economy again, but a patchwork method won’t quell coronavirus in the long run. 

“A long-term solution based on data instead of wishful thinking is what’s going to put our economy in the position to succeed,” Hidalgo told CNN’s Kate Bolduan. 

Texas has more than 200,000 Covid-19 cases, and Harris County has more than 37,000 cases so far. 

Hidalgo said that a mask mandate will not solely bring the number of cases down, which is why she’s looking for a stay-at-home order as well. 

“We can’t just put our head in the sand and hope that somehow it’s going to go differently over here,” she said. 


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