Driver holds ZOOM video call while driving to work

Virtual insanity! Police catch idiot driver holding a ZOOM video call at the wheel on his way to work

  • Driver stopped by police for holding a Zoom call on the way to work in Reading 
  • Officers then discovered he was driving without a full licence or insurance
  • Thames Valley Police’s roads unit said driver was ‘reported’ and the car seized

Police caught an idiot driver in the middle of a Zoom video call while behind the wheel as he made his way to work yesterday.

Officers on patrol in Reading on Tuesday night spotted a vehicle and pulled it over, Thames Valley Police’s roads unit said. 

After spotting him in the middle of a Zoom call during the journey, they carried out background checks on the car.

Officers discovered he was driving on a provisional licence and without any insurance.

Police caught a driver in Reading in the middle of a Zoom conference on his way to work on Tuesday evening

Police caught a driver in Reading in the middle of a Zoom conference on his way to work on Tuesday evening

Police caught a driver in Reading in the middle of a Zoom conference on his way to work on Tuesday evening


Using a hands-free device is currently not illegal under UK law, however drivers can get six penalty points and a £200 fine if you use a hand-held phone when driving. 


Officers seized the vehicle and say they ‘reported,’ the driver.

Using a hands-free device is currently not illegal under UK law, however drivers can get six penalty points and a £200 fine if you use a hand-held phone when driving. 

The police could give you a fixed penalty of £300 and 6 penalty points to people caught driving while uninsured.

Driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence carries a fine of up to £1,000, up to six points on your licence and a possible disqualification.  

TVP Roads Policing tweeted: ‘Driver stopped tonight in Reading whilst he was on the way to work and having a Zoom video call with others during the journey.

‘Further checks showed he only had a provisional licence and no insurance. Car seized and driver reported.’

Locals expressed their shock at the stupidity of the driver.

Nigel Ponting said: ‘Just when you think you’ve heard everything. 

‘God help us. Great job guys stopping this idiot.’ 

Another said: ‘Beyond belief what you must come across. But that’s what makes the job interesting I suppose.’

MailOnline has approached Thames Valley Police for a comment. 



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