Rise in vaccinations and fall in case rates motivated updated guidance, CDC director says

Ed Jones/AFP/Getty Images
Ed Jones/AFP/Getty Images

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is issuing new guidance on outdoor mask use for fully vaccinated Americans.

Fully vaccinated people can unmask outdoors if they are walking, running, hiking or biking alone or with members of their household. 

The fully vaccinated can also go mask free while dining at an outdoor restaurant with friends from multiple households. 

The new outdoor mask recommendations were announced Tuesday by CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky during a White House Covid-19 briefing.

They can also take off their masks at small outdoor gatherings with fully vaccinated family and friends, or where there is a mixture of fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people. 

In addition to continuing to avoid large-sized gatherings, the CDC said fully vaccinated people should also avoid medium-sized gatherings. For the fully vaccinated who do chose to attend a crowded outdoor event, such as a live performance, parade, or sporting event, wearing a mask is recommended. 

Masks should also still be worn in outdoor public settings and venues where they are required

In indoor public spaces, such as a mall, movie theatre or museum, the CDC continues to recommend wearing a mask.

In addition, the CDC said fully vaccinated Americans who live or work in a group setting, such as a group home or dormitory, no longer need to stay away from others for 14 days if they are around someone who has Covid-19. They should still get tested, even if they don’t have symptoms.



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